Dragon Talisman

Chapter 394

Since wudangkong entered the court, it has been a disaster from beginning to end.

Although Gu Chensha had some understanding of the reason why emperor Tianfu ordered her to enter the palace, could he not tolerate this woman's constant sabotage and disturbing the world as soon as she had a chance. What would happen if Shenzhou was released this time? For example, the gods opened the seal and showed the miracles in the world again?

What should we do in such an era? Where is Jingxian division going? All of these should be prepared in the long run, so as to enhance our strength and eliminate the factors of instability.

At present, the best factor for Gu Chensha to consider is to abolish the whole body magic and martial arts of Wudang Kong and let her be the prison state. However, this is the tiger that has cut off its claws and teeth, and can't turn over any waves, and become a chess piece honestly.

The collected Wudang air power will definitely accelerate the growth of the TIANYAO tree.

The cultivation of the ancient dust sand has improved a lot again. Some memory fragments and experiences of the martial Saint have infiltrated into his sea of knowledge. He digested them in an instant. All kinds of martial arts and refined meanings have been integrated. All martial arts have been urged to move, and their power has at least doubled.

On this day, the martial talisman is also very important to the martial family. Although it is not the real treasure of Zhenshan, it is also the top ten treasure. This treasure was swallowed directly by the ancient dust sand, and the benefits are far more than that. In the future, it will appear one by one in the practice.


the immortal relegation palm of the ancient dust covers the whole body of Wudang from top to bottom.

But wudangkong couldn't dodge at all. She was willing to hide in the sun and moon altar, but she was furious and didn't want to show weakness. She lost the secret talisman of tianwu. Even in her position in the martial family, she couldn't bear the anger of the family.

Mainly, she asked for a lot of resources from the family since she became a concubine and didn't give any feedback to the family, which was embarrassing.

Without the talisman of heaven, it will be much more difficult for disciples to practice.

"I'll fight with you. I'm the one who is destined by heaven. All the good fortune is in me." Wudang's empty handed palms are also used to break through the ancient dust sand's immortal relegation palms.

Bang Bang Bang.....

the attack of the two men collided.

Every attack, the immortal relegation palm power of ancient Chensha can draw a magic power from Wudang air, which can be incorporated into the deep air sea of its own Dantian, decomposed, refined, and then transformed into the golden air.

In a flash, the two men fought for thousands of years. The ancient dust and sand were full of spirit. In his Tailu cave, zhangmen cave, Renzhong cave, yamen cave, Xinjing cave, Jingmen cave, danzhong cave and Guanyuan cave, eight golden pills were condensed.

Now, he has 18 gold pills all over his body, together with the main gold pill.

These eighteen gold pills are not motionless, but begin to flow with the meridians, not stay in the fixed hole, but constantly walk, making the ancient dust body form a pattern of stars and celestial bodies moving.

At this time, if someone looks carefully, he will find that the ancient dust body is dotted with gold pills flashing up and down, which makes the body in a perfect frequency all the time. In this way, the body of the ancient dust sand is being further refined.

During this collision, Wudang's air breathing became weaker, and her power of power fluctuation was reduced by at least 30%. In other words, her accomplishments were absorbed by the palm technique of ancient sand relegated immortal.

"How is it?" As soon as the ancient dust sand palm technique is collected, the 18 gold pills in the body can stabilize the breath, digest each other, nourish the blood vessels and protect the whole body.

He felt a wonderful

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"In the realm of the five changes of Daojing, the spirit gathers all kinds of orifices. It compresses the spirit Qi into 108 points and orifices. Then it combines with the blood Qi and turns into the innate vigorous Qi. When it reaches the ideal size of the nineteen changes, it explodes the body, mixes with the gold and Dan, and finally becomes the magic force. Now I have another process, that is, Danju Baiqiao. Among the 108 acupoints and orifices, after all of them have been trained into golden elixir, the golden elixir will be condensed out of the small acupoints and orifices! " Gu Chensha almost moaned when he felt comfortable.

"Ancient dust, you are powerful!" Wudang's face is pale. It's obvious that the damage of power is too severe, which leads to weakness.

The ancient dust sand adjusted the internal Dan Qi, adjusted the 18 gold pills to be lively and nimble, and combined with itself completely, it radiated a strong momentum.

He stopped just now. Instead of letting Wudang go, he suddenly used the immortal relegation palm to absorb one-third of the girl's magic power. After training into a golden elixir, he had to take a good breath and polish it to become his own thing.

Now that he has returned to anger, he naturally wants to defeat the other party at one stroke and take away all the magic power, so that this woman can no longer harm the court, and she will be a real chess player in the future.

Wudang Kong saw the momentum of the ancient dust and sand shrouded again. Her face suddenly changed. She was about to hide in the space of the Japanese altar. She could not care about her face.

It has to be said that the cultivation of this woman is far superior to that of jingfanxing. In the same realm, between the backhand of the ancient dust sand, you can get the strength, blood and basic qualification of jingfanxing with the help of the immortal relegation palm. However, only one third of her Dharma power has been extracted for dealing with this woman under a thousand palms, even without the qualification to shake each other.

But as the battle went on, the cultivation of ancient dust and sand became more and more vigorous, while the cultivation of Wudang air became weaker and weaker.

The result is doomed.

Wudang Kong is not an opponent of ancient dust sand at all.

And she saw that the ancient dust sand could condense many golden elixirs. This method only appeared in the ancient legends. We should know that although the golden elixir is not necessarily able to condense one, it is extremely difficult to control each additional one.

A gold pill contains countless runes, arrays, cores and energy bodies. If a slight circulation in the pill goes wrong, it will cause an explosion. There is no corpse, and the spirit will be destroyed.

In history, there were monks who wanted to be strong. They cultivated two golden pills, but they couldn't control them. They were killed. What's more, there are more golden elixirs, and the body may not be able to bear them.

People like Gu Chensha can gather many golden elixirs. They are so skillful. Wudang has never heard of them.

She has lost her fighting spirit.

But at this moment, a sudden change, a boundless evil spirit rushed up from the bottom of the trench, sending out spiritual fluctuations.

"Strange, strange, there are two people who can seal the gods. It's strange. Is this era changed? Why?"

This idea cuts into the space between the ancient dust sand and Wudang.

Ancient dust sand was surprised, he felt the familiar atmosphere.

This idea is exactly the will of the first murderer in Shenzhou, Xing Qiu.

"The first murderer in Shenzhou, has it finally appeared?" Gu Chensha did not dare to take any more actions. Instead, he immediately backed up to see what the fierce will was.

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