Dragon Talisman

Chapter 356

When Gu Yanjian heard this, he was stunned: "Mr. Jingqiu's voice can be swallowed even in the sky. I don't know how to rely on it? Can we kill jingxiansi? But even if you kill jingxiansi, aren't you afraid that Tianfu emperor will break through? Jingxiansi is the most important chess piece of Tianfu emperor. "

Jingqiu is still a faint smile that seems to care nothing and that everything is under control: "as soon as Tianfu emperor rose, I immediately attached to it, which led to no damage to Jingjia's foundation industry. This kind of endurance has finally gained. It's natural that the prosperity will decline. Emperor Tianfu has been in the limelight in the past few years and stands at the peak. However, it hasn't appeared in recent years. I just want to test. If we kill all the people in jingxiansi, will he come out? "

"What if he comes out? Are you going to die? " Ancient swordsmen know that many old people dare not take risks, including the great supernatural master behind him, and even some Saint level experts, as well as the high God.

Those who exist are afraid of Tianfu emperor.

They want to move, but they dare not.

"The three great sages, even those sages, dare not act rashly, so let me be the first one. Who has my courage? This is actually a breakthrough. " Jingqiu said anything with wisdom: "I dare, you dare not, and the existence behind you dare not, right?"

"You are looking for a breakthrough, aren't you..." Gu Yanjian was shocked: "do you want to take this opportunity to break through the blockade of qualification and become a legendary strange number?"

"That's right." Jingqiu looked at the sky: "naturally, I have reached an agreement with all the major forces to exterminate jingxiansi this time. Our Jing family will go out this time to see how Tianfu emperor is. Of course, there are many benefits. Even if things don't work out, my Jing family can still keep their blood, not to be cut off. Whether I succeed or not, as long as I do this, I will surely be able to understand some mysteries of strange numbers. "

"I thought Mr. Jingqiu was arrogant. I didn't expect that if he didn't sing, he would have done it." He stood up and bowed deeply: "I have long noticed that my husband is a man who can't bear to fight. He has been quiet for many years, but suddenly, just like nine days of thunder, he can't be a man. Even the three great gods are afraid to fight. It is admirable that Mr. Zhang is willing to be a pioneer in the war. I'm afraid that he has the courage to be more than that in the future. "

Jingqiu waved: "you don't have to compliment me. I killed Jing Xiansi. Shizi didn't know what to ask for? Now that the son of the world knows what I think, he should understand that what I said is not false. My initiative is also in the interests of the son of the world. If the son of the world helps me, I am grateful. "

"You're betting." The ancient sword said: "if the emperor Tianfu doesn't come out after killing jingxiansi, it proves that he really won't appear again. And the benefits you get are endless. As the pioneer of Kaidao geding, I'm afraid that in the dark, you will get great fortune and help you practice. If the emperor Tianfu appears, you are likely to die, but you will not die. "

"That's nature." Jingqiu sat down: "Shizi, this ancient dust sand was observed in the governor's mansion. According to your idea, what should I do?"

"It's easy to catch this man. If Mr. Jingqiu gives his hand, it's not difficult to deal with him, but the key is that he can communicate the wish sphere of the mortals and escape at any time. " "Can Mr. Murphy restrict the ability of that sphere?" he said

"If this sphere can't be controlled, how can I receive this sphere?" Jingqiu said: "I have enough assurance to break the protection of this sphere and collect it. Of course, catching the 19th emperor's son, guchensha, devours him, but it can gain the control of a part of the wish sphere of life, which is more conducive to my collection. "

"You're going to kill guchen sand?" Gu flicked his sword and was surprised: "then there is really no turning back."

"Turning back?" Jingqiu laughed: "if I tell you our plan, Shizi, don't be shocked."

"Mr. Jingqiu, please." Gu Yanjian's face darkened.

"At the first time, I will seize the 19th emperor's son, Gu Chensha, and kill the flag. Then the king family will kill the officials of Everbright in Jingzhou and restore the rule of Jingguo. At the same time, gather the army, take Jingzhou as the foundation, and begin to attack the city and capture the land. In a moment, occupy the land of several states. At the same time, demon men gather the army at the border. I master the sphere of the wish of the mortal, use this sphere to kill the giant stone Marquis and soldiers guarding the pass, lead the demons to enter the Shenzhou, burn, kill and plunder. At the same time, the Dawei Dynasty will also attack from overseas, and the disciples of the 72 Xuanmen sect of Xiandao will come to join the Jingguo. So, is it possible to seize it? Many aristocratic families will respond one after another, killing the officials of Dayong, occupying one or several states. As long as I start, it will be like a single spark, showing a prairie fire. The world will be in chaos immediately, completely destroying the national movement of Yongchao. I believe that within a month, the seemingly powerful Yongchao will collapse and disappear. It's a pity that no one has been the pioneer of geding for so many years. They dare not, but they have made me cheaper. " Jingqiu said a series of words, which stunned the conspirators like the ancient swordsman.

Playing sword and Rao in ancient times was full of ambition, but it was a small act in the dark. Unexpectedly, Jingqiu would immediately kill the officials and revolt. He swept the world and cheered up. The world was in chaos and the fire started a prairie fire.

If emperor Tianfu is here, that will not be the case. Unfortunately, he has been closed for a long time, and his family is ambitious.

The ancient swordsman was absolutely afraid to be the pioneer of this kind of leather Ding.

"Niang, this view hill looks elegant. It's the most crazy thing in the world. He dare not do it. He really wants to do it." The ancient swordsman was deeply shocked. In a flash, his face was pale.

"How is it?" Jingqiu said this, very indifferent: "Shizi think I do this thing, there is hope?"

"I don't know, and if I had, I wouldn't have tolerated it to this day." Gu Yanjian smiled bitterly: "however, if Mr. Jingqiu's event is completed, we are still an alliance of attack and defense, and we will not invade each other. In addition, how about the blood of the green dragon on Mr. Jingqiu? "

"It's a fair deal." Jingqiu said: "I have reached an agreement with Tiandi Xuanmen. As long as I am the leader of geding, I can support my blood and many magic weapons. With the help of the power of Tiandi Xuanmen, I can help me to develop a magic talisman. Moreover, the Tiandi Xuanmen promises many benefits. They also borrow their treasure of Zhenshan, which is to climb the TIANTI and absorb the spirit of purple emperor in the fairyland. I won't say the other benefits one by one. If Shizi can have enough pills, he can also exchange anything with me. "

"It seems that the Jing family is on the verge of attack and has to deliver. You have taken so many benefits from those big sects. If you don't launch them, I'm afraid they will tear them to pieces." "I don't have anything else to get, just the blood of Qinglong. However, if you kill jingxiansi, I will exchange it for the blood of Xuanwu and Zhuque. How?

"That's nature. Zhu quexuanwu, the two holy beasts, are alive. To me, they are extremely valuable. I'll turn them into an external incarnation. After all, it's a pity to kill them. Since the age of the ancient times, the heaven and the earth have changed greatly. This holy beast, which inherits the five elements of heaven and earth, has disappeared." Jingqiu asks jingfanxing to sit down: "Fanxing, I don't like that you are blinded by hatred and forced to improve your accomplishments in the mysterious gate of heaven and earth. It's even more difficult to get promoted next, but it's not impossible. When I realize something strange, there will be a way to help you strengthen your magic power and turn the yuan Shen."

"The owner." Jing Fanxing hurriedly said: "it's not that I'm eager for quick success and instant profits, but that time waits for no one. Think of my progress. I've cultivated for hundreds of years in the dark gate of that heaven and earth, and consumed more than half of my life. After I came out, I was able to kill the ancient dust sand, but I didn't expect to be defeated by him. Jing Xiansi has grown so fast that we can't practice carefully. If I have practiced for hundreds of years in reality, afraid of the ancient dust and sand, and the moon worship has become a God, then Zhuge Ya may have reached the peak of thirty-six changes, which is comparable to the ancient yuan Gongwang. Do we have any hope then? "

"Your idea is also good. We must start it as soon as possible. Otherwise, Zhuge Ya will have more power every day." Jingqiu's face shows a deep expression: "however, he is just a puppet of heaven. How can he get rid of it? I'll have enough to restrain him. "

"At the master's command." Although king Fanxing is arrogant, he knows that the head of the family is much bigger than him, and he is more ambitious to swallow the heaven and the earth and dare to act. He is beyond his reach.

"Now you should contact our Jing family disciples, prepare all kinds of weapons and armor, wait for my order, immediately kill officials to revolt, and restore the glory of our country." Jingqiu said: "when I seize the sphere of the wish of the mortals, the kingdom of Jingguo that we have established can be based on it to hold a grand sacrifice, so that the sphere can be connected with the National Games."

"The head of the family has a profound calculation. These days, he and the jingxiansi chamber of Commerce made a good deal on purpose. They bought a lot of star soldiers' armor and sword, which are enough to arm our family's important disciples. With these weapons' armor, it is convenient for disciples to kill those officials." Jingfanxing at this time, has seen the calculation of Jingqiu far-reaching.

"Those officials should first catch all of them, and then concentrate on killing them in order to sacrifice. I'm the pioneer of geding. Those officials are all carrying the spirit of the emperor of the great eternal Dynasty. Killing and sacrificing me can make me understand some strange principles in the dark and further my accomplishments! " Jingqiu tells jingfanxing all kinds of things.