Dragon Talisman

Chapter 355

"It depends on the next move." Gu Yanjian smiled more gloomily: "next, your Jing family should be ready to enrage Jing Xiansi. It can be said that it enrages the imperial court. If you worship the moon from the tower, you will probably launch a thunderclap."

"The dust is tolerable." Jing Fanxing's tone was even more vicious: "he was still in the governor's office. He could not bear to come out. It seemed that he would shrink his head as a turtle."

"Don't look down on this man. He is the best at tolerating before he gets rich, even if he is angry." It's a pity to play the sword in ancient times: "you four masters assassinated this man, but he killed him. As a result, the elder forgetting the plane and Xiao Yan fell down, and the Xuanmen of Chixiao lost a lot. Well, the Xuanmen of Chixiao and jingxiansi are not in the same league, so there is something we can use. "

"What if the Jingxian division tolerated this time?" Jing Fanxing asked, "brother Yanjian, if such a thing happens, it's up to you to help it."

"If Yasukuni tolerates it, I will have many followers." It seems that ancient swords are all calculating: "besides, you are also a master of the heaven and earth in the twenty second transformation of Daojing. Can't you kill the ancient dust sand or other people in Jingxian division? You let go of your means and assassinate the younger generation of jingxiansi every day, constantly probing the bottom line of jingxiansi. I don't believe it. They can bear it. "

"It is indeed appropriate." Gu Yanjian would like to get up at once: "Jingxian division is very common except for those powerful people. Let me see which one to kill first? Liu Yu, Qian Zhen, Zhou Bu and others? It's a good chance for these five people to kill the devil in the devil kingdom. "

"Never." Gu flicked his sword and hurriedly stopped: "if you go to kill these five people, I'm afraid you will all be buried in them. These five people have awakened the blood of the God of five seasons. You are not an opponent at all."

"Brother Yanjian despises me so much?" Jing Fanxing is angry.

"If brother Fanxing doesn't listen to me, you can try it." "If the five people are separated, the power is nothing. Brother Fanxing can suppress it. But if the five people join hands, the power will not be increased five times."

"Then the achievements of these five people are limitless. In a few years, they have really grown up, and then it will be more difficult to kill them." Jing Fanxing stands up fiercely: "we must get rid of it early."

"It's better to get rid of unnecessary things and make them into puppets, or surrender them and become your own people." "However, you can kill some people like long Yuyun and Yu Hanlu who are in charge of the folk chamber of Commerce. Then jingxiansi will be paralyzed."

"It's a little cheaper to fight against them in my current state, but in order to kill Jingxian division and make them crazy, it doesn't matter. Now I'm going to assign a magic avatar to kill them and kill all the lower level people in Jingxian division. I'll see how they work." The body of the star is moving, and a force is separated. This power is condensed into the same person as him.

He has become a twenty-two change "law of heaven and earth". His body can evolve all things in the world, and can also divide a force to travel around the world.

His body is not the body, nor the yuan God, nor the gathering of Qi, but the "Dharma body". It is mysterious and changeable. In fact, to reach this state is the ultimate of cultivation, so we will see the past.

This incarnation is only one tenth of his power, but it's enough to assassinate the important figures of Jing Xiansi.

Even the incarnation of one tenth of his power can suppress any master under twenty changes.

Of course, after the mana avatar leaves, he will lose one tenth of his power, but it doesn't matter.

"I came here mainly to see Mr. Jingqiu." In his opinion, Jing Fanxing's life expectancy is nearly six or seven hundred years. He has to kill the time in the gate of heaven and earth to cultivate to the present level. He has exhausted all potential and has no hope of promotion.

If Jing Fanxing doesn't enter the gate of heaven and earth and uses the force of time and space reversal to practice, in reality, he will reach the realm of immortal body after five or six hundred years of practice.

Now, because he practices in the reversal time of heaven and earth's Xuanmen, it's almost impossible for him to use his power to cultivate the state of Tao 23 to "see the past", because his rule of power has been branded with heaven and earth's Xuanmen, rather than through mutual understanding with the real world.

In other words, jingfanxing stops here.

This is the drawback of instant success and instant profit.

However, Jingqiu is now just over 100 years old, and it has become the immortal body of the twenty-five changes of Daojing. In time, it is not surprising that Jingqiu may become a god like existence.

Therefore, the soul of Jingjia is not jingfanxing, but Jingqiu.

Even now, Jingqiu suppresses the fortune of Jingzhou and the whole Jingjia family, and those sage families treat him with hospitality.

"The owner is out, not at home at the moment." King Fanxing said: "he went to the Xuanmen of heaven and earth, talked with Zhang Jiao about things, and then went to the Xuanmen of Chixiao. At this moment, I don't know where he is, but I will come back soon."

"So it's your idea to let the ancient dust sand visit?" Gu Yanjian frowned.

"No, it's the idea of the head of the family. He left behind a brilliant plan and told me to do it." Jing Fanxing said: "even if I am brave and hate deeply, I will not drag the Jing family into the water for my own self-interest. The head of the Jingqiu family has contacted the four sides and gambled on the fortune of our Jingqiu family. If we succeed in suppressing the Jingxian division, we will be able to have the resources of the sage family, which will last for thousands of years. "

"Oh? What is the agreement between Jingqiu and Tiandi Xuanmen? What is the agreement reached between Chixiao Xuanmen and you? " Gu Yanjian asked, "we are cooperating sincerely now. You always have to tell me some secrets. Otherwise, I don't know anything about it?"? It's hard for us to work together. "

"So brother Tan Jian will stay here for a long time and wait for the master to come back." Jing Fanxing said, "I'm going to sit in the family, so that the Jingxian department can't jump over the wall."

"I think I can humiliate the ancient dust sand who lives in the governor's mansion." For example, the Jingzhou business firm of Jingxian division here was run down

"It's easy to do, but the owner of the house means to attract people from the chamber of Commerce and become our own people." King Fanxing said: "after all, the goods of jingxiansi are of great use now. Small star returns Dan, big star returns Dan. These are good treasures that can enhance the strength of our Jing family. The owner means to infiltrate into Jingxian division and finally empty it. However, compared with Shizi, the pills of jingxiansi seem to be far behind. Shizi has a large number of dragon raising pills and even dragon making pills. If they can help our Jing family to produce more world-renowned talents and talents, then a series of plans will be carried out smoothly. "

"Yes." "I have a lot of dragon raising pills and dragon making pills in my hand, but I can't give them in vain. As long as you have enough price, how much do you want and how much do I have?"

"What does the son of the world need?" Jing Fanxing asked.

"I will discuss this with your Jingqiu specifically. I want to see what kind of temptation he, an old man, has to have to confront Yasukuni. Now jingxiansi has become the wish sphere of the mortals. The general trend has been achieved. Even here, the ancient dust sand can communicate the strength of the sphere at any time, breaking through the air to transmit huge energy and tear space. Unless there is a magic weapon of the same realm, it can not block the sense of response at all. Because of the suppression of ancient stepping on immortals, the power of your heaven and earth Xuanmen is unable to spread into this divine land. I can stop the ball from delivering power now, but it will cost a lot. It's not worth it. " "You Jing family is short of this kind of treasure. If you have this treasure, you will immediately become a sage family," he said

"It's not easy to talk about these treasures. Unfortunately, the book of the demons belongs to me and has been taken away. Damn it. " Jing Fanxing gnaws his teeth at this thought, which is killing.

At this time, in front of the two suddenly out of a young man.

The young man's face is like jade. He is dressed in blue brocade. He has no fierce momentum. He is extremely gentle. He looks like a scholar who has studied for many years and is as warm as jade.

"I've met the owner." Jing Fanxing quickly bows his hand.

"It turns out that Mr. Jingqiu is back." Ancient people dare not play swords lightly. Even if they are gods, they don't think that the strong person who changes from "immortal body" to "immortal body" is a small person.

This state even has the ability to talk with God.

"The son of the world came to my Jing family. It's really magnificent." Jingqiu was in a good mood and full of spring. "Just now I heard that Shizi said that he would take out the Dragon raising pill and dragon making pill in exchange for my Jing family's things. I don't know what Shizi wants."

"If you don't talk about the business, there's a problem right now." The ancient swordsman pointed to the governor's mansion not far away. "There is still a god living in the governor's mansion, who will destroy the Jing family at any time. As the head of the family, Mr. Jing Qiu, I'd like to see how you can resolve the crisis in front of you first."

"In danger?" Jingqiu smiled: "what kind of crisis is this? It's just an opportunity. Our Jing family lacks a treasure of Zhenshan. I think the sphere of the wish of the mortal is just suitable for our Jing family. This treasure has almost fallen into my hands. "

"Mr. Jingqiu's voice is very big. As far as I know, the sphere integrates the palace of the Zhou Dynasty, the Dragon Tower, the heavenly demon book and many other treasures. After the death avoiding talisman integrates the power of the saints, it finally evolves to the present state through multiple disasters in the past few years. Among them, there is the suppression of the Seven Star Lord. Does Mr. Jingqiu think he can count the Seven Star Lord? ”Ancient Chinese wanted to know the details of the hill.

"The Seven Star Lord has no climate." Jingqiu's smile is very elegant: "there are many holes in the sphere of the wish of life. The real magic weapon is to nurture thousands of years, tens of thousands of years. Where is it so simple? I have found the way to restrain. As for the Lord of seven stars, after I seize this treasure, let him integrate with it and become the guardian spirit of our Jing family. "