Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 314: Retribution is coming

"Those who are raised by the cousins ​​of the Tang family are all waiting for my mother, and the retribution will come soon, and God will accept them!" Madam Huai Lin scolded, her eyes ruthless.

Although I washed it with water several times, my body still smelled very bad, and a lot of fat maggots washed down. As long as I thought of the fat maggots bursting in my mouth, Huai Linniang vomited for a while, and even spit out bile. Even if she was given Tang Monk meat now, she would not be lucky enough to endure it.

"Okay, stop talking!"

Huang Yinqiao\'s face was gloomy, sitting in the living room smoking a suffocating cigarette. Today\'s loss is too embarrassing and disgusting. The Tang family deceives people too much, but who makes the village chief belong to the Tang family? Fa said aloud, and he could only hold back his breath today.

"You\'re not a man anymore, your wife has been slapped with feces, and your daughter has been scolded so badly, how can you still sit still? Huang Yinqiao, you useless bum, the old lady will marry you only if she\'s blind... "

"Then what do you think I can do to fight with Tang Baishan? Are you satisfied with this?"

Huang Yinqiao scolded him in the past, and he regretted marrying this woman. He worked and worked as a foreign worker. From morning to night, he was annoying.

"You go to Tang Baishan now to fight, Huang Yinqiao, you are a tortoise **** if you don\'t go!"

"If you let me go, I won\'t go, why should I listen to you!"

"You\'re a jerk, you worthless **** snack!"

"If you are promising, you can go to Xu Jinfeng to fight, it\'s not like it will make people throw feces all over, hum!"


The more Shen Yuzhu stood outside the door, the more ugly her face became. Although she didn\'t see it with her own eyes, she was able to sort out what happened. Xu Jinfeng deliberately splashed her grandmother\'s feces, and her grandmother would quarrel with her grandfather after she was bored and angry. The bandits of the Tang family It\'s so abhorrent, you throw people\'s dung for no reason, aren\'t you afraid of thunder?

Shen Yuzhu resisted his nausea and walked into the yard. It smelled even worse than stirring the cesspool with a stick. In the bathroom, Huai Lin\'s daughter-in-law splashed water by spoonfuls. Along with the water, there were a few writhing maggots. Shen Yuzhu felt nauseated in his chest. , It took a lot of restraint to hold back and not spit it out.

"Grandpa and grandma, stop arguing. It\'s not worth arguing for outsiders. People are happily eating meat and drinking, but you are arguing. You\'re making others laugh in vain." Shen Yuzhu persuaded meaningfully.

Huang Yinqiao and Huai Linniang suddenly stopped arguing, and the two patted their thighs together. The granddaughter was right, those bandits in the Tang family must be eating meat and drinking to celebrate now, it\'s too hateful!

Madam Huailin gritted her teeth and scolded: "Wait, God will accept them, and the retribution will come soon, so there is no need for the old lady to do it herself."

"God is your relative? Just accept it as you say it. Those bandits have been doing well for so many years, and they ate more meat than our family!" Huang Yinqiao couldn\'t help but mock.

Madam Huai Lin sneered, her eyes even more ruthless, "Just wait and see, the Tang family has done a lot of evil things, and at most there will be retribution within a year, hum!"

Shen Yuzhu\'s heart skipped a beat, her grandmother said retribution three times, and she had a firm tone, does she know something?

If only it were true, she couldn\'t stand the bandits of the Tang family, especially Tang Xiaonan, it would be better to disappear in Mopan Mountain forever!

Shen Yuzhu was taken aback by her own thoughts, how could she have such a terrible thought, but this thought spread freely in her heart like water plants, and she was more and more eager to hope that Tang Xiaonan\'s family would disappear immediately, so that she could Same as before.