Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 498

After Allen handed over the design drawings to Tallinn one, he began to sleep behind closed doors.

Because after the dragon\'s blood was completely integrated last time, his strength went further and had completely entered the legendary high level. At that time, he felt that he needed a deep sleep. However, considering that the floating city needed to be built, he moved the sleeping time back.

Now that everything is on track, Allen returns to the closed room, connects the element pool and goes to sleep.

Every time the Dragon sleeps, it means that its strength is greatly increased and stronger. Allen has the blood of the dragon, and the same is true.


"This sleep is really comfortable!"

Alan stood on the balcony with bare arms, stretched himself, turned and hugged Bess, kissed her beautiful face, and then turned and flew out directly.

The wind is howling!

The instantaneous sense of weightlessness made BISS scream and hold Alan hard, but then he looked around curiously, and his concave convex body was close to Alan.


A group of huge dragon wings appeared, then the body stopped a few meters away from the ground, and then suddenly rushed into the sky. The strong air flow blew the trees on the ground upside down. The feeling of rapid rise made Bisi feel a stimulus. She looked around with Alan, and the silver bell like laughter spread far away.

When Allen woke up again, he only felt that he was full of power and his control of power was further. His strength now was completely on the high-level legend. If he used the dragon vein to transform, his strength would be stronger. The general demigod was not his opponent.

The giant dragon is a powerful creature in the multiverse, with footprints all over all aspects. It is not without them that are more powerful than the giant dragon, but they can\'t live stronger than the giant dragon, and they can live stronger than the giant dragon.

After flying around in the sky with BISS, Allen returned to the balcony, and then the huge dragon wings shrank rapidly and disappeared.

"Congratulations, master!" Selena and Helen looked at Allen excitedly.

"Well, prepare the party, I want to celebrate." felt stronger. Alan was in a good mood and was ready to hold a party to celebrate.


The future floating city needs to build an artificial lake as a water source interaction place and an important part of the biosphere.

This is a very simple thing for Allen, who has the sea god artifact. Allen has not figured out what to do about the light source in the floating city.

In fact, he has several schemes. One is that the whole protective barrier emits light by itself. The protective barrier simulates the material level and adjusts the brightness to simulate day and night. This is the most cost-effective way. The disadvantage is that it has limited effect on the ecosystem.

The other is to make artificial sun and moon. This method is expensive and has many benefits. It can better adjust the ecosystem, and the artificial sun and moon can attack with the mystery lock of the floating city.

Allen doesn\'t have enough materials to make the artificial sun and moon, but after considering it, he thinks that since it is built, it will be in place at one time. Even if it is not built now, it will still be built in the later stage.

After the sun and moon were included in the plan, Allen calculated the progress of the floating city. There are still many gaps in some rare materials.

In the evening, Allen lay down in front of his desk to write and draw. The construction of floating city is very troublesome. Because he has no experience, he will always encounter all kinds of problems during construction.

Although the powerful computing power of tallinn-1 and chip has solved many problems, there is still a gap between analog operation and reality. Raising a hill like city can be solved not only by adding a large floating ring.

Moreover, Allen must also leave the necessary position for the future upgrading of the floating city. Now the element furnace is only element fission. When more powerful element fusion is studied, the energy produced by the new element furnace is dozens or hundreds of times that of element fission.

At that time, Allen will also upgrade the current floating city based on the larger floating city trend.

"Ta TA.".

A light footstep came, and then the figure of the little maid Bess appeared at the door of the study.

Today, she is wearing a black tights, showing her concave convex figure incisively and vividly. The drow spirit has a good figure, and it is softer than human beings, and can do many actions that human beings can\'t complete. Moreover, Bisi is still a shadow assassin. All assassins are masters of jujitsu, and the flexibility of her body is exaggerated. They can use postures that ordinary people can\'t do in battle. Ordinary armor can\'t meet their requirements.

Especially after Helen came to the wizard tower, they were both elves, but one was the surface elves and the other was the drow elves, which showed signs of competing with each other.

Allen didn\'t interfere in their small competition. After all, the ultimate beneficiary is him. The tights BISS wears today are nano combat suits made by Allen by combining "engineer" and iron blood warrior technology, and then enchant these combat suits. Now it looks very thin, but its defense is not weak at all, It also has some bonus on physical quality.

The protective ability of this nano combat suit can resist arrows and bullets. At the same time, spells lower than the official witchcraft level can also resist. The above is added with optical materials to be invisible. Allen also adds concealment on it. After opening, Bisi\'s stealth ability is greatly improved. If it weren\'t for the chip scan, Allen would hardly have found her.

This nano combat suit belongs to close fitting, and even Bisi will change with the help of optical effects. For example, Bisi looks like wearing a pair of black silk stockings. After getting along with Alan for a long time, Bess completely knows his preferences. Seeing Allen\'s eyes staring at his legs, he took the cat step gracefully.


Bess walked to Allen with light steps, looked curiously at the drawings on the table, then turned his mouth and retracted: "what can I do for you?"

After staying for a long time, Bess found that his master was good at everything. He was rich, peaceful, had no airs, had a mild temper, and was very good to his subordinates and maids. But the only problem is that they like to let them learn magic. They often say that "loser war" has no future, and "Dharma Master" is the future.

Get rid of that complex maze like figure. It looks dizzy. How do you let us learn... And I\'m an agile professional shadow assassin, not a wizard. Why do I read so many books, as well as those strange aerodynamic theories, shooting parameters, parabola theory and functions? What\'s the use of learning these.