Dragon Talisman

Chapter 353

"Now I ask you, how to catch Jing Fanxing and deal with Jing family's great crime of plotting against him?"

Gu Chensha carries his hands on his back: "I don't believe it. The Jing family doesn't know about it. Han wuqin, what do you think?"

"Lord, do you think the commoner should write a memorial about it and report it to the study. The court will discuss it and deal with it?" Asked Han wuqin tentatively.

"What do you say?" The ancient dust is like a smile, which makes the pressure of five birds in South Korea increase greatly.

"Lord, calm down." Han wuqinlian said: "jingxiansi has the right to go to the gold medal as given by the emperor. He has the right to act first and then act. He does not need to discuss with the upper study. But the Lord must also know that the power of the governor's office is far from enough to eat the king's family. "

"I don't want to eat Xiajingjia." The dust shakes his hand: "you listen to my orders."


"You take my invitation to the king's house, and invite the king's hill to the governor's mansion." The dust shakes out an invitation.

"Yes." Han wuqinlian said: "Lord, please stay in my mansion for a while. I will go now. I'll arrange someone to serve the Lord first. "

"No, I don't want to let anyone know that someone is coming." Gu Chensha refused: "and you are not responsible for the safety of the king. If someone can hurt the king, how many of you will not work."

Han wuqin nodded and went out with this invitation.

This invitation is very important. As the governor of a state, he is of high status. All the officials of the frontier must personally send it to the Jing family.

Seeing Han wuqin leave, the ancient dust shakes his head: "the strength of the officials of the imperial court is too weak to suppress the powerful and aristocratic families in these places. The strength of Han wuqin is just the five changes of the state and the best of many governors. Compared with the Jing family, it's just an ant. How can I take it like this? Even if it is the general manager's patrol around the world, the six highest iron blooded Marquis wanted is far less powerful than Jingqiu. "

The eight princes of the imperial court have seen Zhenhai Marquis's accomplishments in the dust of ancient times. It's the twenty-one transformation of Daojing into five elements. It's the great elder who has the core power in the Xuanmen of Xiandao. That Xiaoyan is just such a realm.

And iron blood Hou is similar.

The eight Marquis are Jushi Marquis, Tiexue Marquis, Zhuxing Marquis, Qianqiu Marquis, Fumo Marquis, Jubao Marquis, Xinwu Marquis and Zhenhai marquis.

Among them, the cultivation of Jushi Hou is the most profound, because he was not born by human beings, but his mother was born by Jushi outside the sky when she was pregnant. There are many miracles and supernatural powers born, and now the cultivation is even more profound.

"Apart from the emperor, the imperial court has no real power to subdue the world's aristocratic family. The two old guys of Tiangong academy are just like the real old antiques of those aristocratic families. It seems that Tiangong academy has to rely on us for this matter. "

The structure of the court is village, town, county, government, province and state. Officials from the county level are county magistrate, magistrate, governor, governor.

At that time, Gu Chensha went to Xianzhou to exterminate the barbarians. The cultivation of the governor of Banan province was just a martial arts master. He finally hired two martial arts masters as bodyguards. At present, the cultivation of a provincial governor must be a grand master, preferably a Daojing, while officials at the governor level must have Daojing.

Officials who do not reach this level must accept cultivation and study. The imperial court will provide resources to vigorously cultivate and accompany these officials.

Well, those officials still can't compare with those millennial families.

"Dad, Dad..." just as Gu Chensha was thinking about something, suddenly, a voice came from the outside of the yard. A young girl pushed open the door of the yard and came in. She was about 17 or 18 years old, wearing a piece of armor and a little bit of stars. She was actually a "Star Soldier armor". She carried a sword and was also a "Star Soldier sword". She breathed for a long time, with a heroic atmosphere At the peak of martial arts master, we must touch the cultivation of Daojing.

"Who are you? Why is it in the yard where my father practices Kung Fu? " When the girl entered the courtyard, she saw Gu Chensha startled: "where is my father?"

"Are you the daughter of Han wuqin?" The ancient dust didn't get angry because of the disturbance: "I'm an official sent by the court, your father's superior. Just now your father was sent to work. "

"I see." The young girl quickly bowed her hand: "little girl Han Qingnan has seen an adult. I don't know who is the official of the court?" She did not kneel in accordance with the etiquette, but seemed rather arrogant.

"I am the prince of Jingxian, the 19th Prince of the dynasty." There is no concealment of the dust.

"Ah." Han Qingnan was surprised and quickly knelt down: "I don't know if the prince is coming, it's a big sin. The princess Yuefu of Jingxian division is a little girl worshiper. It's a pleasure to see the prince today. The little girl has an unexpected request to join Jingxian division. "

"Get up, join Jingxian division. You can pass the examination. Jingxian Division has a special examination channel. It doesn't bury talent. " Gu Chensha neither agreed nor refused: "according to your accomplishments, you can assess a position. As long as we have talent, we can become one of them after passing the examination. "

He didn't open the back door either. He did it according to the rules of jingxiansi.

The young girl, Han Qingnan, was disappointed in her eyes, but she didn't show her disappointment. Instead, she stood up and continued: "the king didn't know what tea to drink. The little girl made it for the king. I made all kinds of famous Jingzhou specialty tea, especially some days ago, the king family sent some tea made of green dragon grass to my father. This tea is very rare."

"No more." Instead of drinking tea, Gu Chensha asked, "what kind of martial arts do you cultivate? It's not bad. Although I can't open the back door for you to enter Jingxian division directly, I can also teach you martial arts. "

"Really? Wang Ye is the most powerful man in the world. It's said that he once captured Jing Fanxing, the genius of the Jing family. At that time, Jing Fanxing had become the 18 changes of the road environment. It's said that the road of golden elixir is in the legend. " Han Qingnan became happy again: "I practice the imperial court school. The skill" mind to mind combo skill ". Originally my father's cold dragon and frost immortal formula would be handed to me, but after several months of practice, I felt that my constitution did not match, so I would no longer practice."

Now the court has set up schools everywhere, and also taught advanced skills.

And the ancient national sports newspaper of playing swords, each of the above issues introduces the skills to attract popularity.

Jingxiansi's newspaper is also the same. It even publishes special periodicals to introduce the experience of martial arts cultivation, which is explained by experts. Meanwhile, folk people can send letters to solve their difficult problems in cultivation, which will be solved in the periodicals.

So in the whole world, even the poorest people, as long as they have the heart to learn martial arts, they don't worry about Kung Fu at all.

The prosperity of martial arts in the world is unprecedented.

In this way, the number of experts in the world has increased dramatically. Over the years, all kinds of masters and people who have changed their environment have sprung up like mushrooms.

"Mind Doumu Kung Fu is a martial art handed down by the ancient Doumu goddess. It's very important. There is a complete version in the royal secret library of the imperial court. Only a small part of it is handed down in the school. Of course, it's not hidden by the imperial court, but it's afraid that the students will not reach the realm, practice by force, and lead them to become possessed." At that moment, a group of thoughts came into Han Qingnan's sea of knowledge: "this is a memory. I just learned this skill. After you get this little memory, you can understand it by yourself. If you can understand it thoroughly, it's not a big problem to step into the Tao."

Han Qingnan doesn't care to talk much. He immediately begins to understand.

After a while, the five birds rushed in angrily and saw their daughter. They were shocked at first, and then they didn't care to ask. They knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly: "my Lord, forgive me."

"What happened." The eyes of the ancient dust sand are cold.

"I went to Jingfu, and the people in Jingfu began to entertain them, but after I sent the post, the people in Jingfu said that they would let the Lord come to their house in person, and their master was closed, so they could not receive them." When Han wuqin spoke, his voice shuddered: "be bold, be bold! The king family is really rebellious. As a governor, the next officer has grown so gangrene. The next officer is really shameless. "

At this moment, the five birds are furious.

He has a good relationship with the Jing family, but it's a necessary means to maintain the place. The local chief is closely connected with the noble family, but he is a person of the court. The court sent him to be governor, but in fact, he also has the intention of monitoring the noble family.

This is very clear to every official.

"So bold." There was an apparent murderous opportunity on Gu Chensha's face: "I'd like to let Jing Qiu come to the governor's office to discuss with me, but he actually humiliated the court so much. Good, that's good. "

Ancient dust sand is really angry.

It's not because of humiliation, but because of the damage to the imperial court's authority.

As the Royal Lord of the imperial court, he was assassinated by the Jing family. Now it's just a door-to-door inquiry. According to the normal etiquette, the Jing family came to explain immediately, even left the relationship and made various gestures.

Now, the people of the Jing family refuse directly, even let Gu Chensha come to visit, which is a great shame to the imperial court.

If it's spread out, it's not only the dust and majesty of the ancient times, but also the inability of Yasukuni to raise his head. The imperial court has lost its deterrent power to the aristocratic family.

This is not the honor or disgrace of the ancient dust.

"Lord, for the sake of the dignity of the court, please tell me. I will immediately send troops to surround the Jing family and search it. I don't believe it. The Jing family dare to kill soldiers and officials." Han wuqin knows that if this matter is not handled properly, his career will come to an end. I'm afraid it's hard for him to leave. It's not a time of peace, but a time of standing in line.

"Wait." Gu Chensha calmed down and calculated accurately: "since the Jing family dare to do so, there must be countermeasures or conspiracies. I think this move is to beat the grass and scare the snake. I can see the ambition of the Jing family. That's a good thing. Wait a minute. Don't let the news out. I have my own idea. "

Between the words, he has begun to use his mind to communicate the wish sphere of the mortals, to see what countermeasures Zhuge Ya has.

Jing family's doing so is the crime of extermination. However, to exterminate Jing family, we can't do it by relying on the power of Gu Chensha alone.

He has to be prepared in detail. He'll kill with one blow.