Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 313: Might be wrestling next time

"Grandpa Four, Grandpa Six, I\'m not lying. Teacher Huang doesn\'t even prepare textbooks. There are six classes a day, and she only takes two classes, one for Chinese and one for mathematics. There are no other classes. The classmates brought good food. , She said she should take care of her classmates and let her son Shen Yuhai eat good food, and if she doesn\'t give it, she will go outside and be punished."

Tang Xiaonan spared no effort to file a complaint. Maybe the villagers wouldn\'t care if they didn\'t teach well, but if food was involved, it would be up to those people to remain calm.

Hmph, before my uncle caught Huang Fengxian, she gave this woman a small blow, two or three times if one was not enough. I don\'t believe that the people of Mopanshan will still like this poisonous woman with a foolish mouth and a snake\'s heart as always.

The village chief frowned, and asked Huang Xiaomao and the others, "Is there any such thing?"

The three children nodded honestly, they didn\'t dare to lie in front of the village chief, and what Tang Xiaonan said was true. Shen Yuhai had eaten all their good dishes, and he felt bad.

"Shen Yuhai ate more than half of the sausage that grandma brought me." Huang Yumei complained.

"Shen Yuhai ate half of the poached eggs I brought." Huang Xiaojie was not far behind, he remembered all the bills, but it annoyed Shen Yuhai to death.

Huang Xiaomao looked at his partner timidly, and whispered, "I... I don\'t. Shen Yuhai said that what I eat is pig food, and he won\'t eat it for free."

The village chief\'s face sank, Huang Xiaomao\'s grandfather and grandma were not in good health, they had to take medicine for many years, and their family background was not good, so they would definitely not be able to bring good food, but Shen Yuhai said that was too much.

"Does Mr. Huang know?" the village chief asked.

"I know, Mr. Huang said that the classmates should love each other, and that if they don\'t listen to the teacher, they are not good children. If they go outside, they will be punished to stand. Tang Xiaonan will be punished to stand." He was never punished for standing, and Tang Xiaopang died in disgrace.

Tang Xiaonan flattened her mouth and stretched out her hand aggrievedly, "I don\'t want Shen Yuhai to steal my flesh, but Mr. Huang made me stand up and broke my hand. It hurts."

Xu Jinfeng got angry and shouted at the village chief: "Fourth uncle, you heard it, that cousin is not worthy of being a teacher, I don\'t worry about letting Xiaonan and Yuxiang learn from these cousins, don\'t teach my girls bad. already."

Tang Xiaonan silently gave a thumbs up, still her mother is mighty. Sure enough, at any time, begging a mother is more reliable than being an official father!

"It\'s alright, alright, don\'t make trouble here, I know this, and I will watch it when I walk, especially when picking dung." The village head was very big and reprimanded angrily.

"It\'s natural to take care of your head and feet when you work. I didn\'t do it on purpose. It\'s because God saw that family of disgusting people that made me fall..."

Xu Jinfeng muttered in dissatisfaction, Tang Laifu glared fiercely, she was honest again, and went home with Zhang Manyue, looking very proud, today can be calculated to be bad, that old watch is estimated to have a week to eat No more dinner.

"The fourth and the sixth, come to my house for dinner later, Laigui bought some ham, and steamed bamboo shoots with bacon at night. Let\'s drink two cups." Tang Baishan said with a smile.

The village chief and Tang Shaozheng\'s eyes lit up and nodded vigorously, ham is a good thing, money can\'t buy it, and it\'s good to eat at night.

It was getting dark, all the villagers went home from work, and the seniors also went home from school. As soon as Shen Yuzhu got home, he carried a bamboo basket to the mountains to mow the grass, and had to pick up some firewood. When I came out, there were several messy **** footprints at the door, and the grandmother\'s scolding sounded in the room.
