Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 435: New journey

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It has been three months since Lord Lin Zhen left the earth.

During this period of time, Lin Zhen took Su Mingyue and An Ning on many planets. Not only had the planets led by the sun basically been there, but also went to other places in the Sanjiang Star Region Federation.

It is really rare that Lin hasn't practiced much, so he concentrates on spending time with his two wives.

An Ning and Su Mingyue also worked tirelessly for Lin Zhen, and finally agreed to sleep with him, which was regarded as fulfilling Lin Zhen's wish.

has a large amount of money in his hand, and life can be enjoyed almost endlessly. An Ning and Su Mingyue's cultivation realm is slowly improving, and they are beginning to move towards Liu Zhou.

Lin really enjoys life here, but the earth is not peaceful.

One day three months later, the galaxy radar scanned an alien subluminal spacecraft, approaching the solar system.

Lin Zhen's clone was still on Earth at this time. After inspection, it was found that the spacecraft came from the Anderson family of the Three Rivers Star Territory Federation.

He immediately commanded the battle. When the spacecraft reached the vicinity of Neptune, he quietly mobilized the fortress satellites and orbital guns and gave the sub-light-speed spacecraft a severe blow!

Old Anderson never dreamed that the solar system was actually equipped with a galaxy defense system. He was attacked by Lin Zhen, the spacecraft was destroyed, and most of the people died together.

He and two early black hole masters, and several stars with ninth-degree injuries survived, but then Lin Zhen counterattacked.

This battle was not easy. Although the opponent had only a few people, three of the black holes were very strong. After a hard fight, Lin Zhen's side was also badly injured, and even Lin Zhen's clone was seriously injured.

And the key to the final battle is still Zi Qianxia.

Purple Qianxia successfully broke through to the galaxy stage in the battle, and finally beheaded Old Anderson, and ended the battle, otherwise I don't know what the result was.

After    killed old Anderson, it also represented the official destruction of the Anderson family.

But Zi Qianxia killed old Anderson, she also chose to leave.

successfully promoted to the galaxy stage, she wants to return to the Andromeda Nebula, looking for opportunities for revenge.

Lin Zhen didn't want to stay, and also gave Zi Shisan and Shiqi freedom to return with Zi Qianxia.

"Lin Zhen, I am lucky to be able to meet you. I think we will meet again."

"I feel the same way, I hope you succeed in revenge!"

Zi Qianxia gently plunged into Lin Zhen's arms and hugged him, then took the two guards aboard the sub-light spacecraft that Lin Zhen had prepared for them, and left the earth.

Lin Zhen told her about the wormhole on Mars, which could make her walk faster.

After watching Zi Qianxia leave, Lin Zhen realized that his current strength was not enough to truly guard the earth.

It's okay to run into a sidereal opponent, but if it comes to a black hole period, Lin Zhen absolutely can't resist it.

And now that Lin Zhen wants to improve his strength, the biggest thing is to strengthen his genetic blood.

"Maybe we should contact the two Hansha."

Early in the morning, Bingcheng base city, the central square of Sky City.

Groups of people are running in the square.

is different from walking or jogging in the A.D. calendar. People who come here to exercise can run very fast!

An old man with a white beard ran wildly, his hair and beard all being left behind by the speed of his running.

stepped on the ground of the Sky City under his feet, and he moved like a leopard.

嗖嗖嗖~~~! ! !

The finish line in front was reached, and the old man stopped slowly, his chest rising and falling slightly.

"Haha! 7.5 seconds, Lao Wang, you lost today. The worst training result in the entire square is you. How can you keep up with the pace of the times at your level?"

Old Wang said angrily: "So what? If it is placed in the A.D. calendar, my one hundred meters and seven seconds is enough to make people all over the world scared to fall."

"Haha! You also know that it's the A.D. calendar. Look at what time is it now? It's the age of space flight. The old Mrs. Li next door ran a hundred meters and six seconds. You can't justify the seven seconds. "

"I know, didn’t I rashly went to the wilderness area to kill mutant beasts the other day and suffered a little injury? Otherwise, Mrs. Li’s speed, how I am better than him, I have recovered in just two days. ."

"Hey! Mr. Lin, why did you leave so early today?"

The uncles and aunts who were exercising around gathered around and looked at Lin Liye, who was packing up and leaving.

Lin Liye, as Lin Zhen’s father, is also a jazz, but he does not have any pretensions. He should exercise every day and what he should do.

When they began to exercise in the Sky City, these ordinary people were still in awe of him, thinking that he was the earth, the solar system, and even the emperor within the light-year range of the sun.

But later they discovered that Lin Liye was a very easygoing person, and gradually became less afraid.

But because of Lin Zhen, everyone still respectfully calls him Mr. Lin.

"Oh, today my son wants his daughter-in-law to come back, I have to go back and have a look." Lin Liye answered the people around him.

"Really? Lord Lord is back?"

"Lord Lord has been away for a few months, right? You are coming back this time, are you holding your grandson?"

"I heard that you might move to Emerald Star, is there such a thing?"

"Should not, the Mars transformation plan has not been completed yet, can the lord go?"

Lin Liye looked at the babbled crowd around him, and smiled bitterly: "My fellow villagers, I really don’t know what you are talking about. The Mars transformation plan is not under my control. You can ask the person in the office. As for moving, I won’t be able to, but you’re right, I might really want to hug my grandson.”

"Really!? Congratulations on how old you are."

"Hey! Tongxi Tongxi, we have a successor to the Sun."

Lin Liye laughed, turned and left the crowd.

He got on something like a suspended motorcycle, which is very popular in major base cities.

drove the flying scooter back home, and immediately heard the laughter from home.

Li Qin complained when Lin Liye came back: "Tell your son and daughter-in-law that he is back. You are still wandering around in the square. I think your heart is a bit wild."

"Where do I are really...oh! Anning really has it?"

"I have it! They are all star realms, so they feel sensitive. I didn't hear that they had it, and they came back immediately."

Lin Liye entered the house, An Ning and Su Mingyue both greeted them.

After a few words, Lin Liye immediately ran out to buy groceries and cook, ready to make up for the pregnant daughter-in-law. As for what to eat, Li Qin arranged.

Lin Zhen sat on the sofa at home and said to An Ning, "Is he a little tired?"

"Fortunately, I feel a little uncomfortable when I travel through parallel universes, maybe there is something in my stomach."

A peaceful and fair face was a little bit of excitement, Su Mingyue touched her belly with her hands from time to time, and she was extremely curious about the fact that there could be a person in it.

"Silly girl, what are you so curious about? Sooner or later you will have this time."

"Sister Anning, is this a boy or a girl?"

"It's not necessarily right now, it will take a while to know that we all have the ability to see the baby every day."

"Hmm...I want a baby too."

"That's not easy. Just let Lin Zhen work hard. You girl with a waist, thin chest and big butt, must be good for health."

"Ah! Sister Anning, keep your voice down..."

Lin Zhen quietly watched the interaction between the two wives, and his heart was full of warmth.

But this sweet moment is coming to an end, because he has decided to leave.

When it was time for dinner, Lin Zhen told everyone that he was about to leave the sun collar during this period and go to the Sanjiang Star Region Federation.

Li Qin said hesitantly: "Don't you wait for Anning to give birth to the baby before leaving? It will only take eight or nine months."

Lin Zhen shook his head: "It's not that I don't want to wait, but I can't wait. I can't afford to wait because there are you behind me."

The atmosphere at the dining table was a bit depressed, but Lin Liye waved his hand at last: "Go, go, remember to contact home in the Dimensional Universe when you have time. Don't have news for too long."

"Don't worry, as soon as I have time, I will definitely contact you in the dimensional universe."

After a meal, Lin Liye and Li Qin went to train, while Lin Zhen spoke with the two wives.

"Lin Zhen, are you going for a long time this time?" An Ning asked.

"The time will definitely not be too short. I am going to join the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance. After joining, it is impossible to leave for a short time. I have already contacted Hansha. He said that there will be a concentration camp in a year. I went to the Fire Kylin Empire. Before I left there, there was no way I could come back."

"You can go with will be fine at home, remember to be safe."

Lin Zhen nodded and agreed, and An Ning pushed him: "Go, you are with you tonight."

After finishing speaking, An Ning got up and left the room, giving them space.

The lights went out and the two lay on the bed.

Su Mingyue put his hand on Lin Zhen's chest: "You must pay attention to take care of yourself, and you must remember that there is telepathy between us. If you have an accident, I will know."

"I understand this very well, and you should cultivate well at home."

The two people looked at each other, their lips suddenly closed.

After a enthusiastic, Su Mingyue powder makeup Yuzhuo's body entangled Lin Zhen.

"Lin Zhen, you are partial. Sister Anning already has a baby, but I don't have one yet. I don't care. I want a baby too."

"Hey! Since Yue'er is so brave, then I will work hard tonight."

" me...ah~~~!!!"


In the early morning of the next day, Lin Zhen's body and clone left the earth together on the Constant Crystal spacecraft and headed to the Sanjiang Star Region Federation.

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