Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 500

"Have they been active lately?" asked an arcane nearby.

"It\'s much more active than before. These bugs have been honest for some time after the last lesson, and it\'s almost time to recover," said the undead knight in a low voice.

"It\'s up to you, worm, to wipe out the bedbugs." the undead Knight suddenly shouted.

"I\'ll go now!" not far behind, a resting giant immediately stood up. It can be seen from his height that this is a hybrid. The giant is generally more than six meters when he grows up, and some powerful ones can even be ten meters. Although the giant is much taller than human beings, it is only four meters.

Reach out and grab the weapon, and then walk towards the crater. Where the fastest devil has climbed out, the leader is always a group of low-level cannon fodder demons, mixed with some middle-level demons such as horn demons and claw demons.

For Werm, who has fought with these demons countless times, the demons in front of him are nothing at all. His huge body directly launches a "war charge", and then directly rushes to the area with the most dense demons like a loaded shell.

"War tramples on!"

A loud drink sounded.

Then worm, who hit more than a dozen demons, stomped on the ground. The strong earth element wave broke out instantly, and the ground seemed to have an earthquake. All the demons with a radius of 10 meters around him were unstable, fell to the ground and fell into a state of vertigo.

Then, worm grabbed the weapon wheel and began to crush it.

As the strongest warrior of the melee profession, the mountain giant is very popular. With worm\'s attack, countless demons were torn apart, the devil\'s blood was broken, and the remaining limbs were scattered. All demons were destroyed after a fight. Even those middle-level demons didn\'t withstand worm\'s attack and were smashed into puddles of meat and mud.

Deep in the crater, after sensing that all the tempting demons were eliminated, the demons behind seemed to hear some instructions, and then retreated slowly. After sweeping away all the demons, worm returned to the post with his weapons.

"Wom\'s strength is growing very fast," said the arcane master standing not far away when he saw the half giant who had just made great power.

"Your Excellency Allen\'s vision is extraordinary. This little guy has made rapid progress and now he has touched the field of legend." the nearby death knight nodded.

Compared with the caster, Thebes world lacks more high-level soldiers. The advanced legend of melee professionals is far more difficult than the advanced legend of the caster. Moreover, after the advanced legend of the caster, the life expectancy will be greatly increased, and there are many means to prolong life. It is not difficult to live for a thousand years.

Soldiers can\'t do it. After the advanced legends of all melee classes, their life expectancy will be increased, but it will only have a total life of about 200 years. If they have been injured too much before, they will leave many hidden injuries to their bodies, or even only have a life of more than 100 years.

In the abyss invasion, the death rate of soldiers is also the highest, which leads to the shortage of tibis high-level soldiers. If it was not supported by this group of high-level death knights, the situation of soldiers would be even more difficult.

On the battlefield, the real damage output still depends on these hand to hand combat professionals. A legendary spell can kill tens of thousands of demons, but a legendary caster can release several of these spells. For the powerful hand to hand combat profession like giant, just a warm-up has eliminated hundreds of demons, and what he consumes is some strength.

At this speed, powerful soldiers can continue to output for a day or even longer. In contrast, the caster can\'t, and the endurance time is completely incomparable. In addition to these, melee classes also have a role. Ordinary soldiers prefer to trust a soldier who charges with them than a high-ranking caster.

High end spellcasters are positioned to control the field, so they can advance and retreat freely in battle without worrying about self-protection. Control the enemy\'s powerful targets at the critical moment and create opportunities for the melee class. Although the battery caster attacks sharply, it is easy to drain himself, and then it takes time to recover.

Although Allen likes to break out and output magic and wash the ground, that\'s because as a dragon wizard, his magic in his body is far higher than the same level, and his physical quality is strong. He doesn\'t have to worry about his own safety when his magic runs out.

Nowadays, tibis lacks such backbone. Although he has made a large number of puppet demons, a powerful soldier on the battlefield plays more than these. Morale is also a strange factor.

Ever victorious general, as like as two peas, the army led by a victorious general and a general general are two completely different concepts. Even if the soldier\'s qualities are exactly the same, they play a different role.

The original human Empire blocked the abyss for decades only by its own strength. Although there were reasons for the strength of the human Empire at that time, those famous battlefield generals played a greater role.

Especially when a brave and invincible general led the charge, it was the time when this army had the strongest attack power. At the beginning, more than 100 Mountain Giants faced a demon Legion. The charging posture of the giant Legion directly defeated 100000 demon armies and killed a secondary demon leader. This kind of battle is difficult for even the powerful arcane division. The arcane division prefers to fight with absolute strength.

Magic image legion, super particle magic guide gun, strategic strike, floating city, a complete set of horizontal push down, of course, the effect is better, but the cost is not affordable for ordinary people.

Now, when worm grows up, he will be the backbone of the human Legion. In many stories, knights and soldiers are regarded as protagonists and other professions as supporting actors. This situation is not without reason.

Every time there is a crisis in the world, some strong people will be born. They will quickly stand out and become the protagonist against the crisis. The will of the abyss has invaded many worlds in countless years. In those stories or novels, justice prevailed over evil, and the heroes won the final victory, but in the materials Allen knew, there were no fewer than ten or more planes destroyed by the abyss invasion. These worlds also gave birth to many outstanding figures in the crisis, and even achieved the true God, but they were finally defeated by the abyss.

The abyss was counterattacked only in the period of the arcane empire. The powerful arcane empire that the gods could deal with together took back the plane eroded by the abyss, spent strength to extract the abyss energy, and transformed the lower plane into the material plane again. The abyss demon was severely pressed on the ground by the arcane masters and rubbed back and forth.

However, all this disappeared with the destruction of the arcane empire. The material plane transformed by the arcane master was gradually occupied again by the abyss will and pulled back into the lower plane.