Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 499

Relying on her powerful force, she has been forcing her to learn magic, read books and remember all kinds of knowledge. There will even be some test questions for examination, such as "five-year simulation, three-year college entrance examination" and "Hengshui watertight volume", which makes her skull swell.

And if you fail, you\'ll be punished. The Mermaids are always compared with themselves. You know, mermaids are blood talents and natural wizards.

Often say with good reason, \'how can you be strong without learning.\'

"The reason why soldiers are hanged is because they are stupid. They only know how to charge, whirl and follow the trend. When they run out, they repeat it."

"These routine wizards have long been familiar with it. You know what you\'re going to do and how to fight according to your starting posture."

"Here you are!" Alan put the drawing aside, leaned back and lay on the sofa. Bess skillfully came to the side and stretched out his hand for massage.

"Here you are!" Allen handed a ring to him.

Bess took the ring and his face was a little red. This ring is made of a kind of silver metal. It is carved with many patterns that she can\'t understand, but she feels very powerful. The patterns are integrated. The ring is inlaid with six bright gemstones, which shine in the sun.

"Master! Is this for me? It\'s so beautiful!" Bess looked at Allen with bright eyes. In my heart, I want to jump like a deer.

After a long time of contact with Allen, Bess also learned a lot of human etiquette, such as rings. If a man gives a ring to a woman, it means courtship. Although she has lived with Alan for a long time, Bess has no resistance to the gifts given by Alan.

"This is an enchanted ring for you!" Alan smiled at Bess\'s bright eyes.

"As a melee professional, the assassin is also famous for crispy. This is specially made for you. Take one with you just in case."

"On the ring, I inlaid six perfect level magic gemstones with space skills, which can increase spell resistance. Energy attacks lower than the spell strength of level 2 wizards are invalid, and those higher than this strength will weaken 60% of their power."

"In addition to spell resistance, there are two iron magic statues in it. They are for your life."

"There is an escape spell on the ring! As long as the enemy\'s strength does not exceed me, you can use it to get rid of the lock."

It\'s a life-saving thing. It seems that the owner cares about me very much.

Bess now had a sweet expression on her face. All along, although she was a maid, her help to Alan was very limited. No magic, even the later mermaid is better than her. The only advantage is that she has followed Allen for the longest time and controls all kinds of factories in Carlin city.

With the enhancement of the strength of many mermaids and the arrival of Helen, Bess felt that her value in the wizard tower was getting lower and lower. But unexpectedly, the master\'s heart actually regarded her as the most important. At the moment, Bisi had an unspeakable sweet feeling in her heart.

She is familiar with the iron devil. This big guy with a height of 4 meters is powerful. The most important thing is that he is rough and thick. He is the most suitable bodyguard. Even if you encounter a powerful enemy, it\'s OK to release the iron demon statue, even if you can\'t fight and escape. Escape can be easily escaped with the combination of escape and transfer scroll.

"Thank you, master." Bess came up to Alan, kissed him on the side face quickly, and then ran away quickly.

"This little girl, I\'ll clean you up in the evening!" Ellen touched her face and smiled as she watched BISS fleeing quickly. I couldn\'t help thinking of Biz\'s tights and silk stockings maid clothes. I couldn\'t help but feel a little rippling in my heart, and Dantian was also a little hot.

After Bess attacked Allen, he put the ring on his hand and hummed the songs he had learned from somewhere happily, ready to show off to other maids.

In the study, Allen handed over the further improved data and drawings of the floating city to Tallinn 1, and then took a sip of the nearby black tea.

"With such a large group of workers working, the progress of the floating city is really fast." looking at the construction schedule of the floating city passed by Tallinn 1, Allen narrowed his eyes.

Allen is very satisfied with the Wizards of these five ring towers. With only a small payment, they will finish the task as quickly and well as beating chicken blood.

After finishing the rest of the black tea, Alan came to the laboratory.

Many equipment obtained in the Diablo world are placed on the experimental platform. These equipment have been transformed by Allen and are very good demonized items. These things will be distributed as the first batch of rewards. You know, many low-level wizards only have some secondary magic items, which are used by Wizard apprentices.

Although these things in front of Allen are of little use to him, they are hard to find for other wizards. Once Allen fulfilled his previous promise, the enthusiasm of these wizards will be aroused in an instant. Allen plans to launch a batch every once in a while, so that the enthusiasm of these wizards will not decline.

"I don\'t know how tibis time is now."

"How is the progress of the construction of the arcane city?" Allen thought of another arcane city. As tibis facing the abyss, their pressure can be imagined.

Although the information of the element furnace was passed to them last time, they have not been contacted since, and Allen doesn\'t know their current situation. If everything goes well, after the construction of the Fifth Ring tower and his floating city is completed, gather the power of the three floating cities, plus the wizard alliance and the northern witch, have enough power to launch a counterattack against the abyss.

Tibis, the city of arcane art.

The floating city built by the whole plane force is speeding up its work. Since we got the complete information of the element furnace, the best alchemists formed a research group to study and study. After we had a thorough understanding of the technical data, a large number of materials were transported here for refining.

Allen\'s floating city is different from the five ring towers. Because of the collection of many schools, the area of the floating city is further increased, so the floating city needs to install five element furnaces.

While many alchemists built, the abyss once again launched an attack after accumulating strength for a period of time.

Mount Hyjal.

An outpost created by demon forces in the last abyss war.

At this moment, the earth is full of strong sulfur smell, and the black fog caused by volcanic eruption fills the sky. Countless demons come to the main material plane through the volcano, and then attack the Lich and death knight stationed here.

"Damn bug, can\'t you stop for a while!" scolded a high-ranking dead knight in armor.