Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 476: Mutated Star Fruit Tree

Seeing Chen Fenglie's a little annoyed look, Lin Zhen couldn't help feeling a little funny.

"Brother Chen, it's not like this, let's slowly say, OK, or if you come to my house, I will let Yue'er make some dishes, and let's drink and talk?"

Chen Fenglie was obviously moved: "Go to your house... it's okay. Not everyone has a chance to taste the craftsmanship of Su Damei, well, I'll be over later."

After speaking, he immediately withdrew from the dimension universe.

Lin Zhen smiled and closed his eyes to feel the warmth and tranquility of the wrinkles.

About ten minutes later, Chen Fenglie arrived.

It just so happened that Su Mingyue and An Ning finished their practice. Seeing Chen Fenglie's arrival, Lin Zhen said to Su Mingyue, who is more interested in cooking, "Yue'er, Brother Chen is here. Get two small dishes for us to drink. Remember to order more. meat."

"Well, I know, you are all meatless and unhappy."

Su Mingyue greeted Chen Fenglie, and then went out to prepare.

After a while, a fried tuna from Blue Bay Star, a plate of roasted wild beef, a pot of steamed crabs, plus a stewed ground dragon tail, all four dishes are meat.

"Come to Old Brother Chen, this is Baihua Niang, our family's original creation of Linger, the characteristics of the elves, it is unique in the entire universe, you drink it as your blessing."

Pour the wine, ate a few mouthfuls of food, and the two clinked glasses to a toast. Chen Fenglie couldn't help sighing: "Lin Zhen, your kid is really corrupt. There are so many superb beauties every day, and I eat a lot of things. I haven't heard of it. There are not millions of people who can't afford this meal."

"Haha~! Let's not talk about money when we are together, brothers, as for beautiful women...who makes us attractive?"

"Okay, don't be angry with me anymore, I'm here this time to talk business with you."

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter? See you making it so embarrassing."

"You have to blame you for this. Don't you let the masters slaughter mutant beasts."

"Yeah, this is also to allow Earth Martial Artists to quickly cultivate and grow. You have also seen that now the whole people are basically practicing martial arts, and they have made great progress. Walking on the street, just calling a grandma and grandpa are all warriors."

Chen Fenglie nodded: "That's right, but the mutant beast also got breathing space and a chance to grow. Do you know how I did it this time?"

"what happened?"

"I went to the Star Fruit Tree, and I was beaten by mutant insects there and almost died in it."

"Star Fruit Tree!"

Lin Zhen was stunned for a moment. He hasn't gone back since he left, but there should be repulsive forces below the **** of war. It is the training camp of the gods. Only people below the battle can enter. Chen Fenglie is in the satellite period. , How could it be possible to go to Star Fruit Tree?

Seeing Lin Zhen’s misgivings, Chen Fenglie said: “At the first glance, you’re aloof and don’t ask about the world. The God Generals training camp has been canceled for several years. At the beginning of the battle against Tianwai Civilization, Guo Mo and the others were killed. The star fruit tree is thus deserted and there is no external force to enter. The unique environment there allows the mutated insects to mutate again, and the star fruit tree grows uncontrollably, which is no longer what the gods training camp looked like."

Chen Fenglie took a sip of wine: "It's not suitable for experience at all, not to mention the warlords, even the star realm is not good. You will know the way you look at me. I can't play there at all. It is estimated that except you on earth He Yan Qiye, no one can survive there anymore."

"So powerful?"

"No, and the insects of the star fruit trees are starting to leave the trees. The base city of the capital has been hit several times. I went there for this matter. Now I can't figure it out. You lord can't just sit back and watch."

Lin Zhen nodded solemnly: "If this is the case, of course I can't leave it alone. After we finish our meal, we will immediately go to see the Star Fruit Tree."

"Okay~! I'm relieved with your words, then I'm going to start, you eat these things every day, don't grab them with me today."

After finishing speaking, Chen Fenglie immediately ate a lot of special food, sweeping away all the dishes and wine on this table like a wind.

"Uh~! It's so delicious, I have eaten your food, and I have nothing to taste."

"Then come and find me a drink at the bar when you have time, let's do business first."

The two cleared up and got up, Anning walked over: "Are you going out again?"

"Hehe, my wife, don't worry, I just went to see the star fruit tree with Brother Chen, and I won't leave the earth for the time being."

Without leaving home, he boarded the spacecraft in the yard and rose into the air. Three minutes later, he had reached the outskirts of the base city of Beijing.

"Look, that's the star fruit tree, you can't recognize it anymore."

Looking down from the spacecraft, the star fruit tree is about to grow out of the atmosphere. The canopy is a few hundred miles away, and the edge is not visible at a glance. It is a green ocean.

"Growing up so much?"

"Yeah, you can't see anything outside, it's wonderful inside."

"Then let's go down and have a look."

When the Constant Crystal spacecraft landed, Lin Zhen stepped off the spacecraft and looked up at this giant, feeling a powerful life force rushing toward his face.

"It's so full of vitality, this fruit tree is really extraordinary."

"I also deliberately researched that this fruit tree is a star alien species, also called the world tree. If it is not controlled, it can even grow indefinitely. If it grows for a few hundred years, it may absorb the nutrients of the entire earth. Up."

"Will it be so serious?"

"It's not wrong at all. When it absorbs all the nutrients from the earth, our home will be ruined. Lin Zhen, this time we must completely solve this."

Lin Zhen nodded, and the two of them walked to the star fruit tree and came under the tree. As expected, they couldn't feel the repulsive force.

"It's really gone. At first, the God of War level couldn't stay here for a long time. It's really different."

Before Lin Zhen's voice fell, Chen Fenglie suddenly yelled, "Be careful~!"

A green shadow came over, Lin Zhen shook his hand, the yin and yang spear slammed quickly!


With a terrible cry, blood splashed, and a huge unknown insect fell on the ground and whirled wildly.

Lin Zhen stabbed it out several times in a row, completely killing this tenacious insect.

"This is an ordinary leaf worm, it has such a strong power! I feel that the strength of its previous blow is about to catch up with the warrior of the week."

Chen Fenglie next to him looked at Lin Zhen with a shocked expression: "Brother, your strength is too strong. If you attack in a hurry, you will kill this kind of bug. I solved them but it took the boss's effort. ."

"Is there anything better than this?"

"More than that, Jane is everywhere. This kind of bugs are only the lowest level among the star fruit trees. Those high-level ones can't come out in the depths of the trees. If they come out, we don't want peace on the earth."

"In that case, don't stay here, Brother Chen, and leave it to me to deal with."

"Then I will wait for you here. The Dimensional Universe can also be connected here now. Even if you tell me what you have, I will not feel at ease. If something happens to you, I can't go to your house and explain it to my younger siblings. "

Lin Zhen nodded, leaving Chen Fenglie under the tree, and then started climbing alone along the wooden ladder.

Lin Zhen even remembered that the place where he had fought with Yue Zhenhua at the beginning, and further up, there were layers of platforms, and Su Mingyue who had met here at the beginning.

Having been on the fifth floor of the platform, just because of the Shuxin Lake appeared in front of him.

But after boarding the platform, there are densely packed insects.

Flying ladybugs, strong beetles, swift praying mantises, arranging spiders...

Moreover, the power of these insects is surprisingly large, and it is simply not something ordinary warriors can contend.

"Some of them played this time."

Lin Zhen's clone appeared beside the main body, swinging his spears, and resolutely entered the insect swarm.

In Lin Zhen's opinion, even if these insects are strong, they can't be his opponents, but only when they really start to know that the insects are not only strong, but also enough.

There are almost no kills!

For a whole day, Lin Zhen pushed forward from the platform to the shore of Shuxin Lake, killing insects everywhere.

There were so many insects that made people feel desperate, and Lin Zhen had to quit and rest.

This kind of high-intensity battle is a great test for the martial artist's physiology and psychology. If it is a warrior with a slightly weaker willpower, he will despair and lose confidence when looking at the dense But Lin Zhen wouldn't, neither his willpower nor his sense of responsibility would let him do this.

But fortunately, the strongest insects here are not beyond the sidereal period, and their intelligence is low, and they won't be as difficult as humans.

After resting for three hours, Lin Zhen entered the Star Fruit Tree again. This time it was a little better, and it took another day to advance to the center of Shuxin Lake.

"The stars are crystallized!"

When Lin Zhen was about to withdraw, he saw a light in his eyes.

"That's a satellite crystal! But how does it feel that the aura is so strong, it's so much stronger than before."

When there were not many bugs around, Lin Zhen moved forward quickly and came to the place of the comet crystal by the lake.

The dazzling satellite crystal is like a huge diamond floating quietly on the petals.

"This...this is actually valid for the satellite period!"

Feeling the breath from above, Lin Zhen's eyes stared at the boss in an instant!

The satellite crystals and comet crystals he saw at the time could only be effective for the battle period, but over the years, earth-shaking changes have taken place here. Not only have the fruit trees become much larger, the insects have become stronger, and even the star crystals have become more powerful. Mutation!

Taking off this satellite crystal, Lin Zhen teleported away, and returned to Chen Fenglie's side in a few strokes: "Brother Chen, quickly absorb this!"

Chen Fenglie knew it was a good thing when he got the star crystal.

After a while, Chen Fenglie opened his eyes: "Brother! This thing is so good, it's actually comparable to my practice for almost a month. I've already made a big step on the road to the seventh level of the satellite. If there are a few more, I will We can reach satellite level eight!"

Lin Zhen smiled and nodded: "That's good, I hope there are not too few fruits on this tree."