Enchanting Alchemist

Chapter 444

Tuo Ba Rui had a meal for half an hour. After eating all the food, he put down his chopsticks and said with satisfaction, "I'm full."

Hua Ruge was the first time to see Tuoba Rui eat so much, and she said with heartache, "you can't take care of yourself when you go out."

"Just take you next time." Tuo Ba Rui got up and said, "without you, you can't eat."

“……” Hua ran song.

She's not an old dry mother. Can she eat?

Tuoba Rui is full of food before he goes out to study. Hua Ruge follows.

The officials took a long breath and finally didn't have to wait.

The following reports are all about the affairs handled by Hua Ruge in the absence of Tuo barrow, more about the military transfer.

Tuo Ba Rui frowned at the end of the report, and the deeper he frowned.

At the end of the day, the officials who were reporting were afraid to speak, wondering if they had said something wrong.

Hua Ruge sat aside and saw that he could not deal with it well. He asked, "what's the matter?"

Tuoba Rui turned to look at her and said, "bored, sleepy, let's go to bed."

The officials were shocked.

Hua Ruge is helpless: "you listen to the end of some advice."

"You've dealt with it very well. I don't mind. Besides, just tell me what you want. I won't listen to them." Tuoba Rui stands up and leads Hua Ruge away.

The officials were stunned one by one. His highness was a little relieved about the princess.

What about military mobilization?

You should know that before the war, the king had to do everything in this respect. Now is it necessary for the king not to go early?

Hua Ruge could not beat him, and was dragged directly to the bedroom by him.

Tuo Ba Rui put out his arms when he got on the bed in addition to his outer robe and said, "little song, lie down, what can we say?"

"I said that you are a bit irresponsible. This is your territory. You should ask about it." Hua Ruge has no good way.

It's the first time she's dealt with such a large and so many things, and it's likely that there are mistakes and omissions.

I was waiting for him to come back to listen, but I didn't expect him to ask anything.

"Then you will show me the file of the event later." Tuo Ba Rui compromises.

Hua Ruge has a headache at his perfunctory attitude.

Is this his army or her?

Why does she worry so much? He is just like nobody.

"Now you can go to bed." Tuoba Rui said again.

Hua Ruge is speechless this time. The appointed one lies down.

Tuoba Rui covers the quilt and hugs her with satisfaction.

Hua Ruge lay in his arms, smelling the familiar taste, and his heart calmed down.

I haven't seen him for more than half a month, and she miss him very much.

Tuo Ba Rui is really sleepy. He closes his eyes and goes to sleep soon.

Hua Ruge looks at his quiet sleeping face and has no other emotions except heartache.

If he agrees to marry muzixi, he can enter the twelve cities in the northwest and take it down in a big way under the guise of fighting against Daewoo.

But he did not do so, but chose the most difficult way, tired into this way just to not let her suffer.

She reached out and touched his face. At last, she leaned her head closer and fell asleep.

These days, she is also busy.

Three days after Tuo BARREI returned to Qingzhou City, he announced to the world the details of several crimes of the imperial court. Of course, he didn't say that the emperor was not, but that there were treacherous officials and villains on the side of the emperor. He wanted to follow the public opinion and send troops to the emperor's side of the Qing Dynasty.

The villain of treacherous officials is led by Wang Huai. It seems that he aimed his spear at Wang Huai. In fact, everyone knows that the king of war is rebellious.

Since ancient times, there has always been a set of high sounding reasons for treason. Those who say it don't believe it, and those who hear it don't believe it, but they can't say anything, and the goal is achieved.

Moreover, most of the people support the king of war, because Tuo BARREI has a far higher prestige than the emperor in Dazhen, and is the protection god of Dazhen, and they also have more trust.

Another point is that the reason why Hua Ruge sent troops is good. The first party of Wang Huai not only likes to make blind suggestions, but also is really corrupt. The common people suffer from it, and naturally want them not to end well.

So Tuoba Rui, a soldier, did not encounter any resistance in the public opinion. Only the officials of the imperial court scolded him. But Tuoba Rui was sure that these people would be the first to praise him when he came to the city.

Since ancient times, there have been many upright officials, but there are more grass on the wall, so we don't need to pay attention to it at all.

After so many days of reorganizing and conscripting the three armies, apart from guarding the border, the number of people who have attacked has reached 600000.

Although it can't be compared with the 800000 in the hands of the emperor, the war with Dongxia is not over, and the emperor can't send many people to resist.

And this time the army attacked in three ways.

The middle road is Tuo BARREI, flanked by Hua Ruge and Mao Junyan Zixing, with 200000 people on each side attacking the Wangdu line.

In the morning, the news reached Wangdu that six cities had been captured.

The emperor was furious. He asked all the officials in civil and military affairs to discuss.

The civil and military officials just went home and took off their court clothes. Now they have to put them on again. Before they enter the palace one by one, they haven't yet begun to discuss. The second news came.

The rebels have taken eight cities.

Before the emperor had lunch, he almost fainted.

How can it be so fast?

Officials also knew that things were important, and they meditated when the emperor asked them to give advice.

It's not that I didn't expect the king of war to revolt, but I didn't expect the fighting power to be so strong. If it goes on like this for a few days, it's estimated that there will be soldiers in the city.

Before we had a discussion, we came out and the third war report arrived.

Fortunately, this is not a report of defeat, or the emperor must fall from the Dragon chair.

This is a cause of defeat from the garrison.

The soldiers read aloud in the temple.

Half of the eight cities are self sacrificing, some are the county seat of the general guarding the city, some are the soldiers and the people who killed the general inside the city.

The other half could not resist the three armies at all, and it was soon conquered.

And Tuo Ba Rui treats the people in the city better. If it goes on like this, people will definitely prefer Tuo Ba Rui.

After hearing this, the old emperor angrily threw all the things on the table, and the officials below knelt down.

"Yes, they are. I have raised so many soldiers to serve the country at this time. It's good for them to surrender to the city."

The old emperor's angry voice resounded through the study, and everyone below dared to speak.

In fact, everyone knows what's going on.

It was not only the people's desire, but also the emperor's capture of the General Mao.

After Hua Shengxiong, General Mao was in charge of the whole country. His prestige was very high. Many loyal generals were willing to work for him.

But now General Mao has been arrested. Many soldiers and generals are dissatisfied with the court. Naturally, they want to help the king of war.