Dragon Talisman

Chapter 354

Jing family's master, Jing Qiu, is a strong man who has changed from "immortal body" to "immortal body". He can "see the past" and "see the future". According to the principle, he will not do anything to provoke Jing Xiansi. After all, the world is still the world of the great Yong Dynasty. Emperor Tianfu suppressed the gods and demons, suppressed the heavenly way. Even some old-fashioned saints, even the three great celestial beings, dare not come out and show their courage. They can only do some small actions outside.

Although the immortal body is strong, it can be compared with the three great celestial beings. It's not an ant, it's just a bigger animal.

There must be a reason why the Jing family is so arrogant.

For so many years, he had learned to bear, to be sure, and to be cruel. Otherwise, from birth to the age of 15, he would have been humiliated in the Imperial Palace, pretended to be crazy, and could not live long ago.

At present, he lived in the governor's mansion to see what Zhuge Ya thought of them, and told Han wuqin not to act recklessly.

"Han wuqin, is it true that the Jing family intends to come to propose marriage?" Asked the ancient dust.

"Wang Yeming Jian, the Jing family did show their attitude and hoped to marry with my Han family. Not long ago, Jing Xing, the disciple of the Jing family, met a young woman and a young man." "Now it seems that the king's wolf is ambitious. Will my little girl marry such a man?" said Han wuqin

"What does your daughter mean?" Gu Chensha looks at Han Qingnan.

"It's a great treason for the Jing family to hide the evil and fight against the imperial court." Han Qingnan is the governor's daughter. She is arrogant and good at ordinary times, but she is not stupid. On the contrary, she is very intelligent. At this time, she has felt the seriousness of the situation. She is afraid of something. She quickly expressed her attitude: "this group of rebellious people have to be killed. The little girl dare not have any more relationship with them."

"That's good." Looking at the sky, Gu Chensha thought: "that old man of Jingqiu must have some dependence, or enough interests, to dare to fight me like this. Green dragon blood, green dragon grass. So, is it a relationship with the Xuanmen of heaven and earth? If I give my hand to the Jing family, will I attract the Xuanmen sect of heaven and earth? Is the war against the court about to begin? "

The wish of life in the world of the sphere.

Zhugeya, loubaiyue and others also got the news of ancient dust.

"It's bold." Lou Baiyue's eyes opened, and his evil spirit overflowed. "Chensha originally meant to discuss with Jingqiu, so as to avoid the disaster of Jingjia. Unexpectedly, Jingqiu didn't give face to the court directly. Mr. Zhuge, what did you say Jingqiu relied on?"

"The Jingqiu naturally depends on it. The Jingwu chamber of Commerce has operated secretly these years. It is said that jingfanxing and wudangkong presided over it. In fact, it all depends on the Jingqiu. Jingwu is the first word. Is it really because jingfanxing is such a waste?" Zhuge Ya pondered for a while and seemed to be calculating something: "King Fanxing assassinates the king. No matter whether he succeeds or not, the imperial court will not give up with King Jiashan. If I am king Qiu and have no great interests, I will definitely stop king Fanxing. Now he has acquiesced in this matter, that is, he has two hearts with the court, and this time, he is not guilty of wrongdoing. If we compromise this time, Xiandao, wudangkong, and the ancient swords play, we will lose our authority immediately. "

"What should we do, then, according to sir?" The senior is calm and is also analyzing the Countermeasures in detail.

"Since the Jing family has done so, it's business. It's time to check, catch and kill. The prestige of jingxiansi was established from Jingjia. " Zhuge Ya said: "I originally asked the Lord to go to Jingzhou. I hope that Jingqiu will turn around and come back to the land. With his character, he should give up some benefits and not offend. However, since he has done so well, we are not to blame. He thought his immortal body was invincible? Then I'll catch him myself. "

"Mr. Zhuge is going to do it himself?" Lou Baiyue was very happy: "but Jingqiu is old and cunning, and he has a high cultivation level. At present, some of his kung fu has not been practiced..."

"since I joined the Jingxian division, I have only made suggestions, and I have no real achievements. It's time to make a move." Zhuge Ya waved his hand. "Jingqiu is a cunning old man. His accomplishments are unpredictable. Maybe he has other cards. But that's nothing. My seven star master, if this little man can't handle it? How can we talk about being proud and standing between heaven and earth? "

The twenty-five changes of "immortal body" in Daojing are almost the level of the supreme leader of Xuanmen sect in the seventy-two ancient times of Xiandao. They were extremely powerful in the ancient times, but they were quite different from the master of seven stars.

"Is it better for us to fight together to wipe out the Jing family? I think in addition to the Jingqiu, there are other masters of the Jingjia family, not to mention, but also a lot of big families. In addition, the old antiques in the Xuanmen gate of heaven and earth will definitely sell. " Lou Baiyue stood up: "but it doesn't matter. Let's Jing Xiansi raise his prestige at one stroke. We dare not challenge us after seeing those family members."

"Don't move." Zhuge Ya said: "in fact, it's not a good time for a large-scale war. At present, it's still stable. As long as we catch jingfanxing and Jingqiu, and then announce their crimes in public, the Xuanmen of heaven and earth have no courage to fight with the court."

"Is Mr. Zhuge sure about this?" Jin suibo knows a lot of secrets. The world's aristocratic families are also under the supervision and surveillance of all of them. In fact, in some ways, those aristocratic families are also immortal, and their strength is no less than 72 Xuanmen.

"If Xiaojing's family can't take it down, we Jingxian division have been saving up for so long." Zhuge Ya smiled: "among the calculations of the temple of Jiang Gongwang, the Lord of the seven stars of the previous generation, the first assailant of Shenzhou was surrounded. What was the immortal body of Jingqiu? Although he can see the past and look into the future, how can he see the endless changes in the future? Moreover, the future he peeps into is likely to be deceived by others, which will give him a false impression. Otherwise, he will not be confused. In a word, Princess Yuefu and suibo, and the fourth prince, don't do anything about it. If we come out of the house, we will make people laugh even if we win. The thing to follow the wave is to contact the fairyland, deliver materials to the orb of the wish of the mortal, and build the altar. If the princess of Yuefu wants to move her muscles and bones, she may as well go to the devil kingdom to kill the demons. Those demons who have become magic power can kill several more and sacrifice them to the wish sphere of the mortals, which can also make the touch of ghosts and gods evolve into the heaven demon tree as soon as possible. "

As Liu Yu and his five people joined hands to kill all kinds of demons in the devil kingdom to sacrifice, the touch tree of ghosts and gods is now thriving. Inside the sphere of the wish of the mortals, it keeps growing, adjusting the vitality and enhancing the vitality of the whole sphere, gradually making the whole sphere begin to integrate. The frequency of vitality has a trend that is really consistent with many dimensions.

"A hundred realms gather gods, and all spirits are true."

All of a sudden, Zhuge Ya came up with the formula. Suddenly, there were countless channels inside the sphere. The spirit gas did not leak out its cost and condensed into the Spirit Crystal on the ground. Then the spirit gas also fell madly, and the energy of various dimensions poured into it.

Some energy and energy entangle with each other, resulting in a huge explosion, but after the explosion, there are some new materials.

Zhugeya began to speed up the construction of the orb body of the wish of life.

It's not a long time since this magic weapon agglomerates. It needs to be reconciled and brewed for many years inside, just like wine making. The older the magic weapon, the more powerful it is, that's all.

For example, after the Xuanmen of heaven and earth was born from the Hongmeng tree, it was acquired by people and established a sect. On this basis, many ancient gods and beasts and an ancient green dragon were raised in it, which nourished tens of thousands of years from generation to generation. Its power can be imagined.

However, the book of heavenly demons in the sphere of the wish of mortals was originally operated by Hu Gu for many years, which contains a lot of power of incense belief. Now Zhuge Ya is gradually inspired to evolve into another world.

Originally such a huge magic weapon, even with the strength of Lou Baiyue, I don't know how to raise it. But Zhuge ya got Jiang Gongwang's memory. He didn't see any magic weapon. He took care of it. This sphere can evolve at a faster speed.

Jingzhou governor's mansion.

The ancient sandstorm has long felt everything that happens in the sphere of the wish of life with his mind. Deep in his sea of knowledge, he only felt that the sphere was jumping and wriggling in the boundless turbulent flow of time and space. In every moment, it absorbed a large amount of aura, immortal spirit and various dimensional energy, formed a layer upon layer array in the sphere space, and cultivated the touch of ghosts and gods to the tree.

"Mr. Zhuge personally deals with Jingqiu." Gu Chensha already knew Zhuge Ya's intention, but he was a little excited.

Zhuge Ya's accomplishments are now the twenty-one changes of Tao.

Originally, he had twenty changes in cultivation, and practiced his magic power. He needed to consolidate it. He could help Wudang Kong to make a hundred sacrifices. He promoted himself again. With the help of the wish sphere of the mortals, he turned twenty-one into five elements.

It's easy for him to improve.

It's not surprising that all the way to the thirty-six changes of "otherness and freedom".

This point is incomparable with the ancient dust.

Now that Zhuge Ya has done it himself, it's hard for Jingqiu to escape. The rest of the family, guchensha, can deal with it alone.

"I hold still for the moment, and wait for Mr. Zhuge to seize the opportunity. If he catches Jingqiu, I will start to copy the family and exterminate the family!" The eyes of the ancient dust sand are cold. Although he is not a cruel official or a kind-hearted person, he takes the maintenance of the world's legal system as his duty. If the legal system is broken, there will be chaos in the world.

He lived in the Yamen of Jingzhou governor's office. He calmed down and plotted everything.

At this time, in the courtyard of Jingjia mansion not far from the governor's Yamen, jingfanxing was talking and laughing with the ancient swords.

"Ha ha ha ha, what can Jing Xian Si do? I assassinated him. He wanted us to come to Jingjia's house to explain that to hit him in the face, he had to come. " Between the smiles of Jing Fanxing, it's very cold: "at last, I've got a bad feeling in my heart."