Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 478: Dark Star advances, his strength skyrocketed!

Within the Dark Star, Lin Zhen had already chosen a location for transplanting.

The crustal movement in the dark star has long since ended, and now three continental plates have been formed. The location he chose is located in the center of the largest continental plate.

There is a small basin where water and soil resources can be used for transplanting.

After the permanent crystal spacecraft entered the dark star, it immediately placed the star fruit tree in the basin.

Those small robots were also brought in by Lin Zhen, and after entering, they began to cultivate the soil.

The moyun vine was entwined on the star fruit tree, and the vine was attached to the tree, which was also transplanted into it.

In the Dark Star World, Lin Zhen is the master, everything here is like his body, which can be clearly understood and observed.

When the Star Fruit Tree and Mo Yun Teng took root in the Dark Star at the same time, something magical happened!

A strong vitality began to spread in the Dark Star World, causing the entire space to oscillate!

"This is.... to be promoted~!"

This is a mysterious power. Although dark stars can also enter lifeforms before, for example, the dwarf Nicole was placed inside by Lin Zhen, but it is an outside life, and dark stars themselves do not have the conditions to breed life. .

But now it's different. With the powerful vitality of the Star Fruit Tree and Mo Yun Teng injected, everything in the Dark Star World has undergone subtle changes.

The water was no longer a stagnant pool, and the air began to warm up.

Sunlight, air, water, soil, these most basic conditions for nurturing life, after the arrival of two huge plants, finally came alive~!

The dark star rings around the dark star all seem to become vivid, and slowly orbit around the dark star.

The dark star itself is also orbiting mysteriously in space, and above the zenith, Lin Zhen's artificial sun is already stable.

The four seasons have begun to change here, and the seasons change.

"Phanerozoic! Finally entered the Phanerozoic!"

When a powerful star force erupted from the dark star space, Lin Zhen knew that his transplanting work this time had an unexpected effect.

The dark star was originally at the peak of the Proterozoic, but this time it finally broke the barrier and entered the Phanerozoic~!

The spread of brand-new and powerful star power has allowed Lin Zhen's strength to reach a new height!

The Phanerozoic of the dark star corresponds to the satellite period of the warrior.

But under the same circumstances, the strength of the dark star's star power is greater than that in the martial artist's Dantian. After all, this is the real world, and the star power contained in it is even more powerful!

Moreover, driven by the two powerful vital forces of the Star Fruit Tree and Moyun Vine, Lin Zhen entered the Phanerozoic Era rapidly. Lin Zhen estimated that when the Dark Star was fully adapted to these two vital forces, he could at least reach the Phanerozoic. The middle of Zhou!

"True and powerful power, the star power of the Phanerozoic universe plus the power of the eighth-level peak of my planet, I really feel at this moment that my strength has risen to a higher level, although it is not enough to reach the point of fighting against the galaxy. But below the galaxy, I almost have a crushing advantage."

After Lin Zhen finished transplanting, he simply meditated in space to adapt to his new strength.

Ten days.

Lin Zhen's practice this time lasted for ten days. Within these ten days, he collected planetary crystals in the star fruit tree, pushing his realm to the ninth level of the planet!

The sidereal period is only one step away.

After the transplanting of the star fruit trees, the gestation speed of the star crystals has further accelerated, and within two months, the number of star crystals will allow Lin Zhen to advance to the sidereal stage.

"Now that Dark Star is promoted, my strength is even higher. Although I am not an opponent in the galaxy stage, I can't escape it. I need to know how big the gap is between me and the strong in the galaxy stage. Only then can I have a goal and move towards it."

Lin Zhen returned home, and now the star fruit tree is in his own hands, like parents and wives, who can have free star crystals available.

Lin Liye and Li Qin only need star core crystals at present, while Anning and Su Mingyue need comet crystals. There are many of these things in star fruit trees.

What Sister Angel and Linger need are satellite crystals, these are people Lin Zhen trusts, and they can also be absorbed by them so that they can enter the territory faster.

Of course, the most is given to the family.

After getting the star crystal, the family's cultivation speed has been greatly improved, and Lin Zhen also started his next plan.

Enter the simulation field again!

"Chrissy, can the realistic venue simulate the opponent in the galaxy period?"

"Yes, master, as long as you are willing to pay enough money, not to mention the galaxy period, even the realm king masters of the astral period can simulate it, but I don’t recommend you to do that, because such a comparison is meaningless. Can be a waste of money."

"Of course I will not recklessly challenge the realm king now. What I have to face now is the enemy of the galaxy period, and I can only simulate the galaxy period."

"Okay, the masters of the simulating galaxy period charge in the unit of minute. The first level of the galaxy period is 1 million three thousand dollars per minute, the second level is 2 million, the third level is 3 million, and the fourth level is 10 million. , Because the fourth level belongs to the middle of the galaxy."

"The price is not low, but it is acceptable to me. Let's simulate it for a minute. The galaxy level is good."

"Received, please be prepared, the simulation is in progress..."

Lin Zhen entered the simulation site, which was a desert of yellow sand.

In the air ahead, a figure appeared.

This person was vaguely unable to see his face, but the powerful power radiating from him made Lin Zhen extremely frightened.

Lin Zhen faced a godsend when he rushed out of the World Stone. Lin Zhen's powerful strength is still unforgettable, but he can't compare with the person before him.

After all, Godsend had just broken through and was not stable yet, and what was in front of him was the real galactic powerhouse.

This person had just appeared, brandishing a long knife in his hand, and an aura of destruction erupted, and the light of the knife was shining, and he immediately arrived in front of Lin Zhen!


The star power of the peak of the week, plus the power of the dark star of the Phanerozoic, exploded at the same time, with the yin and yang spear in his hand, resisting this unprecedented blow~!

Boom~~! !

At this moment, Lin really felt that it was as if a mountain was smashed head-on, and the opponent's power was almost unstoppable. Now he could not tell whether it was the virtual environment or the real world. In order to survive in order to live, his potential was also at this moment. Inspired!

The bones of the body have withstood a huge test at this moment, and the two forces formed a brief stalemate on top of Lin Zhen's head~!

Three seconds~!

Five seconds~! !

Seven seconds later, when the sword fell, Lin Zhen was beheaded!

When his mind returned to the dimensional universe, Lin Zhen stood there blankly, without moving for a long time.

"Master, what are you doing, Master?" Chrissy urged repeatedly.

After a few minutes, Lin Zhen let out a long breath, with a look of joy on his face.

"At the first level of the galaxy, it is really strong enough, but...I am not without resistance at all!"

Lin Zhen's Dantian Qi was compressed ten times, and he was originally ten times stronger than the average person. With the same powerful dark star power, although he is not enough to compare with the galaxy stage, he is not without the ability to fight back!

There is a gap, but it is not as far away as heaven and earth!

With this understanding, Lin Zhen's original worries about the future were immediately wiped out.

There are still more than four months before Searank will arrive, and Lin really still has a chance.

Recalling the scene of the battle with the galaxy phase just now, Lin Zhen has already felt the strength of the opponent's star power. Next, he has to fight for a longer time in the immersive field to accumulate experience in combat with the galaxy phase.

Although it didn't last for a minute, it still cost 1 million Sanjiang coins.

Lin Zhen turned it on again for a minute, before entering the simulation field again.

The same person who was just now in the field just now has the same irresistible cut.

But Lin Zhen had been prepared, and made a dodge action as soon as he entered.

Because of the pre-judgment, Lin Zhen actually avoided this knife!

After evading the knife, Lin Zhen immediately rushed towards his opponent, trying to issue a counterattack, but the man was still advancing, so the second knife came!

After another brief stalemate, Lin Zhen was eliminated again, this time in eight seconds.

"The speed of the knife is so fast, I don't have time to Is this the speed of the strong man in the galaxy period? It really can't compare with the sidereal period and the black hole period."

Summarizing experience and lessons, Lin Zhen entered the simulation field for the third time.

This time, Lin Zhen still didn't avoid the second knife, but after he was mentally prepared, the initial fear of the galaxy phase had completely disappeared. Under calmness, Lin Zhen persisted for ten seconds.

For the fourth time, I still insisted on ten seconds.

The fifth time, with a small mistake, he was eliminated in four seconds.


On the eighteenth time, Lin Zhen persisted for fifteen seconds, but still had no chance to attack his opponent, or even a chance for a mental shock.

A whole day passed, Lin Zhen spent nearly one billion Sanjiang coins to play the virtual scene, and the best time he lasted for 22 seconds, although there was still no chance to fight back, it was already a lot of progress.

Lin Zhen was not discouraged at all, and was very happy. Only with a wealth of experience in battle can he make faster progress.

The next day, Lin Zhen persisted for twenty-five seconds!

On the third day, he successfully adhered to the thirty-second mark.

On the tenth day, Lin Zhen made a historic breakthrough, persisted for forty seconds, and fired a shot during the battle, which made the strongest in the galaxy period have to dodge a shot!

"What I lack now is experience. Every galaxy powerhouse has been fought through countless years and countless battles. As for star power, although there is a big gap, I still have the opportunity to improve."

"With the accumulation of experience, few people will spend more than a billion yuan a day to play realistic games like me. This is my advantage."

After successfully fighting back against the galaxy stage, Lin Zhen's confidence skyrocketed, and he also let him know that as long as he tactics properly, the galaxy stage is not unreasonable!