Dragon Talisman

Chapter 392

Gu Chensha is a bit embarrassed about how to summon Xing Qiu to communicate. Zhuge Ya didn't give any specific details. Of course, he probably didn't know about it himself, so he left it to Gu Chensha.

It's impossible for Zhuge ya to calculate everything in the ancient dust sand. He must have the ability to solve things.

"Well, I will urge my own Dan Qi to go down and test." There was a kind of Danqi in the ancient dust eyebrow. The Danqi flew out, condensed into a human shape, and flew into the deep sea. Then the Danqi was closely connected with his heart.

Danqi is not subject to the pressure of sea water, and keeps going deep into the trench.

The trench under the jade mountain is endless, and I don't know how deep it is. After half an hour, his Dan Qi had not yet lurked into the sea floor, and no trace of Xing Qiu's head had been found.

I have searched for another two or three hours. It seems that there is a space underground.

At the end, the Dan Qi was exhausted and dissipated in the sea water, but the whereabouts of the Xing Yuan family were not found.

"I feel the fierce Qi, but I can't find any trace when I use the Dan Qi to search? Is it that Xing Qiu hid? " He was very confused.

Suddenly, a breath came down from the sea.

"Someone's coming." Gu Chensha knew immediately that some experts had come down again.

His body shrinks, turns into the sea sand, hides, secretly senses the movement around.

In the sea water, there appeared a figure of a woman who was not afraid of the pressure of the sea water. Even the sea water could not oppress her, as if she were a virtual body.

"Wudang is empty!" It can be seen from the ancient dust that this woman is very familiar with wudangkong. She has gained many adventures and become a strong man. At this time, she has become the realm of "Fa Tian Xiang Di" in Daojing 22 transformation, which is much higher than that in jingfanxing.

Wudangkong is also the one who has been "the great sacrifice of Dongtian" and "the great sacrifice of the king of Dharma". Even three or four king stars are not necessarily opponents. Moreover, she has practiced the God sealing skill of the emperor, sweeping one side, and has infinite mysteries.

But Gu Chensha secretly planned that this woman and him could absolutely suppress it if she didn't hide in the space of Sun Moon altar.

"It should be here." Wudang Kong also landed on the jade mountain and looked at the jade with both eyes. "It's really the seal arranged by the ancient emperor."

She is not afraid of the pressure of water because she has become a mana.

After the successful cultivation of "fusion, dispersion and impermanence" in the 20th transformation of Daojing, there is a force of law. Without the body, we are not afraid of water pressure or the change of the magnetic field of heaven and earth.

The power is not the yuan God. The yuan God is afraid of the magnetic shock. The power communicates the rules. It's so mysterious that it's hard to imagine.

"Hua Yu Fu!"

Wudang falls down in the air, the palm urges the emperor to seal the gods, and the jade talisman appears.

She wants to take a picture of the jade talisman on the jade mountain and turn it into a large piece of jade to turn it into jade paste.

"Stop!" Ancient dust and sand stand out and catch the jade talisman to stop Wudang's empty behavior.

"It's you!" Wudang Kong was about to kill those blocking her with powerful magic, but it was clear that it was the ancient dust sand, with a cold face: "what are you doing here?"

She already knew from Zhuge Ya's mouth that the ancient dust sand can also seal the gods.

This made her very afraid, and she also knew that the imperial edict of heaven worship was in the hands of ancient Chensha.

"Empress Mingfei, we all know what we're going to get to this place." Ancient sandstorm is wary of Wudang's behavior: "this is the place where the first murderer in Shenzhou is suppressed. Do you want to release this murderer when you come here?"

"So what? No, so what? Can you stop me? " Wudang air doesn't have any good looks at the ancient dust.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Gu Chensha laughed: "wudangkong, you don't think you can do anything if you get the imperial edict of heaven worship. If you want to release the family of Xing Qiu, I will suppress you now. The imperial edict of heaven worship is just what I play with. You are still the treasure. I can abolish all the martial arts of Jing Fanxing and your accomplishments. "

"Gu Chensha, are you confident?" Wudang's eyes are full of murderous opportunities. "Your cultivation is just the dream of changing size in the 19th century, but I'm the heaven and earth in the 22nd century. Everyone practices the God sealing skill. How can you get me? I know that you defeated Jing Fanxing, Gu Huo, forgetting the plane and Xiao Yan in the devil kingdom. But in my opinion, these people, in fact, are local chickens and tile dogs. They are useless. "

"Forget it, you and I don't want to fight for nothing." A sneer appeared on the sand face of the ancient dust: "it's useless to talk. I'd like to see what realm your son's divinity cultivation has reached and who is more profound with me."

Ancient dust sand's accomplishments and combat power at this moment are far beyond the strength of fighting against Jing Fanxing in the devil kingdom.

These days, he fought with FA Wuxian, inspired the blood of emperor Tianfu, smashed all the blood in the body, refined it into the real blood of the human beings, and practiced it into the demon tree. He got the memory fragments left by countless demon sages in the ancient time and space, and realized the skill and secret that many ancient friars did not understand.

His accomplishments have gradually surpassed the ancients and reached a new unknown field.

At the same time, his understanding of the way of strange numbers has also improved to a new level. Although it is impossible to say that he really understands the way of strange numbers, it is also of great benefit to his cultivation.

"Sun and moon!"

Between the backhand of the ancient dust sand, they urged the sun and the moon to kill. The sea water could not stop the killing.

There are thousands of fine mans converging into a long river, covering the air toward Wudang.

Wudang's face changed, and he also played a move to kill the sun and the moon.

The two kinds of sun and moon killing hit each other, which disappeared at the same time and disappeared in the invisible. It seems that they never appeared between heaven and earth.

This is a scene that has never appeared. In ancient times, from ancient times to the present, there has never been a scene of the emperor's divination.

Because, there is only one person in the God sealing skill, that is the emperor. When the emperor abdicates, the imperial edict of heaven worship flies away. All the skills of his God sealing, even the blood of sun, moon and dragon, plus the memory of the God sealing will disappear and be extracted by the imperial edict.

"Good, good." The ancient dust sand comes forward again, and it's a fist. It's actually the sun and the moon shining at the same time. When it's spread on the sea floor, all the sea water is forced to open, and the light appears in the air at the same time like the sun and the moon, completely covering the air of Wudang.

No matter how Wudang emptiness changes, it's impossible to escape the move of sun and moon.

Ancient dust sand's moves and attacks can completely kill her with one strike.

According to the truth, the 19th transformation of Daojing is to attack with Dan Qi. The monks who have become magic force through the 20th transformation are extremely harmless. Unless they explode the golden elixir, they can hardly shake the essence of their magic power. This is not to say that the characters of "Fa Tian Xiang di" in the 22nd transformation of Daojing reach a limit of their magic power, which is enough to evolve all things in the world.

To reach this realm, a monk who changes from 18 to 19 can do nothing even if he explodes his own golden elixir.

But the Danqi of the ancient dust is extraordinary. You can kill people in one move in the face of jingfanxing, or even hurt people who have reached the 23rd change to "see the past".

"The sun and the moon shine together!" Wudang Kong has to fight the same trick again.

Once again, the two forces collide in the sea, counteract each other and disappear completely.

"It's true, it's true, Wudang is empty, and your sun and moon have reached a certain level of cultivation. Unfortunately, it's a little worse than my God sealing skill, because my skill combines with the great butcher skill, and has derived more power." Although the ancient dust sand didn't fully practice the great Tu Shen method and didn't have a lot of insight, he and Lou Baiyue fought for several months in the devil kingdom to refine the heaven demon tree. At the beginning of the war, one of them urged the sun and the moon to shine together, and the other urged the gods in the great Tu Shen method to dusk. He can't fight back.

The body of ancient Chensha also absorbed some supernatural powers of the great Tu shenfa.

He and Wudang fight against each other. They fight against each other for a while with the God sealing skill of the emperor. The sun and the moon share the same brightness. They both share the same color in autumn. Neither side has gained the advantage.

"It's really the God sealing skill of the emperor." Wudangkong is really determined. Her fear is deeper. She is not afraid of the ancient dust, but afraid of the emperor Tianfu.

Emperor Tianfu is able to control even the imperial edict. Isn't it invincible?

Since ancient times, it is impossible for even the three great celestial beings to manipulate this talisman, and there is nothing to do about the trace of this talisman. Once Tianda Tianzun tried to refine this talisman, but it was backfired by Tiandao. After suffering some injuries, he never dared again.

"Wudang is empty. How do you feel?" Gu Chensha, with his hands on his back, seems to have mastered the whole scene. "Your cultivation is no longer my opponent. In the future, I will be honest and do things for the court. Don't disturb the wind and rain. Maybe I have a chance to survive. Otherwise, there will be a disaster in the future."

"How dare you speak so loudly before you have done me any harm?" Wudang's face is solemn, but the killing intention is more and more intense. "I just urged 30% of the strength, just to test your appearance. Since you are so entrusted, I'll show you who is the real emperor inheritance, you lost the heaven worship Fu Zhao, and the emperor's divination is just a flash in the pan, not forever." There was a ray of light in her hands between

's words. There was a big print appearing between the rays of light. It appeared four characters, "heaven sent", just like the font on the sky.

The ancient dust nodded: "yes, this is the real mystery of the sun and the moon. It can only be displayed with the heaven worship edict. Without the heaven worship edict, I can't show the mystery of being ordered to heaven. Your God sealing skill is still above me. "

In fact, the imperial edict of offering sacrifices to heaven has its own attack ability, which is more capable of suppressing, blocking and killing, but at the beginning, the ancient dust and sand didn't have enough Qi of the emperor to urge it to exert its ability.

"It's hard to talk when you're dying. I wonder if Zhuge Ya can save you this time." Wudang's empty body moves. The condensed big seal has reached the top of the ancient dust sand head.