Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 434: wedding

The Blue Bay Star incident was the beginning of the unification of Lin Zhen's territory. Seeing that the Blue Bay Star had been conquered by Lin Zhen, the other life planets in the Sun's domain also returned. The process was extremely smooth.

After getting a lot of income, all jobs on the earth are on track.

There is no need for Lin Zhen to pay for it himself, the interstellar route will start to open, and the sun will be open to navigation.

The people on earth began to truly walk out of the solar system and into the vast interstellar space.

It wasn't until this time that Lin Zhen had fulfilled the wish of his previous life.

The people on earth are no longer sold into the slave market like pigs and sheep, but have truly obtained human rights, and the future is bright.

After letting go of his previous life, Lin Zhen held the wedding in a low-key manner.

Lin Zhen's wedding was just to entertain some acquaintances and guests, and did not notify the other planets in the sun, even most people on earth only learned about Lin Zhen's marriage later.

"Master, you look so handsome in this suit!"

Lin Zhen looked at the huge floor-to-ceiling mirror. In the mirror, he was dressed in a beautiful white suit with a Chinese-style groom flower on his chest. His hair was taken care of to the back of his head, revealing a handsome face. Handsome guy with high spirits.

"Hehe! Is it okay?" Lin Zhen asked back.

A large group of people stood behind him, most of them were pirates, and of course there were some good friends on earth, from the people Zhao Liang he made when he first entered the Gale Martial Arts Hall to the Yan Qiye they later met. There are all kinds of them, but they have a common identity, that is, Lin Zhen's friend.

"Okay! Too great!"

"Just one word for handsome, I only say it once!"

"I was originally the pinnacle of human beings. I didn't expect Lin Zhen you to be so handsome than me. This is simply against the sky!"

Lin Zhen laughed, and did not believe the flattery of these friends, but instead faced Zi Qianxia next to him: "Qianxia, ​​what do you think?"

Purple Qianxia fixedly looked at Lin Zhen for a while, then gently raised his hand and sorted out the broken hair on Lin Zhen's forehead.

The delicate touch lightly swiped, Zi Qianxia retracted her hand: "It feels much better this time."

The men around him showed envy in their eyes. Lin is really the lord. He has two beautiful wives and a maid who is so powerful and terrifying beside him. This is really a typical life winner.

"Master, it's almost time."

"Okay, let's go, go pick up!"

A group of people walked out of the Sky City. There was a magnificent decorated carriage in front of the door. The animals pulling the carriage were actually two flying horses with wings. This came from a planet called the Unicorn.

Seraph Jason personally acted as the driver of the coach. The six white wings made him look like a god, and bowed respectfully to Lin Zhen.

Lin really got into the carriage, Jason flicked the rein, and the carriage rose into the air.

Behind Lin Zhen, countless star masters all lifted into the air, and his pirate team also wore suits like dogs, holding large and small pallets in their hands, and all kinds of gifts were hit on them. .

The huge family reception group set off, but it did not cause much sensation. Nowadays, many family receptions are done in this way, and Lin Zhen has not announced the news, and the people around him are forbidden to take a walk. Everything will be announced after the wedding.

The unicorn carriage came to the headquarters of Beijing Anshi Group.

Su Mingyue has no parents or family, and stays with An Ning in the An's Group. No one dares to treat Su Mingyue as an outsider. After all, she is Lin Zhen’s wife just like An Ning. Now Lin Zhen is the lord, and they are the lord’s wife. , Who dares to offend.

Besides, An Ning and Su Mingyue are also very close to each other. Whoever wants to do something to instigate and divorce can only be self-defeating.

The people who received the relatives arrived at the door, firecrackers sounded, and the most famous band from Blue Bay Star, the Huaer Band began their performance.

Amidst the flowers and applause, Lin Zhen stepped into the building of the Anshi Group.

On the top floor of the building, his two beautiful brides are waiting for him.

Along the way, Ronnie, Stephen and others around Lin Zhen were responsible for giving red envelopes. Every time they saw a person, they stuffed a big red envelope.

Money is not too much, just one million Tianhe coins!

If you change to earth currency, a red envelope is one billion!

Many of An's employees who got red envelopes are going crazy. If the money is living on the earth, it will last ten lifetimes!

reached the top floor and came to the bride's room, Zhao Xiaoman stopped Lin Zhen from going.

"Hey! Brother Lin, you can't meet your two sisters-in-laws if you don't want me to be satisfied!"

Next to Lin Zhen, Stephen smiled meanly: "Little girl, it's not easy for our boss to satisfy you, but today is his wedding day. I'm afraid it's not good. I think you should wait for nothing tomorrow. ."

"Bah! You pirate dogs just can't spit out ivory!"

Zhao Xiaoman flushed red after being molested, and secretly meowed Lin Zhen, seeing Lin Zhen smiling, he didn't seem to care, he was a little relieved.

Just about to say something, Lin Zhen handed it a big red envelope: "Take it, it's specially prepared for you."

"You don't know how Bo Lin is! What kind of money is this?"

Zhao Xiaoman took out the dozen banknotes, each with a fire unicorn pattern on it, one of them was ten thousand, a total of one million.

Someone beside him exclaimed: "Gosh! This is Kylin Coin, my god! One million Kylin Coins, do you know that you made a fortune, Xiaoman?"

"Ah! How much is Kylin Coin?"

"Isn’t that simple? I’ll calculate it for you. One million Kylin coins are one billion Sanjiang coins, one billion Sanjiang coins are one trillion Tehe coins, and one trillion Tianhe coins are just how much earth currency comes from. Oh! I can’t figure it out."

"One trillion Tianhe coins!"

Zhao Xiaoman stayed for a while, then suddenly turned around and said, "No, I have to exchange this money quickly, haha! I can buy anything I want to buy without my hands and feet!"

Lin Zhen poured cold water on the excited Zhao Xiaoman at this time: "Xiaoman, the Dimensional Universe in the Tianhe Empire does not have the business of exchanging unicorn coins. If you want to exchange it, remember to go to the Sanjiang Star Federation."

"Go to the Sanjiang Star Territory Federation? But my identity is not enough!" Zhao Xiaoman was stunned.

"Then I can't help it, then you can take your one million and watch it every day!"

Lin really smirked and walked over, Zhao Xiaoman was taken aback for a while and almost went crazy.

"Lin Zhen! Why are you giving me so much money that can't be spent? Are you asking me to guard Jinshan and beg for food!"

Ignoring Zhao Xiaoman's wailing like playing with treasures, Lin Zhen gently opened the door.

In the room, accompanied by the angels’ two maids and sisters Angels and Angels, An Ning and Su Mingyue have finished dressing up, wearing white wedding dresses, waiting for Lin Zhen’s arrival.

The fragrance was tangy, and the two wives who were more beautiful than flowers made Lin Zhen's heart beat.

walked slowly to the bed, two space rings inlaid with permanent crystals were put on the hands of the two by Lin Zhen.

"The past few years have been really hard for you. I promise you today that I will always be with you in the future, there is no end!"

The eyes of the two girls were a little red, and they finally waited for this day to be able to be with their beloved man.

Various customs and habits around him also went through, and then Lin Zhen held the two petite brides lightly with one hand and one tall body.

"Let's go, go to the wedding scene!"


Lin Zhen teleported away with the two brides, and all the guests present also teleported away at the same time, all of them were above the star realm, and teleportation was not a problem.

The room full of flowers a second ago was empty in a blink of an eye. If this scene were placed in the A.D. calendar period, it would be very strange.

The wedding scene was in the Lord’s Mansion of Sky City, and the person who presided over the wedding was Gongsun Du.

He is Su Mingyue's master, and he is also Su Mingyue's only maiden family.

Including Lin Zhen's parents, including An Ning's parents, all sat aside, Gongsun Du stood in front of Lin Zhen's trio, prayed slightly, and then said to Lin Zhen.

"Mr. Lin Zhen, would you like to marry these two beautiful young ladies, and love and respect them forever, regardless of wealth, poverty, or disease?"

Lin Zhen smiled and replied: "I am willing, and will always love them and respect them. They will be rich and no poverty, so that they will always be healthy, disease-free, and never give up!"

Gongsun Du was taken aback, and then realized that Lin really could do what he said, and immediately turned to An Ning and Su Mingyue.

"Beautiful Anning and Miss Su Mingyue, are you guys."

"We are willing."

After the questioning, Gongsundu handed over the prepared marriage certificate to them: "The sky of the universe has witnessed your wedding. The sun, the moon and the stars are your matchmakers, and the world is blessing you. Now I announce that you officially become Husband and wife!"

The music sounded again, and Gongsun Du, as Su Mingyue's parent, also went to the parent seat.

Lin Zhen three people toast to several parents, it is considered that they have met their parents officially.

Lin Liye and Li Qin both laughed from ear to ear. No matter how great Lin Zhen's achievements are, in their opinion, it is better to get married and start a business earlier.

Now my wish is finally fulfilled, and both girls have become their daughter-in-laws.

The days when they hug their grandson are not far The presents they prepared long ago were given to the two daughter-in-laws. Although Lin is really rich, this is also the heart of the old man.

The ceremony was all completed, Lin Zhen turned to look at the surrounding crowd.

"I am very happy that everyone can come to my wedding. I have prepared a sumptuous banquet and a variety of novel gadgets for everyone. You can enjoy it as much as you want. I will not accompany you. Next, I will accompany me. Two wives, we have started our honeymoon trip. Well, this is the world of the three of us. We don’t want to be disturbed. Everyone should understand."

"Wow! The boss is mighty!"

"We understand! We understand too much, Shuangfei!"


Lin Zhen smiled and glanced at the howling people. He took his two brides with both hands, teleported directly, and entered the permanent crystal spaceship.

The flowers arranged in the spacecraft are the best things you can find here. The most conspicuous thing is a big and soft bed in the center of the spacecraft.

This bed is enough for ten people to roll on, and all the monitoring equipment on the spacecraft is turned off.

Looking at the two wives, Lin Zhen knew that the best time was waiting for him.

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