Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

V4.Chapter 88

More than half an hour later, the car arrived at Zhai JIAYE\'s home. It was a duplex villa building, which was decorated with Chinese classical style. Zhai\'s mother was very surprised and happy to learn that Zhai JIAYE had come back, and she also blamed Zhai JIAYE for not calling in advance.

After saying that, he noticed Fang Xin on one side. Fang Xin bent a smile and politely said hello: "good aunt."

"Mom, this is my girlfriend, Fangxin." Fang Xin\'s words just ended, in order to ease her tension, Zhai JIAYE answered directly.

Zhai\'s mother was very surprised when she heard this, and her smile was still that kind of uncontrollable: "you smelly boy, when did you talk about your girlfriend? Why didn\'t you tell me about it? Why didn\'t you tell me about bringing other girls back? I\'m ready at home! Come on, come on, don\'t stand at the door. Come in and sit down With that, Zhai\'s mother took Fang Xin by the hand and warmly entertained her.

Zhai\'s enthusiasm made Fang Xin a little uncomfortable, but it also made her less nervous.

Zhai\'s mother is also a decent person. She knows that Fang Xin is here for the first time, and she doesn\'t ask many questions. She just talks about her family. She thinks that the girl is very nice, and she is extremely cultured in her words and behavior, and she is very straightforward. She gets along well with her.

Because Zhai JIAYE came back suddenly with Fang Xin, after chatting with Fang Xin, Zhai\'s mother said that she would go out to buy vegetables, and Fang Xin also suggested that she would go with her, but Zhai\'s mother refused, saying that they must be tired after taking such a long ride back. She and Zhai JIAYE would stay at home and not let her go with them.

Finally, Fang Xin couldn\'t resist Zhai\'s mother, so he chose to compromise and let Zhai JIAYE take him to visit the whole villa.

"Ah! Why didn\'t you see your father? "

"It should still be at school at this time."


"Well, he is a history teacher in the city high school. He usually comes back in the evening. Sometimes he lives directly in the school and comes back on weekends."

"I see." Fang Xin sat on Zhai JIAYE\'s bed, spread out his hands and lay down on his back. Looking at the ceiling, he asked curiously, "it should be good for you to read history when you were a child."

"On the contrary, history is the worst of all subjects, but it\'s OK to hover on the edge of passing." Zhai JIAYE squatted on the ground to sort out the suitcase, while quietly sorting out the suitcase.

"Ah, the worst?" Fang Xin exclaimed in surprise, turning over and lying on the bed: "the worst you can pass, you are also very strong, but why is it the worst? Your father is a history teacher! Shouldn\'t it be the best? "

"He didn\'t care much about my study when I was young. He belonged to the kind of education that let me live and die on my own."

"Poof." Fang Xin couldn\'t help laughing: "what should I do? Now I don\'t know whether I should envy you or sympathize with you. "

Zhai JIAYE looked up at her: "what do you envy?"

"I envy your father for not caring about your study! When I was in school, I was scolded by my parents for my partial study, especially for my achievements in physics. It was so terrible! Once, because of the scores of each digit in the exam, my father was enraged in the hospital. He hated me so much! I almost didn\'t get rid of my family. Fortunately, my grandmother stopped me at that time. " Fang Xin now looks back on the days when pianke was bombed by his parents in turn. He feels miserable!

"By the way, Zhai JIAYE, are you the only child?" After recalling, Fang Xin asked curiously.

"I have a sister who is in college. She should be a junior this year."

"That\'s good. I envy those who have brothers and sisters. When they are beaten, they can at least have a share." Fang Xin sighed and turned his lips. He only felt that his childhood was very wronged.

Other people\'s only daughter is how to be spoiled, her only daughter is to think about how to survive in this family strong, or at any time may be swept out by her father.

It\'s all tears!

Zhai JIAYE laughed, got up and sat on the edge of the bed, reached out and touched her head: "do you want to take a bath, and then sleep?"

"Is that ok?"

"Why not?"

"I\'m not afraid that your mother will come back to see me fall asleep later, isn\'t it?"

"It\'s all right. Let\'s take a bath first."


Fang Xin got up from the bed, opened his suitcase, found a suit of clothes from inside, and then led by Zhai JIAYE to the bathroom, where he took a comfortable bath.

When she came out of the bath, Zhai JIAYE took her clothes and went in to take a bath. Fang Xin sat alone in the room blowing her hair. When her hair was almost blowing, a sweet voice came from downstairs: "Mom, I\'m back.".

Fang Xin thought he had heard wrong at first, but he didn\'t think it was right. He put down the hair dryer and got up to go out. As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw a lovely girl with two small braids and a baby collar skirt standing at the entrance of the stairs.

Two people look at each other, four eyes have blinked a few times, the girl looked at her up and down, suspiciously asked: "who are you?"

"Er... I..."


Just as Fang Xin was thinking about how to explain it, Zhai JIAYE came out of the bathroom, wiping her hair with a towel in her hand. When she saw the girl with small braids, she opened her mouth subconsciously.

"Brother, when did you come back?" Zhai Jiayue looks at Zhai JIAYE in surprise.

"Just back." Zhai JIAYE put the towel on his shoulder, dropped his hands into his trouser pockets, and walked over: "how did you come back?"

"The school is off tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and I\'ll be back!" Zhai Jiayue naturally returned, glanced at her heart, nodded and said with a smile, "Oh! I see, brother. Is this your girlfriend? "

Zhai JIAYE looked at Fang Xin and found her face covered with circles. She laughed and nodded: "let me introduce you. This is my girlfriend, your future sister-in-law Fang Xin, and this is my sister Zhai Jiayue."

"Hello future sister-in-law, I\'m your future sister-in-law." Zhai Jiayue smiles sweetly and reaches out her small white hand to greet her with a cheerful smile.

Fang Xin was straightforward. Seeing that Zhai Jiayue said hello to her naturally, she was not restrained. She laughed and held her little hand: "hello."

Because of Zhai Jiayue\'s return, Fang Xin doesn\'t sleep, and they also chat very opportunistically. Later, Zhai Jiayue also learns that Fang Xin and Qiao Yuwei are best friends, and is even more excited.

Zhai JIAYE was happy to see them chatting so warmly, but he was a little unhappy that he was left behind.

After Zhai\'s mother came back with the vegetables, she called Zhai\'s father and said that he would come back today anyway. Today is a happy day. The most important thing is that her son brought his girlfriend back.

She will no longer have to worry about her son\'s not getting married and not having a grandson. Moreover, she is very satisfied with each other.

At dinner time, Zhai\'s father also came back, but he was a kind of old-fashioned person, not very good at saying anything nice, but after asking a few questions, there was no following.

Fang Xin didn\'t feel any loss either, because she had learned from Zhai Jiayue that her father was just like that and treated everyone the same. After all, she was used to being a teacher in school.

After dinner, Zhai JIAYE takes Fang Xin for a walk nearby. The beach is three or four hundred meters away from his villa. They walk on the beach hand in hand facing the sea breeze.

In the middle of the walk, Fang Xin suddenly stops and looks down at the sand under his feet.

"What\'s the matter?" Seeing that she stopped, Zhai JIAYE stopped and asked.

"Zhai JIAYE."


"I have something for you."


Fang Xin slowly raised his head, stretched out from his pocket, compared a heart to him with his hand, and said with a smile: "my heart."

Zhai JIAYE a Leng, looking at her finger out of the heart, looking at her face smile, like the morning sun, warm Qinru his heart, holding her hand slightly heavy, to his arms a pull, embrace her waist: "then I also have something to give you."

"Well? What? " Fang Xin\'s head is raised happily and sweetly, and his eyes are raised.

Zhai JIAYE takes out a white ring box from his trouser pocket with one hand, then slowly releases his hand around her waist and opens the ring box. Inside lies a one carat heart-shaped diamond ring.

Fang Xin looked at him in surprise. His eyes were full of emotion and disbelief: "you... When did you prepare? Why don\'t I know? "

"I secretly bought it from you a few days ago, thinking that this ring should be quite suitable for you. Originally, I wanted to say that when I got back to T City, I would propose to you some time, but when I saw the sincerity you gave me, I still couldn\'t help taking it out."

"You can! There\'s another one. " Fang Xin angrily glanced at him and took out the ring from the box. When he just wanted to put it on himself, he felt it was not right and put it in his hand: "you help me to put it on."

Zhai JIAYE smiles, takes the ring, gently holds her hand, and puts the ring on her ring finger.

Fang Xin looked at the shining diamond ring on his finger and said with a sweet smile, "is it good-looking?"

"Well, it looks good."

Fang Xin tilted his head happily, and suddenly remembered the necklace and ring he bought this afternoon. He also took out a small gray blue gift box from his pocket: "NAH! This is my return to you. "

"For me?" Zhai JIAYE was still immersed in her joy and sweet smile. When she saw the box she handed over, her body was stunned and her face was stunned.

Fang Xin nodded and laughed: "open it and have a look."

Zhai JIAYE takes it and gently opens the box. Inside lies a very beautiful and delicate necklace. There is a man\'s ring in the middle of the necklace. Zhai JIAYE\'s eyes gradually lose consciousness and looks at the objects in the box dully. His lips move and move, but he can\'t make any sound.

Looking at his reaction, Fang Xin reached out and held his face with a smile: "stupid? Say something

"When did you... Buy it?" Zhai JIAYE monopolized his thoughts, his eyes became softer and his tone became lighter.

"Remember when I asked you to buy me Caramel pearl milk tea this afternoon?"


"This is what I saw at that time. At a glance, I thought it was very beautiful. I wanted to buy this and propose to you, so I used milk tea as an excuse to support you. But what I didn\'t expect was that you also prepared a ring and asked me to marry you before me." Fang Xin put his hands behind him, and at the end of the day, his face was a little sad.

Zhai JIAYE quietly laughed, raised her hand and pinched her nose: "fool, it\'s a matter of course that men come to propose. How can you girls speak first?"

"Why can\'t I? I just want to speak first." Fang Xin retorted: "Zhai JIAYE, will you marry me? Regardless of birth, old age, illness, wealth or poverty, they are willing to stay together and live forever. "

"Yes, yes, yes."

Zhai JIAYE covers the box and hugs her. She turns around in the same place. Her voice is smooth from the beginning to the end. It is the blessing and cheering of the sea breeze and waves.

Fang Xin patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "don\'t turn, put me down quickly, my head is almost dizzy."

Zhai JIAYE then put her down, smiling and kissing her lips.

Sometimes, an accident can be the beginning of happiness and sweetness. It can be impossible for a long time. Such a unique accident is also the most unique and memorable memory in their life.


A month later.

Zhai JIAYE and Fang Xin get the certificate within a few days after Xinhai city returns to T City, and Fang Xin naturally moves into Zhai JIAYE\'s apartment with potatoes and potatoes.

But most of the time, potato and potato still live in her grandmother\'s house, because their grandmother doesn\'t allow them to disturb the lives of Fang Xin and Zhai JIAYE, thinking that they are light bulbs.

To this end, potato and potato expressed deep dissatisfaction, but in the end, under the threat of grandma, they still failed to turn over and sing.

In the evening, Zhai JIAYE cooked the meal as usual and went to the room to call Fang Xin. But as soon as he opened the door, he saw Fang Xin rushing out of the room with his mouth covered. When he passed by him, he pushed him gently and ran directly to the bathroom.

Seeing this, Zhai JIAYE hurriedly followed her and watched her throw up on the toilet. She was full of heartache and patted her back: "do you start to throw up again? Haven\'t you started eating anything yet? "

Fang Xin waved her hand, but the vomiting still did not stop until she vomited out the bile water, which made her better. The whole person collapsed on the ground. Zhai JIAYE helped her, took a towel from the shelf with the other hand, and gently wiped her cheek: "let\'s go to the hospital to have a look! It\'s been several days. It\'s not the way to vomit like this. "

"Help me up first."

Zhai JIAYE put the towel back to its original place, held her up with both hands, walked to the living room and gently put her on the sofa, turned to the kitchen and poured her a glass of water: "drink some water."

Fang Xin took two mouthfuls and felt that he was alive.

"How\'s it going?"

"Much better." Fang Xin wrongly held his mouth and leaned against his arms.

Zhai JIAYE hugged her and kissed her on the top of her head: "let\'s go to the hospital to have a look."

"What\'s good to see? Didn\'t the doctor say that last time? It\'s normal to vomit during pregnancy. It\'s not your fault, to say it The square heart didn\'t have good spirit of horizontal he one eye, both hands unconsciously put on own abdomen.

She found out that she was pregnant ten days ago. When Zhai JIAYE learned about it, he took the B-ultrasound picture and looked at it all night without going to bed. That\'s exciting!

At first, Fang Xin was at a loss when she knew that she was pregnant. Later, she thought that she had a little life in her stomach, and she began to look forward to it again. But with the advent of pregnancy and vomiting, the joy was halved.

What\'s more, during her pregnancy, she vomited whatever she ate. Sometimes she could vomit even after drinking water, which made her particularly painful.

Zhai JIAYE also asked for a month\'s leave to accompany her at home.

"I want something sour."

"I just made sauerkraut."

"I want to eat."

"Shall I serve it or shall you eat it yourself?"

"I\'ll go over!" Fang Xin sighed. With Zhai JIAYE\'s help, he got up and went to the dining table. He opened his chair and sat down. Smelling the smell from the fish with pickled vegetables, he suddenly felt very comfortable: "I want to drink that fish soup."

Zhai JIAYE also opened the chair to sit down, helped her fill a bowl of soup, and was afraid of scalding her. He gently blew the bowl down and put it in front of her. He told her: "be careful of fish bones, don\'t drink too fast."

"Well." Fang Xin nodded and answered lightly. He took the bowl and sipped it. He laughed: "it tastes better than last time."

"Don\'t just drink soup, you can have some of that porridge."

After dinner, Zhai JIAYE is doing the dishes. Fang Xin wants to say he wants to help, but before he opens his mouth, Zhai JIAYE says, "go sit on the sofa and take you out for a walk. Don\'t come to the kitchen."

The square heart is dumb, the hand that hangs in mid air slightly moved next, along with the situation hugged his waist from his back, put the face on his back: "I don\'t want to help you? You take care of me so hard every day. When I\'m pregnant, I don\'t become a ceramic doll. The bowl can still be washed. "

Zhai JIAYE Leng next, the corner of the mouth slightly raised: "you pregnant vomiting so uncomfortable, how can I have the heart to let you help wash the dishes! Be obedient and sit in the living room. I\'ll wash some fruit for you later. "

"Zhai JIAYE, how do I feel that you treat me as your daughter? Even the tone of speaking has changed. It won\'t let me move. It won\'t let me touch it. " Fang Xin tilts his head, pouts his little mouth discontentedly and complains.

Zhai JIAYE picked the eyebrow, put the last bowl into the drain basket, dried the water on his hands, turned to look at her, and naturally stroked her back with both hands: "last time, I always said that the best way to pet my wife was to treat her as my daughter. So, I just wanted to try, and now it seems that the effect is good." Then he raised his hand and pinched her face.

Fang Xin chuckled, nestled in his arms and called in a low voice: "my husband!"

"Well?" Zhai JIAYE held her tightly and answered in a low voice.

"Do you like sons or daughters?" Fang Xin put his jaw against his chest, flashing beautiful apricot eyes at him, and asked curiously.

"As long as you\'re born, you like it."

Fang Xintian smiles: "I am very happy to marry you."

"I\'m lucky to marry you."