Dragon Talisman

Chapter 393

"Although your son's divination was urged by the heaven worship Fu and imperial edict, in fact, the power is limited. If you want to completely suppress me, I'm afraid there is no such possibility." Facing the repression of the great seal, Gu Chensha's face remained unchanged, as if it had been in his own calculation.

At the beginning of the great seal, he suddenly hit the "sun and moon" in his left hand and the "gods dusk" in his right hand.


Two peerless martial arts come together, one is Fengshen and the other is Tu Shen. Yin and yang are combined to turn around the good and evil. Between the world, all are twisted tear force.

Just a little collision, the big seal was swallowed up and became the nourishment of the ancient dust, sand and golden elixir.


Under the throat of the ancient dust sand, in the cave of heaven, the ancient dust sand gathered together to impel the "sun and moon together" and the "gods at dusk" to each other and turn them into huge whirlpools, so as to absorb the air of Wudang into them.

And the talisman of heaven, which was offered, was shaken, and it would fall into the hand of the dust.

"Resist." Wudang hollow middle University was shocked. From the beginning to the present, she didn't get the upper hand in the fight with Gu Chensha. No matter what unique skill she urged, she was beaten passively. This shows that the other side has the strength to crush her own, and her understanding of martial arts is also above her own.

She kept turning her mana into the secret talisman of tianwu, trying to win.

But the pressure of the ancient dust sand is more and more, which makes it difficult for her to operate her magic power, but her anger is also growing. She can't believe all this: "how can it be possible, how can it be possible, I practice the God sealing skill of the son of heaven, and even more numerous adventures. Now I have reached the state of the twenty-two changes of Taoism, and the state of the ancient dust sand is only the nineteen changes. Get up against the enemy and use it Is it Dan Qi? It's not the same as my magic power. How could it oppress me to such a level? "

The difference between Danqi and mana is the difference between ordinary swords and muskets, not a level of power at all. Against the enemy, it may take 10% of the Dan Qi to resist 10% of the magic power.

But now the situation seems to be reversed.

"Do you think you can resist me?" The two magic powers of ancient dust movement are more and more skillful, almost mysterious.

Once again, he increased his strength. Suddenly, among the four acupoints of life gate, jade pillow, perineum and Tiantu, four golden elixirs flew out together and bombarded the light of the mysterious talisman that day.

The whole secret talisman suddenly sent out a whine. It seems that it was hit hard and turned into a common talisman. It was caught by the ancient dust sand and put into the hands.

This is a jade talisman, not a one-time talisman. This talisman is made by the martial Saint himself. It can refine martial arts, refine martial arts, operate martial arts and refine martial arts.

, for example, even if ordinary people get this symbol, in the process of practicing Wu Yi, they will have many connections, such as God help, any martial arts moves into his hands, and turn rotten into magic. This is still a very subtle use of this symbol. This symbol contains more essence of life.

"Banished immortals!"

The ancient dust sand takes back four gold pills and holds the talisman in his hand, but the talisman instinctively jumps like an ancient beast, trying to struggle and fly out.

But the ancient dust has been prepared for a long time. It urged the means of banishing immortals. In a moment, it wiped out some of the spirit contained in this talisman, and then swallowed it.

He is swallowed into the deep space of his own Dantian gas sea. Countless secret methods vibrate and explode. In a flash, he wants to decompose and refine this talisman.

However, this talisman is made by wusheng, so it is not so easy to be refined. It radiates light again in the depth of his Dantian space to prevent the invasion of power.

"Hum!" The ancient dust sand snorted: "how dare you fight me, little talisman? Golden Dan! "

Four golden elixirs in his body run through meridians to reach the deep space of Dantian gas sea from the hole where he lives.

BAM BAM bam!

Four loud sounds, these four gold pills envelop the tianwu talisman in the deep space of Dantian gas sea, and explode by themselves.

This day, the martial talisman couldn't stand the explosion of this talisman, and finally split.

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"blood, fusion, memory, absorption!" The ancient dust sand immediately urges the powerful blood and power in the body, and instantly absorbs this power, and it can rotate in the body.

Many voices resounded, and the golden elixir power of the explosion did not dissipate, but was still in his air sea space. Instead, it began to merge with the tianwu talisman, gathering into a stronger and greater force, swimming through his whole body meridians, and then reconstituted into the golden elixir in each hole in his body.

The golden elixir just exploded, all of which were reunited, not to mention, but also derived more golden elixirs.

Baihui cave at the top gate, two Yongquan caves at the bottom of the foot, and two Laogong caves in the hand all condensed into gold pills.

These five acupoints are the so-called five hearts in internal skill cultivation.

The noun of internal skill, five hearts to the sky, is the five hearts, the so-called top heart Baihui acupoint, two palm Laogong acupoints, and two foot Yongquan acupoints.

The five hearts are connected with each other, run at will, and the whole body is full of lively blood, so there is the supreme mystery of internal skill.

At this moment, the ancient dust and sand refine the tianwu talisman. With the powerful energy contained in it, the golden elixir in the five heart acupoint is actually made.

In addition, in the deep sea of his knowledge, there are many pieces of martial arts memory left by the martial saint. That's not the only energy of the martial arts talisman that day. The huge essence of martial arts is integrated into his own blood, scattered and engulfed, enhancing the concentration of the real blood of the mortals.

The so-called true blood of the mortal, as the ancient dust sand knew, is the combination of the strengths of all living beings between heaven and earth, creating the strongest blood.

In the breath of the ancient dust sand, I only feel that my understanding of the body has increased a lot. The way of cultivation of the martial Saint hides a lot in the secret talisman of the heavenly talisman. His understanding of the body also has its own unique side. The ancient dust sand gets these scattered memory fragments, neutralizes them, and deepens his understanding of martial arts.

It is these knowledge, little by little accumulation, that finally makes the ancient dust and sand stride into an unprecedented realm and form their own unique thinking.

From the ancient dust and sand, you can take the tianwu talisman and bring it into the air sea space. You can self explode the golden elixir, refine the talisman, and then refine the golden elixir with your powerful power, that is, in an instant.

At this moment, there are ten golden elixirs in the body of the ancient dust sand.

The self exploding jade pillow, the life gate, the perineum, and the golden elixir of the four acupoints of Tiantu are collected again, mixed with the power of the secret talisman of tianwu, and coagulated again. Compared with before the self exploding, it is more solid and flexible several times.

In addition, Baihui cave, two Laogong caves and two Yongquan caves, among the five hearts, are also coagulated with golden elixir. The power of each fist and foot of the ancient dust sand has been increased at least several times.

In addition, the characteristics of tianwu talisman are integrated into the body, which makes his ordinary fists and feet have horrible killing power.

At this moment, he will put the golden elixir in the body, maintain the power of the physical body, and attack with the physical body, all methods can be broken.

"Hahahaha." Gu Chensha laughed, "Wudang Kong, I want to thank you for your talisman talisman. Otherwise, I can't understand the essence of martial arts. With the essence of martial arts, I'm like a fish in water. In order to express my gratitude, I'll make you an ordinary person like Jing Fanxing."

During the conversation, the ancient dust body quickly approached Wudang air. With a fierce clap, it has used the power of relegating immortals.

(end of this chapter)