Enchanting Alchemist

Chapter 443

I don't know how long it took Tuo BARREI to let go of her lips and hold her and ask, "I've been very busy for more than half a month, are you tired?"

"I'm not papery. I'm not so tired. You've been fighting for so many days. You've lost weight." Hua Ruge looked at him.

"It's thin, but not tired." Tuo Ba Rui lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead. "I miss you."

Hua is like a song without words.

Whatever it is, it's all about her.

Tuoba Rui's eyes are more and more blazing. Hua Ruge has no doubt that he will kiss her again.

"By the way, I've adjusted my army. Do you want to listen?" Hua Ruge tries to divert his attention.

Tuoba Rui asked curiously, "what did you do?"

"Now in addition to the northwest, brother Mao and brother Yan have also brought the East under your jurisdiction. I will commandeer and reorganize all the soldiers, officers and militia of the state governments. Now the whole army of the three sides is waiting to be launched. Under one order, we can march south to the capital."

Hua Ruge's passionate sermon.

Tuo Ba Rui listened with interest and said with a smile: "Xiaoge, are you going to rebel?"

"Your Highness is joking. I am a small aristocrat with only dozens of city fiefs. How can I rebel?" Hua is like a song with a frightened face, but there is a smile that can't be hidden under his eyes.

"Who says you only have dozens of cities?" Tuo Ba Rui grabbed her shoulder and swore: "you have me, we fight down the river and mountain, you want it, you don't want to throw it."

Hua Ruge glances at him. Does this man want to be so crazy.

Their ideas are the same. The one on the Dragon chair is not worthy to sit on it.

They didn't think much about who was responsible for this.

"By the way, why did you suddenly rebel?" Tuo Ba Rui just wanted to ask.

Before he said to overthrow the imperial power, she didn't seem to have any reaction. How can she act so fast now.

"The emperor received the news that he had taken the Maos and the Yan family into custody. I had no choice but to punish them." Hua said like a song.

It's a friend of her family. She can't care.

Anyway, we have to take this step. It's OK to be earlier or later.

"My brother has grown up." Tuoba Rui said, not a little appreciation on the face, but a face of frost.

Stubborn, this is to fight him to the end?

"How are the two of them? Do you have any news? " He asked again.

Her friends, he attaches great importance to.

Hua Ruge nodded and said, "I've arranged it. It'll be OK."

"What did you do?" Tuoba Rui is interested again.

Hua Ruge said directly, "I asked tea to buy the ministers she could buy, and I gave the emperor a plan. It's useless to kill two people. I'd better use them to persuade brother Mao and brother Yan to surrender. In this way, we can not only recover their troops, but also maybe give you a fatal blow when necessary."

"It's very safe for tea to deal with affairs. He bought several ministers in two days, so the emperor is still in the palace now, dreaming of beating you unexpectedly."

The situation is temporarily stable.

Tuo Ba Rui nodded approvingly: "Xiaoge is really smart. He knows to break up the enemy from the inside."

Hua Ruge smiled again and said: "it's only temporary. If brother Mao and brother Yan are going to go to the army, the emperor will certainly annoy the two families. When the war begins, he will use some more strategies."

"I'll send someone to protect their family in Wangdu, and make sure it's safe." Tuoba Rui said.

Hua Ruge raised his eyebrows and asked him, "you Wang still has such a powerful man?"

"It's enough to protect people."

"Who is it?" Hua Ruge asked, it's all a crime.

"The head of Jixian hall is Zixiao holy land. The disciple of the former elder is my elder martial brother." Tuoba Rui road.

Hua Ruge's brain suddenly appears that powerful old man who protects himself. She defended her when she was rioting in Jixian hall.

"Then he defended me that time, didn't you explain?" She asked tentatively.

"Of course, otherwise, you think that a newcomer to Jixian hall and the first Duke of the first Kingdom will fight for you if the owner doesn't catch you?" Tuoba Rui looks like you are naive.

Hua Ruge is so ashamed. She really thinks that the owner of the old house is more protective.

"It's late. Go back to dinner." Tuoba Rui leads her down the city.

You know if you're still messing around.

Hua is like a song, but she dare not say it.

"You look at me like you're blaming me?" Tuoba and Rui raise eyebrows.

Can you see that?

Hua Yuege smiles: "how can it be?"

Tuo Ba Rui saw her smile extremely pleasing, kissed on her lips also did not pursue.

After returning to the Warlord's mansion, the generals were waiting to report the military situation, but Tuo BARREI asked them to wait.

In the room, Hua Ruge had a very uneasy meal. For the countless times, he suggested, "why don't you eat quickly and meet them after eating?"

"No." Tuo Ba Rui ate slowly, with elegant face.

He didn't eat with her for so many days, so he was reluctant to eat so fast.

“……” Hua ran song.

This man has a childish temper, which is really helpless.

"Xiaoge, come here. I'll eat with you." Tuoba Rui looks at her and cannot help being close.

"How can I eat that?" Hua Ruge shakes her head repeatedly.

Tuo Barry thought for a moment and said seriously, "you feed me or I feed you, all right."

"Your Highness Zhan Wang, please have a good meal. The generals and officials are waiting outside." Hua Ruge is helpless.

Tuoba Rui doesn't care to raise eyebrows: "here you sit in town, what can happen, let them wait."

He is very confident in his ability to sing.

Hua Ruge felt comfortable after listening to this, and didn't try to persuade him anymore.

Tuoba Rui ate and said, "little song, come and kiss me."

“……” Hua Yuege cried and laughed: "Tuo barrow, can you have a good meal?"

"It's been the best for so many days." Tuoba Rui road.

Hua Ruge looks at the four simple dishes on the table. They are all cooked together with the soldiers. They are the most suitable ones.

No wonder he lost a lot of weight.

She had some heartache. She took a sip of her mouth and gave Tuoba Rui a piece of meat. "Eat more," she said

Tuoba Rui's eyes are slightly bright. Looking at the meat is like seeing the baby.

He was flattered by the thoughtfulness of her little song.

"Eat fast." Hua Ruge urged.

Tuo Ba Rui looked at the meat and asked, "is it still included after eating?"

It's a voice I'm looking forward to.

Hua Ruge had a headache and only got to say: "clip."

After listening to this, Tuo BARREI ate the delicious soy sauce meat. Then Hua Yuege was like a palace maid who served vegetables. Every dish was put into his bowl, while Tuo BARREI enjoyed it all the time, but the speed of eating was not fast.

Hua Ruge is looking at the direction of the door with tears. It's not that I don't help you.