Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

V4.Chapter 87

"No, what are you dragging me for?" After getting on the bus, Fang Xin stares at Zhai JIAYE discontentedly.

"Let\'s not meddle in their affairs."

"I\'m not going to step in!" Fang Xin holds out her hand and naturally responds. Naturally, she knows that she can\'t say anything about emotional things. Moreover, she knows that Yin Shi is a strong and calm person. This kind of thing doesn\'t need her help. Yin Shi will handle it by herself.

"Since it\'s not meddling, what are you doing standing there?"

In fact, she just wants to be a melon eater, and has no other meaning.

Zhai JIAYE took a look at her, but raised the corner of his mouth and shook his head: "however, I can see that you should always treat your friends differently."

"Well? What\'s the difference? "

Zhai JIAYE pursed her lips and thought about the meeting: "I can\'t say exactly. I think it\'s different. I look at her in different eyes. I still know this person."

"Oh, did you even notice that?"


"What else did you observe?"

As soon as Zhai JIAYE looked back, he saw that Fang Xin was looking at him with a strange smile. He always felt that he was digging a hole for himself. He pretended to cough softly: "cough, no... no more."

Fang Xin turned a white eye towards him, looked at the mobile phone with only 2% left in his hand, and said, "you can park the car directly to the downstairs of my apartment later! My cell phone is out of power. I have to go back and recharge it. Potatoes and potatoes and my suitcase will come back to you tomorrow. In the afternoon, I will send potatoes and potatoes to my mother. "

Zhai JIAYE listen to words, lips pursed into a straight line, also did not make a sound should, just visual front seriously driving.

After arriving near the apartment, Zhai JIAYE pulled over to the front floor of the apartment where Fang Xin lived. Fang Xin unfastened his seat belt and waved to him: "I\'ll go down first. Potatoes and potatoes will please you!"

"Wait a minute." When she pushed the door open to go down, Zhai JIAYE suddenly reached for her wrist and looked at her seriously: "did you forget something?"

"Ah? What did you forget? " When he said this, Fang Xin was stunned and blinked innocently. But when he saw his serious look, he suddenly thought of something. He couldn\'t help laughing, reached out and held his handsome face, kneaded it hard, and then put a fragrance on his mouth: "you\'re a real man, that\'s all right!"

Looking at the nearby heart, Zhai JIAYE\'s eyes were tinged with a smile, and his face became soft: "go! Don\'t stay up late. Go to bed early. I\'ll help you get breakfast ready before I go to work tomorrow. You can eat it directly when you come here. "

"Well, well, I love you, and you go to bed early." With a sweet smile, Fang Xin loosened his cheek, picked up his bag, pushed the door open and went down. He waved with him again before he turned and entered the community.

Zhai JIAYE did not rush, but wait until Fang Xin completely disappeared in the field of vision before driving away to his apartment building.

When he got home, potato and potato warmly welcomed him, but he jumped on him. Zhai JIAYE touched them with a smile, changed his shoes at the door and went into the room. He noticed that there were two washed dishes on the kitchen table, so he went over and put the two dishes in the cupboard.

"Wang Wu..."

As his thoughts faded away, the potato and potato beside him called out and pulled his thoughts back. Looking at their expectant eyes, Zhai JIAYE laughed: "I know. Let\'s go. I\'ll bring you something to eat."

Potato and potato a listen, immediately followed him to go, the pace of walking with a bit proud.


Early the next morning, Ying Xiaoyang, dressed in a pure white shirt and black suit pants, appeared in the downstairs of Yin Shi\'s apartment with a bunch of flowers in his hand. With a bunch of things on his left hand, he walked to the corridor of the apartment.

After arriving at Yin Shijia\'s floor, Ying Xiaoyang goes to the door and rings the doorbell. He wakes up Yin Shiyi who is sleeping. Yin Shi raises his hand and rubs his temple. He turns his head and looks at the time. He finds that it\'s only seven o\'clock. He stares at Xiumei and gets out of bed. He goes to the door and looks at the people outside from the cat\'s eye. When he finds that it\'s Ying Xiaoyang, he opens his eyes in surprise and doesn\'t have any sleepiness.

But also noticed that he was holding a bunch of gorgeous roses, Yin Shi quickly opened the door, confused looking at Ying Xiaoyang outside, but ushered in Ying Xiaoyang\'s warm smile like the warm winter sun: "good morning, wife."

"What are you doing in the morning?" Yin Shi was so surprised that he didn\'t pay attention to what he called her. In addition, during his association with Ying Xiaoyang, he would call her "wife" or "daughter-in-law" from time to time. She was used to it.

"Didn\'t you say that yesterday?" Ying Xiaoyang is so charming with a smile. His eyes with only a few stars are as soft and affectionate as water. His voice is mellow and melodious, but with a little joy and satisfaction.

Yin Shi puzzled looking at him, Leng and Leng: "what did you say?"

Listen to words, Ying Xiaoyang\'s eyebrows instantly twist into a "Sichuan" word, long legs into the room, Wei An\'s figure approaching her, Yin subconsciously back a step, plain face\'s expression is full of confusion and doubt, beautiful apricot eyes but inadvertently swept his hand in the pile of things, surprised to lift eyes asked: "what is this thing?"

"What you need to get married."


"Well, didn\'t you say last night that you would get the license today?"

"I said that yesterday?" Yin Shi pursed her lips, looked at her and asked.

Ying Xiaoyang squints his eyes and walks slowly towards her again. When Yin Shi feels the oppressive atmosphere emanating from him, he can\'t help but step back. Finally, his back is against the wall. Ying Xiaoyang also puts the bunch of roses in his hand into her arms, raises his hand on the wall and looks down at her: "it\'s only a night, You want to deny it? That\'s not good. I have to get this certificate today. If you don\'t agree, I\'ll stay at your house today. "

"Ying Xiaoyang, do you want to cheat Yin Shi was still looking down at the rose in his hand, but after hearing his overbearing words, he couldn\'t help looking up at him.

Xiao Yang should laugh: "play second Lai, change a daughter-in-law, quite worth it."

Yin Shi raised his hand and patted him on the chest. His attention was attracted by the pile of things in his hand: "so, what are you?"

Ying Yang happily picked her eyebrows, took back her hand on the wall, took her little hand and sat down on the sofa in the living room. Then she held the book in her hand carefully and explained: "this is my ID card, household registration book, and the real estate certificate of all the houses under my name. This is my share certificate in the company, And these cards are all my property before marriage. This is my high school diploma, this is my university and graduate diploma, and my driver\'s license. Now I have all my cards, only one marriage certificate is missing. So, dear wife, can I exchange so many cards for a red marriage certificate with you? "

Looking at him counting the documents and all the cards on the desk, Yin Shi was dumb and speechless. It took him a long time to wriggle his lower lip. He looked at him seriously, holding a smile: "once you change it, you can\'t change it all your life."

"I don\'t want to change it for the rest of my life. It\'s enough to have that marriage certificate." Ying Xiaoyang smiles happily, but his eyes are full of sincere determination and affirmation.

Yin Shi lowered his head and began to smile. He raised his eyebrows and nodded solemnly. He put the roses aside and put out his hand to sort out all the documents on the desk: "in this case, I\'ll be sure."

"Really?" Xiao Yang should be excited to look at her, uncertain asked again.

Yin Shi nodded and shook the pile of things in his hand: "then you should also remember all the words you said today. Once you change them, you won\'t go back for life."

"Take it! It\'s like how rare it is for me. Go to brush your teeth, wash your face, change your clothes and bring your ID card. We\'ll get it. It\'s an hour before the Civil Affairs Bureau opens. It\'s too late. " Ying Xiaoyang leans on the back of the sofa leisurely. He seems very leisurely and doesn\'t care about the things in her hand. Now he is thinking about the red book.

Yin Shi picked to pick eyebrow: "that you wait for me next, I wash gargle."

"Good." Xiao Yang nodded excitedly. When she got up and went to the room, she still asked, "by the way, daughter-in-law, you should wear a white shirt. It\'s better to take wedding photos like this."

"I see."

Ying Xiaoyang waited in the living room for half an hour or so, staring at his watch from time to time. He was very worried, but he didn\'t dare to urge him. He had to wait alone.

After a few minutes, Yin Shi finally came out of the room wearing a White Chiffon shirt and a black fishtail skirt. His black hair fell from his shoulders, and his beautiful face was wearing a simple light makeup, which made him look more delicate.

Ying Xiaoyang looked at her and was stunned for a moment. He felt deeply that his daughter-in-law was so beautiful that he wanted to lock her in the room all the time and was reluctant to let others covet her.

"I\'m ready, let\'s go!" Yin Shi saw him sitting there staring at himself, so he went over, reached out and shook in front of him, smiled and said.

Xiao Yang should be back to God, immediately stood up and took her hand: "everything with you?"

"Well, all of them."

"Then we\'ll go."


Ying Xiaoyang drove all the way to the Civil Affairs Bureau, and the Civil Affairs Bureau just opened the door. When they walked in, they were the first to get the license. After all the procedures came down, when it came to the photo session, they both took the initiative to sit next to each other, and their faces were also filled with happy smiles.

In that way, their happiness was fixed in the picture, leaving the beautiful moment forever.

When he came out from the Civil Affairs Bureau, Ying Xiaoyang had two red notebooks in his hand. He felt a little heavy, but he had a sense of happiness and satisfaction that he had never had before.

Under the golden sun, Ying Xiaoyang raised the red notebook in his hand, looked up at the group photo in the notebook, and asked: "wife, have you found a problem?"

"Well?" Yin Shi tilted his head and made a confused tone to look at him.

"A very serious problem."

"Say it

"Why are the two people in this picture so married? I can\'t see enough of it. "

Yin Shi laughed and rolled his eyes: "don\'t be narcissistic, let\'s go! The sun is dead. "

"Seriously, wife, this is the best picture I\'ve taken in 28 years. There\'s no one. What do you think?"

Yin Shi also turned to look at the group photo in the marriage certificate and nodded: "well, me too."



Yin Shiying subconsciously looks at him. As soon as he turns, Ying Xiaoyang suddenly lowers his head and kisses her lips: "I love you."

Only Yin Shi\'s soft voice "me too" reverberates in the air of happiness, and the golden warm sun lengthens their happy figure a little bit

Throughout her life, the scars and pain on her heart tip were finally healed by the man in front of her, and wrapped her with the love and protection he gave her.

Only love one person, this is his promise to her, and she also successfully closed his uninhibited yearning for freedom heart.


A few days later in the morning, Fang Xin packed up his things, put on his sunglasses and straw hat, pulled up his suitcase and went to the door. When he got out of the elevator on the first floor, there were three steps from the corridor, so he needed to carry the suitcase.

Although she is a good force, she is still a girl after all, and her strength is limited.

After two attempts, Fang Xin began to wonder if he had brought too many things?

When she was thinking about taking out her mobile phone from her bag to call Zhai JIAYE, Zhai JIAYE was wearing a casual white T-shirt, light colored jeans and walking slowly towards her in the golden morning light, just like a prince driving colorful clouds to pick up his princess.

This is what Fang Xin thought of for the first time.

"All ready?" Zhai JIAYE walked up to her and asked softly.

Fang Xin nodded: "well, I just want to call you! The box is too heavy to lift

Zhai JIAYE chuckled. Looking at the large suitcase in her hand, she felt that there was something she couldn\'t handle. She reached for the suitcase and said, "let\'s go!"

"Good." With a smile, Fang Xin took the initiative to take his arm and step into the warm breeze and sun with him.

After three o\'clock in the afternoon, when she arrived in Xinhai City, Fangxin looked at the coastal scenery, her face was full of surprise smile. Zhai JIAYE looked at her happy appearance, her mouth slightly raised, and she was very satisfied.

Fang Xin loves the sea very much. In the past, every time she went to a place with the sea on business, she didn\'t have time to relax or feel the fear of being blown by the sea breeze. This is her first vacation to a place with the sea after graduating from school!

Zhai JIAYE parked his car at the railings of the coastal road. Fang Xin could not wait to open the door and get off. He stretched his waist and let the gentle sea breeze blow the Buddha\'s cheeks and hair: "the beautiful scenery of this road is that he didn\'t sit in vain for six or seven hours."

"Drink some water." Zhai JIAYE took a bottle of mineral water from the back seat, went to her and handed it to her.

Fang Xin took it with a smile, unscrewed the bottle cap and took a drink. He asked curiously, "Hey, Zhai JIAYE, how far is it from your home?"

"It\'s not far. It\'s more than half an hour\'s drive away." Said, Zhai JIAYE picked pick eyebrows, mouth Yang with a smile, profound look at her: "how? Want to see it? I didn\'t tell my parents when I came back this time. If they knew I was back, they would be very surprised. "

"Don\'t... Isn\'t it too fast?"


"Not fast?" Fang Xin stares.

Zhai JIAYE smiles and shakes his head. "I think it\'s OK. Although I didn\'t see your parents last time, I\'ve been to your home. And... I said before that I would be responsible for you. It\'s a matter of time to marry you, so... It\'s a matter of time for you to meet your future parents in law."

Mentioning the word "mother-in-law", Fang Xin was stunned. Her pretty face was rarely flushed. She held her cheek in her hands and blinked her eyes: "but, speaking of it, Yin Shi and I still have three people. It seems that I\'m not married now."

Zhai JIAYE smell speech, brow happy provocation, put his hand around her shoulder, slightly bent, close to her ear side, light vomit heat: "now knot is not too late."

"But my Hukou is in T city!"

"Well, I\'ll get the certificate after I go back. Let\'s start with seeing my parents in law first." With that, Zhai JIAYE kisses her cheek and pushes her body toward the car: "don\'t you want to eat seafood all the way? Let\'s try my parents\' craft

"Ah! Are you serious? "


"But I\'m not ready. What if... What if your parents don\'t like me? Or don\'t you agree that we should be together? " Speaking of this, Fang Xin is a little nervous. He has no bottom at all.

Zhai JIAYE holds one hand on the roof of the car, one hand pulls the door, just encircles her in his arms, looks down at her smile, looks at her tense appearance, can\'t help kissing her lips: "no, don\'t think blindly, isn\'t there me?"

"So... Do I have to live in your house all this time?"

"Who else would you like to live in?"

"No... I\'m afraid I won\'t feel comfortable with your parents."

"It\'s OK. You were at your own home."

"Well... Well!" Fang Xin struggled in his heart and struggled for a while. Finally, he nodded his head and agreed to go to Zhai JIAYE\'s home first.

Because she thinks that she is with Zhai JIAYE now. If it\'s time to talk about marriage and his parents know that she came to Xinhai city for the first time but didn\'t go to see them, they will definitely think that she is impolite and her favor will be halved. Therefore, for the sake of the future relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, she will not take this risk.

Who was she afraid of anyway!

His parents can\'t eat her.

After getting on the bus, Zhai JIAYE looked at her muttering and couldn\'t help laughing. As soon as Fang Xin heard it, he gave a white look: "what are you laughing at?"

"Last time I went to your parents\' house, you said I was nervous. What are you nervous about this time?"

"I..." The square heart is dumb, eat shriveled droop to descend a face, deeply breathed a breath: "OK! Then I\'m not nervous. " After that, he suddenly remembered: "later, I\'ll go to see your parents, but I didn\'t bring anything with me! You can\'t go empty handed! You should drive to a nearby shopping mall or something and pick out a gift first. Otherwise, it will be too embarrassing for me to go to your house empty handed for the first time

"Good." Seeing that she was so devoted, Zhai JIAYE was naturally very happy, so he nodded to her.

Zhai JIAYE drives to a nearby shopping mall. When choosing gifts, Fang Xin asks Zhai JIAYE what his parents like. Zhai JIAYE doesn\'t say what she has designated, but that they will like what she has bought.

With the experience of choosing gifts for Yin Shi last time, Fang Xin directly ignored his words and picked up the gifts on his own. However, he really understood the entanglement and tension of Yin Shi at that time.

It\'s melancholy enough to worry about whether they will like something after buying it.

When they are ready to leave, Fang Xin accidentally sees a pair of exquisite necklaces and rings in the counter. After a step, he suddenly has an idea in his mind. He picks his eyebrows and shouts Zhai JIAYE to deliberately support him: "Zhai JIAYE."

"Well?" Zhai JIAYE stopped and looked at her: "what\'s the matter?"

"I\'m thirsty and want to drink milk tea. It seems that there was a milk tea shop when we just came from there. Please help me buy it! I want Caramel pearl milk tea with less ice Fang Xin looked at him with a smile, and his eyes didn\'t look guilty.

Zhai JIAYE didn\'t doubt it, so he nodded: "OK, then you wait for me here. Don\'t run around."

"Well, I\'m not a three-year-old. I can\'t lose it."

"If I lose it, I\'ll get you back."

Fang Xin pursed his lips and laughed, feeling sweet in his heart: "don\'t worry, I will wait for you in situ, no matter how long."

Zhai JIAYE listen to words, the corner of the mouth hook hook, turned to go straight to the milk tea shop.

After Zhai JIAYE walked away, Fang Xin went to the counter and asked the shopping guide about the necklace and ring. Then he learned that the necklace and ring are for lovers, for women, and for men. It means that I love you all my life.

Fang Xin looks at the ring and necklace and thinks about it for a while. Every time he talks about marriage, he comes up with it on his own initiative. Otherwise, she will buy it and propose to him, which will also show her heart, so that she won\'t miss him outside.

"Then wrap it for me! Credit card, thank you Fang Xin looked at the time on his wrist and thought that Zhai JIAYE should be back soon, and there was no ink any more. He took out a card from his bag and handed it to the shopping guide: "give me a little bag to look better!"

"OK, no problem." The shopping guide took the card with a smile, and then motioned to the nearby shopping guide to help pack it.

When Fang Xin bought something and returned to the place he had just separated, Zhai JIAYE also came back. When he saw him, he smiled and said, "I\'m back."

"Well." Zhai JIAYE handed the cup to her.

Fang Xin took it and opened the milk tea. Instead of drinking it directly, he stretched it out to him: "it\'s hard, you drink it first."

"You don\'t drink?"

"Drink! You drink first Fang Xin shook his head with a smile.

Zhai JIAYE pursed her lips, looked at her persistent appearance, then drank, chewed two pearls, slightly looked up: "a little sweet."