Dragon Talisman

Chapter 391

In Zhuge Ya's opinion, Taiyi Xuanmen's Zhangjiao, that is, taimangdi's father, is really cunning like a fox. La is updated quickly, the website page is fresh, there are few advertisements, and there is no pop-up window. I like this kind of website best, and I must praise it]

although Taiyi Xuanmen's power is great, its calculation is deep, and its foundation is extremely rich, but the most powerful of them are no more intelligent than seven Lord of stars.

This taiyizhu contains a huge secret, which is difficult to understand thoroughly. If you can open the mystery with the wisdom of the Seven Star master, it will surely be passed on to taimang enemy, and then taimang enemy will also feed back to the sect.

In addition, when taimang enemy became Zhuge Ya's disciple, his accomplishments would be promoted very quickly, and he could tie the thigh of Tianfu emperor. In the future, taimang enemy occupied some opportunities.

It is declared that taimang enemy is tempted by the Lord of the seven stars and is put under his door, and Taiyi Xuanmen will not be investigated by the three great gods.

Of course, it is impossible for the three great gods to understand this trick, but at least there is no obvious reason for accountability.

"this Tai Yi Zhu is the essence of the chaos explosion, which contains the mystery of creation and birth and destruction. It is also the innate treasure. Tai Yi heaven has condensed many years with his own power, and it contains his memory and experience as a whole. Originally this was the foundation he used to establish his religion, but because of the sudden fall, taiyizhu didn't have time to teach his disciples the way to open it, which led to so many years of silence. " Zhuge Ya talked freely and was very familiar with the secret: "but you can get the recognition of this object because of the great change of the world. This object was induced by the world, and there were some flaws and leaks. At that time, you just came into contact with this object. Of course, it's also your fortune. "

"I see." The enemy of taimang suddenly realized, "look at master, there must be a way to open this thing, or even run the mystery of this thing?"

"That's nature. If this thing is really opened, its power is not much weaker than the book of the demons. It is also of great benefit to our jingxiansi and even to the sphere of the wish of the mortals. However, if you accept this thing, I'm afraid you will bear the cause and effect of Taiyi Xuanmen later. Taiyi Tianzun may have some real means left behind, and he also wants to revive. " Between Zhuge Ya's hands, taiyizhu in the deep of taimang's eyebrow fell into his hands automatically.

Taimang is surprised.

This pearl has been living in his eyebrow, heart and ancestral body. It seems that it has been combined with his knowledge of the sea. Now, he can use this pearl to store endless inborn vigorous Qi in it, and then use it to store things.

So far, this pearl has two abilities.

But that's enough.

In particular, it is an abnormal ability to store infinite inborn vigorous Qi. In other words, the inborn vigorous Qi of taimang enemy can never be exhausted.

"Master, you" said the enemy in shock.

"This pearl is not really connected with your efforts. With your current accomplishments, you can't control it. It's very easy to be taken away." Zhuge Ya turns the bead on his finger, as if thinking about something.

As he understood the bead, he waved.

Immediately, the Maharaja devoured the huge corpse by the demon tree.

Although the sky demon tree is only the size of wheat, when it comes into contact with the corpse of maharaja, it will produce a strong suction and devour all the changes. In a moment, the Maharaja God, as high as tens of feet, will turn the corpse into nutrients, all of which will be absorbed by the sky demon tree.

However, the TIANYAO tree has grown up a lot. At the speed visible to the naked eye, it has grown into a small sapling with a height of half a person, which is equivalent to eliminating the means of absorbing evolution for a hundred years.

In this small sapling, bearing some fruit, only the size of soybeans.

The fruit presents a grayish brown color, in which the demonic flow, the demonic air is filled, not the right way.

"Well, this fruit is the reincarnation fruit of demons. After taking it, people will be reincarnated into demons. The power is infinite, but also can produce wings to fly, the whole body scale, the knife and the gun cannot enter, but sometimes loses the reason Zhuge Ya said: "this fruit is very useful for the demons themselves, and it will do more harm than good for human beings. This is because the demons tree absorbed the demonic nature of maharaja. Some of them are useless for their own evolution, so they are extracted and used as this thing."

"I only heard about the reincarnation of the demons in ancient times. It was the sages and gods of the ancient demons and demons who tried to extract the blood of the demons and demons, so as to integrate them perfectly and create a perfect race. Unfortunately, they failed, but even the failed race was extremely powerful. The devil's fruit is refined in that case. " Enemy taimang knows a lot.

"If this fruit is sold to the demon clan or the demon clan, I'm afraid it will be robbed by them. Even the disciples of fairyland are not qualified, but they will take it at any cost if they want to be stronger." Lou Baiyue said.

"It's really useful." Zhuge Ya took down the reincarnation fruits of these demons: "these fruits can be taken out to exchange with the demons for some good things, but they can make a lot of money. This fruit is of little use to us. "

"It's a wonderful day for the demon saplings." Taimang enemy said: "it is said that the tree can create countless magic pills at will. Now it is known."

"With the cooperation of taiyizhu, the growth of TIANYAO tree will be much easier." Zhuge Ya throws taiyizhu away.

Suddenly, the bead was suspended on the top of the fairy tree.

The chaotic force absorbed by the fairy tree seedlings was not included in itself, but was input into the taiyizhu.

"After absorbing the chaotic element force, the TIANYAO sapling needs to urge the internal force to decompose and turn it into its own growth nutrient, which slows down a lot. However, the current function of Taiyi pearl has the function of purifying and decomposing, including the chaotic element force. Many functions of the pearl itself will also be slowly stimulated. That chaotic element force is filtered by Taiyi pearl, and the TIANYAO sapling It will be much easier to absorb and decompose, just like people eat, if you eat a large piece of meat, it must be stomach distension, but if you cut the meat into meat foam, it will be very easy to digest. " Zhuge Ya explained to taimang, "not only that, but also the mystery of TIANYAO tree will be opened soon. From now on, you and I will practice under the demon tree, and I will teach you more. "

"Thank you very much, master."

Taimang enemy quickly sits under the sky demon tree with his knees crossed and feels the process of Taiyi pearl absorbing the chaotic force.

Sure enough, after a while, that taiyizhu spits out the chaotic Yuan Li, and then after the absorption of the demon tree, there is a sound inside the demon tree, such as drinking water from cattle, which is very pleasant. The half height seedlings are also waving and waving, sending out waves. It seems that someone is playing a wonderful music, which makes the whole taimang enemy seem to be in a kind of archaic state In a cool state of mind, watch the life and death of the world.

"This is the rhythm of the heaven demon tree." Zhuge Ya said: "listening to the rhythm of Honghuang, you can understand the ancient sound of Honghuang, the state of mind of the beginning of heaven and earth. This is the state of mind of the strong ancient people. This sound can not directly improve your accomplishments, but it can make you enlightened, and over time, your state of mind will be superior to the top of the world."

Taimang enemy has been immersed in this melody. The whole body's inborn vigorous Qi begins to wriggle and change. The life fluctuation is more perfect.

Zhuge Ya continued: "in the past, the TIANYAO tree devoured the chaotic Yuanli, just like the ancient people, who were very primitive, but now with the taiyizhu, it is equivalent to an additional highly skilled chef, who can make a variety of delicious and very nourishing meals with the ingredients of chaotic Yuanli, which can naturally accelerate the evolution of TIANYAO tree."

Taimang enemy also noticed that Taiyi pearl seems to have changed a lot.

Zhuge Ya created a series of complex secret spells, which were twined on the Pearl of Taiyi, and then, with the wisdom and means of the Lord of the seven stars, the final meaning of the Pearl was revealed.

This is something that Taiyi Xuanmen can't do.

The two apprentices began to practice.

And the fairy tree is so vivid that its branches and leaves spread and the rhythm of the wilderness spreads all over the world in the sphere of the wish of the mortal, and the lifeless yellow sand seems to have a little more aura.

The inner part of the sphere starts to change, and between the breath, it starts to accumulate strength. Unlike before, a little strength will be absorbed by the sky demon tree.

Deep under the sea.

The ancient dust and sand awakened from the deep cultivation.

He did not stir up any force, but let the body sink and float in the deep sea.

The great pressure of water did nothing to him.

He is so skillful that his physical strength has reached such a level.

He sensed the wish sphere of the mortals, and found that the sphere was slowly accumulating strength.

"Good, good." The ancient dust sand has known all of them: "I can't imagine that the Taiyi pearl is so mysterious, which helps the cultivation of the TIANYAO saplings and plays a great role in purification, which is to help the TIANYAO saplings better digest. Finally, it got rid of the situation that the sapling absorbed vitality and created a virtuous circle. In ten and a half days, I will be able to use the sphere to tear the void and deal with the arbiter, the alliance of annihilation and immortality. "

He thought about it carefully. Four golden elixirs in his body moved slowly, ready to gather the fifth one.

"It's not urgent to kill these people. I'd better go to see the Xing dome first. That's the main thing. You should know that Wudang Kong can also use the God sealing technique, and can also urge the jade talisman to rescue the Xing dome." The body of the ancient dust moved silently in the sea water, and soon found the place where he had found the punishment dome.

It's still a huge jade mountain. It's so hard that even the God can't break it. Only the jade talisman of the God sealing technique of the emperor can completely open the seal.

Under the Yushan Mountain, there is a dark trench, which seems plain, but the ancient dust is felt. It contains a more fierce spirit than the devil kingdom. He dare not to peep, peep a little, and have a sweaty, creepy feeling.

"It seems that the head of Xing dome has not been released. Should I communicate with this devil like this? Is it like the last time? It seems inappropriate to melt the jade mountain and let it come out. "