Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 315: Meet Huang Fengxian again

A few days have passed since the dung-splashing incident, and the village is calm again, but Huai Linniang and Xu Jinfeng\'s mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have become mortal enemies. Let her succeed.

The farm work is a little more leisurely, and Tang Laifu\'s business is busy again. Many people are rushing to hold weddings before May. There are almost no weddings in the past few months, and they are basically finished before May.

Tang Laifu has not been working these days. He kills a pig a day, earning more than working, and the food at home has naturally become richer. This time, Xu Jinfeng does not need Tang Xiaonan\'s guidance, and takes the initiative to deliver meat to his in-laws. The in-laws are as close as mothers and daughters , so that Tang Baishan was very pleased.

In the evening, Tang Laifu drove home by bicycle. In the bamboo basket behind the car was some meat and water, as well as some slaughtering pigs. Today\'s pig is very fat, and Tang Laifu has more meat and a pair of pig livers. And a pair of large intestines, pig lungs are not wanted by the host, Tang Laifu also brought it back, Tang Baishan’s lungs are not good, eating lungs to nourish lungs, cleaning pig lungs and stewing soup is good for Tang Baishan’s health.

There are still a few miles away from Mopan Mountain, Tang Laifu is riding faster, he got some big white rabbit candy today, Xiao Nan must be happy, but the screams from behind made Tang Laifu change his face and his eyes became complicated. .

Huang Fengxian chased after him on a bicycle. There was no one in the back seat of the car. She came back from running errands in the town and happened to see Tang Laifu and the meat in the back basket of the car. I didn\'t meet Tang Laifu, but I did meet today.

What she didn\'t know was that Tang Laifu avoided her intentionally, and he left when he saw her from a distance. She was no longer the white moonlight in Tang Laifu\'s heart, but a mouthful of thick, thick phlegm that stuck in his throat and was disgusting.


Huang Fengxian let out a laughing sound, not noticing Tang Laifu\'s change, and feeling very good about himself. He looked at the meat in the rear basket of the car, and swallowed in his mouth. There is no one else today, Tang Laifu will definitely give more meat. of.

"Going to kill pigs!"

Huang Fengxian was aware of Tang Laifu\'s strangeness. Why didn\'t this pig-killer speak, and the look in her eyes was strange.

"Yeah." Tang Laifu finally spoke up and looked at Huang Fengxian coldly. This woman he once really liked, now makes him extremely disgusting.

Huang Fengxian frowned slightly, forced to endure his unhappy smile and said, "Yuhai said yesterday that he wants to eat fresh meat ravioli, and just happened to meet you today."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Tang Laifu, she had already said it so clearly, why didn\'t this pig-killer move, standing like a wooden man, Huang Fengxian\'s brows furrowed even more, and he hated Tang Laifu even more, his mind was not bright at all, and Tang Laigui is really incomparable.

"You want to buy meat?" Tang Laifu finally said.

Huang Fengxian was overjoyed, and she was a little proud. This stupid thing is not too stupid. She nodded, "Give me two pounds."

"Recently, the price of meat has risen. If there is no meat ticket, you will get 1.21 jin.

Huang Fengxian\'s expression changed, and she lost her voice, "Why do you still need money?"

"Why don\'t you want money, you still want to eat for nothing!"

Tang Laifu sneered, glanced at her in disgust, got in the car and left, too lazy to talk nonsense with this slut, he wanted to go back to make Xiaonan happy.

Huang Fengxian hurriedly chased after him, "Didn\'t you give me any money before? Did Xu Jinfeng take care of you?"
