Enchanting Alchemist

Chapter 445

The most important problem for the court is to find a suitable general who can lead the army against Tuo BARREI.

But for so many years, the court has relied too much on the war king. Up to now, there are no generals who can compete with him at all.

Pick and choose. Find a general who was not valued by the General Mao. His name is Fu Jianhao. He is Fengping and general Xi Yuan. He leads 500000 soldiers to stick to Longkou pass.

Longkou pass is the last barrier of Wangdu. If it is breached, Wangdu will be exposed to the rebels, unable to return to the sky.

Fu Jianhao left with his talisman, and the ministers gradually dispersed.

At this time, the emperor left Wang Huai and asked, "send someone to persuade Mao Jun and Yan Zixing to surrender?"

"I have sent a letter to the emperor before. Both of them agreed to surrender to the imperial court and wait for your order." Wang Huai said respectfully.

He is also feeling empty now. If the Dragon pass is broken, the emperor will probably kill him in order to calm down the king's anger.

After all, the king of war sent troops under the banner of the Qing emperor.

The emperor went to a wall and looked at the map.

At this time, two thirds of Dazheng's territory has been occupied by Tuo BARREI. The three armies are in a state of flux. It will take less than three days to join forces in Longkou pass. When the time comes, they will attack the city together. Longkou pass is very dangerous.

He has to use some means.

Then the old emperor narrowed his eyes, stretched out his fingers and closed them at Longkou, saying, "let them attack Tuo BARREI's army here, and after some trauma, let general Fu take them to the city and help the garrison defend the city."

Wang Huai hears the words and rushes to answer.

"I'm going to draft a decree." He said and hurriedly backed down.

The emperor's face is like frost. This is his last card. I don't know what kind of effect he can get.

He has no doubt about Mao Jun and his family. After all, they were caught by him and dare to play tricks.

However, the emperor finally looked up to his popular sentiment and the strength of the anti army. In only two days, the leading forces of the three armies had met before Longkou pass, during which time they had occupied 20 cities.

The army camped on the spot. Hua Ruge met Mao Jun and Yan Zixing on the way to Shuai Zhang.

The excitement of Mao Jun's face, Yan Zixing is still that placid face.

"Brothers, is this a smooth journey?" Hua Yuege comes forward to say hello.

Mao Junlang said with a smile: "it's so happy. Those resistances are just unbearable."

"Well, how are you?" Yan Zixing asked.

Hua Ruge nodded, "it's going well."

"By the way, Ruge, why don't you see your Alien army?" Maojun looks east and West.

It seems that he didn't see any of the rest except the dwarves following the big army.

Hua Ruge smiled and blinked: "there are other arrangements, which are not necessarily useful, just in case."

"And secrecy?" Mao Jun is very dissatisfied.

Hua Ruge patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, it won't be long before you know."

Mao Jun is also used to it. He stares at her and doesn't ask any more.

A group of people chatted to Shuai account, in which Tuo BARREI was wearing a black armor, standing in front of the map, his face was always cold, and he could feel a chill before he was near.

Three people approached, Tuo Ba Rui raised his head, when he saw Hua Ruge, his cold eyes instantly smiled and stretched out his hand and said, "come."

Hua Ruge put his hand on his, and he pulled it into his arms, looked at her face, frowned and said, "thin."

"Don't make a fuss. It's only a few days apart." Hua Yuege gave him a white look, and then stood up from his arms.

Tuoba Rui's face didn't soften. He said seriously, "after the war, I will make up for you."

Hua Yuege has no choice.

Mao Jun and Yan Zixing think it's unnecessary to stand here.

"The two generals have worked hard." Tuo Ba Rui seems to have just seen the two of them, speaking out.

The two of them held fists and saluted. Yan Zixing said, "thank you for your concern. It's a matter for your subordinates."

"Let's talk about the next strategy." Hua Ruge said to sit down first and asked Maojun, "the old emperor has contacted you."

Maojun nodded and took out a piece of cloth from his arms and threw it on the table. "He said," let's attack you and then take us to the city. "

Hua Ruge's eyes brightened as soon as he heard the words, picked up the cloth and looked at it, then handed it to Tuoba Rui.

Tuo Ba Rui looked at it and said, "I didn't know how to keep a small loss, so I gave us a chance."

"His highness Zhan Wang is wise, and his subordinates think it can be used." Yan Zixing road.

Hua Ruge picked up the eyebrows and said, "you should be the same as you think, sneak into the city to meet the outside world, but how do you do this sneak attack?"

"Just take a vacation." Mao Jun said directly.

Yan Zixing shook his head: "standing on the wall, you can have a panoramic view of our barracks. It's not easy to cheat."

Then several people fell into thinking again.

"How can they not see it?" Hua is singing.

Tuo Ba Rui thought for a moment and said, "it's not close. I can't see clearly at night. If it's cloudy and windy, people there can only judge by their voices."

"It's reasonable. It's not difficult if there is a spirit Master of wind Department." Hua Ruge said with bright eyes.

Yan Zixing nodded.

The wind can blow black clouds, or it can make sand that looks like nature.

"It's not too late to start tonight." Tuo Ba Rui gives orders with a sharp look.

Dazheng and Dongxia are still at war. The war here can't be prolonged.

Mao Jun and Yan Zixing nodded, and after saying goodbye, they went out to arrange.

"Have you arranged for their family?" Hua Yuege asked.

As long as the emperor heard that Mao Jun and Yan Zixing were playing with him, they would be angry, and then they would be involved in their families at the first time.

"Tomorrow morning, elder martial brother will save people. Don't worry." Tuoba Rui road.

Hua Ruge is relieved.

Tuo Ba Rui pulls her to her bosom and sees that her face is not relaxed. He asks strangely, "what are you thinking?"

"I wonder if there will be any change." Hua said like a song.

Tuo Ba Rui holds her hands and says, "we haven't made the worst plan. Don't worry, I am."

Hua Ruge nodded and said, "but who do you want to set up as the new king after conquering the king?"

"Tuobayu is the most suitable prince. I've sent someone to send him a letter. When we get to Wangdu, he will almost arrive." Tuoba Rui road.

"The fifth Prince is indeed suitable, and will do better than his father." Hua Yuege agreed and said, "but I don't know if he wants to be an emperor."

"What do you say?" Asked Tuoba Rui.

"After being emperor, the contact time with little bing'er will be short. It's not necessarily a good thing for him." Hua said with a laugh.

Based on her understanding of tuobayu, she thinks that it is likely that she wants the beauty to leave the country behind.