Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 433: Gene power

Seeing Cao Yang's look, Lin Zhen immediately understood.

This is another gene enhancer.

Unlike Anderson's nearly mutant situation, he was successful in strengthening, but the gene fluid he was taking was not a galaxy beast gene.

Among the Enhancers, about half of them took the Genes of the Common Mutant Beast, and half of the remaining people took the Genes of the Beast King.

Among the remaining quarter, another half were low-level galaxy beast genes. Anderson belonged to this level, but it was just a failure.

Then there is the intermediate galaxy gene, and the advanced galaxy gene.

As for the strongest supergalactic beast gene, it is one in a million and even lower.

The current situation of Cao Yang belongs to the battle form of the Beastmaster Gene, and what he is taking should be the gene of a mutant ice centipede.

The centipede has many feet, and the effect on a person is more than one arm.

There were hundreds of hands on Cao Yang's body, and countless weapons smashed over.

In Cao Yang's view, Lin Zhen couldn't resist his move at all. How could one pair of hands compete with his 100 hands!

Lin Zhen held his breath and moved his footwork in a series of plum blossom piles. Just when Cao Yang's attack storm arrived, the Yin and Yang spear slammed out!


A meteor flew from outside the sky, violently facing the opponent's weapon storm!

"Haha! Stupid, how can a single shot contend with my power of a hundred hands, go to death!"

A sneer evoked from the corner of Lin Zhen's mouth, ignoring Cao Yang's ridicule, and when the two torrents were in contact, he suddenly exerted force!

The meteor exploded!

Countless meteorite fragments burst out like a blowout, intercepting all Cao Yang's attacks in the air!

Pieces of impact explosion sparkled in front of them, and the bodies of the two people trembled in the shock wave of the impact!

The rumbling collision caused the virtual ground of Shura Field to be flattened and automatically repaired. After repairing the pits and pits that were bombed, this process is a competition of absolute strength between the two sides. Whoever exhausts first will lose!

Lin Zhen was also outputting crazy star power, and the impact of the collision made his bones sore.

This is a test of star power, but a greater test is physical strength.

"Lin Zhen! You don't want to fight back. My body is strengthened by gene fluid. How can you fight against me if you are a human body!"

Lin Zhen endured the soreness of his body, and the continuous impact caused his feet to sink below the ground.

When he felt a little unsustainable, a fiery wave of air surged out of his body.

This strength comes from every cell and every muscle in him, allowing him to continue to persevere.

"This is the power of Xiao Nuan, my clone is the body of the super galaxy beast, fire unicorn, so my genes are the most powerful, but the power of my blood has not been stimulated yet, but with this body I’m not afraid of Cao Yang’s Beastmaster’s power!"

"If I really get the genetic blood of the fire unicorn and successfully awaken the potential in my body, how strong should this body be?"

"You must get the genetic medicine early!"

Under Cao Yang's strong attack, Lin Zhen's physical potential was stimulated a little, which was enough to fight Cao Yang!

After a one-minute confrontation, Lin Zhen persisted, but Cao Yang's strength was no longer sufficient to support his high-intensity attack.

The hundreds of hands behind him became a little sore and had to stop.

"Impossible! This is impossible! You actually resisted my hundreds of hands attack with a single shot!"

When the fighting ceased, Cao Yang looked at Lin Zhen incredulously, as if he had seen a monster.

"Have you also strengthened your genetic blood?"

"Then you don't have to know so much, this time I should attack!"

"Galactic Realm!"

Lin Zhen raised his hand and the galaxy realm opened again. Within a second, the seven planets were condensed in the sky, and he was ready to solve the battle with a starburst.

It is now Cao Yang's exhaustion period. Although it is short, it is enough to determine the outcome of a battle. This is the advantage of a strong blood.

"You can't beat me, the position of the lord is mine!"

Cao Yang roared, and finally performed the last trick.

At the center of his eyebrows, a green poisonous mist enveloped in white frost sprayed out, enveloping Lin Zhen.

Seeing Lin Zhen didn't dodge, Cao Yang laughed loudly: "You're done, this is the toxin of the ice centipede, enough to turn you into blood in a second, Lin Zhen, goodbye!"

He laughed a few times, but soon stopped laughing.

Lin Zhen still controlled those planets, and a net of heaven and earth was laid around Cao Yang quickly, and then a violent starburst began.

Cao Yang's body strengthened by the Beast King Ice Centipede couldn't stand such a fierce bombardment. After more than a dozen planets exploded, his body finally couldn't hold on!

"Why? Why are you not poisoned?"

"You don't have to know about that, Cao Yang, your Blue Bay Star lost!"

Lin Zhenyi raised his hand, and four planets appeared again in the Galaxy Realm, wrapping Cao Yang from four directions, and exploding at the same time!

Amid a strong flash, Cao Yang's body was shattered by the bombing and vanished in smoke!

Seeing Cao Yang's body disappear at the scene, Lin Zhen raised his hand and waved away the diffuse toxins.

"Huh! Use poison on me...inflict insult!"

Lifting his eyes to look at the surrounding auditorium, Lin Zhenlang said: "The battle is over. I hope you people will not forget what I said before the war. All taxes will be paid, and your government agencies will immediately pay me. The office transfers power, or don't blame me for being polite!"

The scene was quiet, and the people with the sun-leaders were all deterred by Lin Zhen's powerful force, so they didn't dare to make a sound.

But many people still have a fluke. What can you do if you are really good? If you can't reach our planet, if we don't surrender, you can't help us.

Of course Lin Zhen knew the psychology of some people. He didn't talk about it here, so he directly withdrew from the Shura Field.

The scene disappeared and people retreated from the dimensional universe.

The people in the sun collar are now watching and watching the Blue Bay Star. If the Blue Bay Star is still insisting, then they will not pay taxes.

And on the Blue Bay Star forum, there are indeed some people who are unconvinced and clamor, saying that Lin really has the ability to collect taxes, and if he doesn't have the ability, he will stay on the earth!

However, masters like Cao Yang had no voice. After all, they had practiced for many years and were well informed. Knowing Lin Zhen's strength, I'm afraid they will come to Blue Bay Star sooner or later.

It's just that they didn't expect Lin Zhen to come so quickly.

Three minutes after the Shura Field was over, Lin Zhenheng's crystal spacecraft appeared above the Blue Bay Star.

"Master, the Blue Bay Star is here."

"Call all the important people on this planet, I want them to appear in front of my spaceship within ten minutes. If they don't come by then, they will be treated as traitors!"

Looking at the beautiful planet below the ocean area even larger than the earth, Lin Zhen gave the order.

All the call messages in the dimensional universe were sent out, and the news of Lin Zhen's arrival immediately spread to Blue Bay Star.

The news made those who were lucky enough to despair.

A powerful lord, owning a lightspeed spacecraft also proved his financial strength, such a lord is almost impossible to resist.

After the crazy killing in the Xiuluo field, no one doubted that Lin was really a cruel fellow, and no one dared to disobey his orders at this time.

Within ten minutes, all the called people on the Blue Bay Star gathered in front of the Constant Crystal spacecraft.

As the number one master of Blue Bay Star, Cao Yang stood in front of the team and looked at the spacecraft made of Constant Crystal, only to realize the huge gap between himself and Lin Zhen.

This spaceship alone may be a huge wealth he can never reach.

Everyone stood underneath for a full hour before the door of the spacecraft opened, and a hundred sidereal masters came out first.

These people stood in the two compartments separately, and then two fighters from the Blackwing tribe came out.

"The ninth level of the star! The spiritual teacher of the ninth level of the star! This is almost the same as the Valkyrie Cao Yang!"

The people below muttered quietly.

Zi Shisan and Zi Shiqi stood in front of the team, and then a beautiful figure appeared at the door of the spacecraft.

The beautiful black-winged princess, Zi Qianxia came out.

"Gosh! The late black hole!"

"I'm about to become a master of the galaxy period, UU reading and she is not a slave yet, who is this person?"

"Does Lin really want to level our planet? The people of our entire planet can't stop the hundreds of people."

"Damn it, why did I want to challenge the lord with lard? He wouldn't hate me for challenging him, and give me a charge."

"Forget it, he can't remember you, and you are just one of the thousands of people who were killed by headshots. It's not worth remembering."

In the panic of people, Zi Qianxia bowed slightly and asked Lin Zhen to walk out of the hatch.

Lin Zhen held Zi Qianxia's hand and looked down at the dark crowd below.

"Have you forgotten what I said?"

The king from the Blue Dragon Holy Kingdom sweated profusely: "Dear Lord Lord, we have not forgotten that you are really here too fast, and the tax has not yet been sent to you, but it would be better if you come in person. , We can hand it to you in person."

"Remember, it's double!"

"Yes, yes, definitely double, and there will be no less."

Lin Zhen walked down slowly, and stopped when he came to Cao Yang, "Do you still want to be the lord?"

Cao Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Lord Lord, don't ridicule me. I didn't know the heights of the sky at the beginning. Later, at the welcome banquet, Cao Yang personally apologized for you."

Lin Zhen showed a smile just then and patted the other person on the shoulder: "I drink a lot. You must be mentally prepared."

Seeing Lin Zhen's smile, Lan Wanxing's people all let out a long sigh of relief, as long as Lin Zhen doesn't ask the crime.

And at this time, Lin Zhen’s dimensional universe reminded one after another that a pen of remittance arrived from all the planets led by the sun!