Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 316: pay back

Tang Laifu paused with one foot and looked at her mockingly, "My wife takes care of me, I will keep the account for the meat you used to credit, a total of 28 yuan, you have settled the account. !"

Huang Fengxian rushed up in one breath, half angry, and gritted her teeth: "You didn\'t give me that meat? Why did I get it on credit, Tang Laifu, you\'re dizzy!"

"Who are you to me? Why should I give you meat for nothing? I just saw your brain fainting. Get it ready within a month of twenty-eight yuan, or I\'ll ask Jinfeng to come and ask for the bill!"

Tang Laifu squinted his eyes in contempt, got on the car and left, Huang Fengxian was behind, ignorant of the current situation, Tang Laifu in front stopped again and shouted at Huang Fengxian: "If you bully my little girl in the future, I\'ll break your hand!"

Last time, he should have made a move with Xu Jinfeng, knocking off this stinky watchman, he couldn\'t bear it for a while, Xiaonan ignored him for several days, and Tang Laifu felt regretful.

Huang Fengxian\'s face turned pale with anger, and she roared in a shrill voice, "Your daughter violated the rules of the classroom, what is wrong with my teaching as a teacher? Tang Laifu, please tell some truth, don\'t be arrogant and unreasonable like Xu Jinfeng, and Xu Jinfeng prevented Tang Xiaonan from coming to class, She is harming the child, why are you making a fool of yourself with her!"

"Go to school and learn a lot of **** from you? You didn\'t even get a pass in school before, you can teach shit, Xiao Nan is fine at home, you don\'t need to worry about it, and my family Jin Feng is more unreasonable than you. Biaozi is a hundred times stronger, twenty-eight yuan, get ready early!"

Although Tang Laifu usually doesn\'t talk much, the Tang Aijun brothers\' poisonous tongue is not only inherited from Xu Jinfeng, but his parents\' genes are poisonous enough to give birth to three sons who are poisonous and bandit!

"You...you\'re crazy, when I was blind, I fell in love with you!" Huang Fengxian cursed angrily.

"My eyes are pretty good, I know you\'re a cousin, let\'s just play it, I still need my family\'s golden phoenix to marry a wife!" Tang Laifu sneered sneeringly, with a look of contempt, and was extremely grateful to Tang Baishan for preventing him from marrying this cousin. His head is green now.

Huang Fengxian gasped for breath, the sense of superiority in her heart was broken under Tang Laifu\'s poisonous tongue. It turned out that Tang Laifu was just playing around with her, she was just a joke.

But she still didn\'t believe it.

"Why do you want to give me meat if you don\'t like me? Tang Laifu, stop your duplicity, I know your father forced you to marry Xu Jinfeng!" Huang Fengxian softened her tone. She didn\'t care about her image just now, she must be ugly, no wonder Tang Laifu said so Ugly.

Men like beautiful women at all times. Huang Fengxian has a lot of experience in this regard, and firmly believes that appearance and body are his greatest weapons and can achieve any goal for her.

"I just asked you to take credit for the sake of the villagers. It\'s a total of 28 yuan, not less than a penny."

Tang Laifu gave her the look of \'you are being affectionate\', and he snorted lightly, and rode away, feeling extremely happy, and he was able to get rid of the bad anger that he had held back for a long time.

"You are talking nonsense, when have I ever credited your meat, I don\'t have a penny!" Huang Fengxian grabbed the stone and threw it forward, so angry that she couldn\'t care about her image, let alone twenty-eight yuan, she even paid eighty cents do not want to give.

With twenty-eight yuan, she can buy several new clothes, so why give it to this bandit?

"You know if you have credit, I will ask Jin Feng to ask you for money in a month!"

Tang Laifu turned his head and glanced coldly. Without the Bai Yueguang filter, this woman was extremely ugly and shameless. What Xiao Nan scolded was true. He was really blind before, but fortunately he is now clear and bright.
