Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

V4.Chapter 86

After dinner, they took a walk around Chunyu road. For them, this kind of shopping has been rare since their graduation. At that time, Qiao Yuwei went abroad to study, and they were separated from each other. When they returned to T city after graduation, for work and identity reasons, the most common thing was to have dinner and afternoon tea together, Things like shopping are generally acceptable to Fang Xin and Yin Shi, but Qiao Yuwei is a public figure. He has to be fully armed every time he goes shopping, otherwise he will be easily recognized.

At about 2:30, they went to the nearest movie theater and chose a youth romantic style movie to watch. When they held coke and popcorn in their hands, they suddenly felt like they were back to their school days, but they were short of Qiao Yuwei.

So before entering the hall, Fang Xin specially hung a few dolls on the doll machine beside the hall, and piled them up as Qiao Yuwei. After entering the hall, Fang Xin put the dolls in place, took a picture with his mobile phone, sent it to Qiao Yuwei, and sent it to his circle of friends. Then Yin Shi also forwarded it.

After watching the movie, it was already past five o\'clock when they came out of the cinema. The setting sun was shining gently on them, stretching their figure.

"I haven\'t been to the cinema for a long time." Fang Xin stretched his waist with a doll in his hand: "this kind of little fresh film has not been seen for a long time, and I still feel very good."

"Well, it\'s a pity that the relationship between the second man and the second woman." Yin Shi nodded with a faint smile.

"That\'s true, but it\'s also in line with real life. Not everyone who loves each other will be together." Fang Xin also turned his mouth regretfully, took out his mobile phone from his bag and looked at the time: "it\'s half past five. Didn\'t you say we had dinner at half past six yesterday? Why don\'t we go first? It\'s a little far from the position you sent me yesterday. "

"Well, good."

After they decided, they took a car directly to one of Ying Xiaoyang\'s restaurants. They also sent a wechat to Zhai JIAYE and Ying Xiaoyang one after another, asking them to go directly after work.

When Yin Shi sends a message to Ying Xiaoyang, Ying Xiaoyang happens to be in his office discussing a project plan with several senior executives of the company. When he hears the bell, Ying Xiaoyang glances at the mobile phone on the desktop, looks at the words "wife" written on the lighted screen, quickly puts down the file in his hand, picks up the mobile phone, opens the message and looks at it, Eyebrows can\'t help stirring up twice.

The executive who was still talking about the plan saw Ying Xiaoyang\'s mobile phone and didn\'t know whether to go on. He looked at the people next to him, who were also at a loss.

"Go on!" Xiao Yang should be typing back to the message, found that they did not speak, then raised his eyes swept them a look, looked at the brow and cried.

When the man heard this, he quickly took back his sight and continued to talk about the plan. He did not dare to delay at all.

For more than half an hour, Ying Xiaoyang glared at the time on his wrist, pursed his lips, and listened to the executives\' endless talk. His eyebrows became more and more unhappy. After two or three minutes, Ying Xiaoyang threw the document on his desk: "after so long, your plan is still no different from the original one, just a different one, I want to know what the key point is when I talk about the plan for such a long time? I want the point, the useful point. "

When Xiao Yang\'s call came down, the executives all shut up. Xiao Yang got up from the sofa and put one hand into his trouser pocket: "tomorrow, I want a satisfactory plan. If you can\'t give it, you can pack up and go."

Several executives looked at each other, picked up all the documents on the desk, nodded slightly to Xiao Yang and left the office.

After seeing them leave, Ying Xiaoyang raised his hand and pulled the necktie, and his eyes turned to the assistant Jiang Yuan: "you sort out the information, I\'ll go first."

"Yes." Jiang Yuan nodded and watched Ying Xiaoyang walk at a leisurely pace, turning his mobile phone and leaving the office with one hand in his trouser pocket.

When he arrived at the restaurant, Ying Xiaoyang walked into the private room and saw Yin Shi and Fang Xin sitting in it chatting. Another person he didn\'t expect was Zhai JIAYE. When he saw Zhai JIAYE, he was obviously surprised.

"It should always be." Zhai JIAYE saw him, but as always calm, but also meticulously said hello.

For Ying Xiaoyang, who has a high EQ, when he was surprised to see that Zhai JIAYE and Fang Xin were sitting so close, his eyebrows were frivolous. He seemed to have seen the clue. He squinted and looked at him deeply. Then he went over with a smile and opened his chair to sit between Zhai JIAYE and Yin Shi.

After greeting the waiter to serve, Ying Xiaoyang approached Zhai JIAYE without any trace, bumped his arm and whispered: "yes! Brother, I\'ve finished all the little peppers in Fangxin. I thought you\'d be the same as Lu Yimin. If it wasn\'t arranged at home, you\'d be single all your life. "

Listen to words, Zhai JIAYE also slowly close to him, visual front, whispered back: "Xie Ying always praise, let you trouble."

"Tut! I don\'t praise you, but I think you\'re a little better than Lao Lu. If you can solve your single problem yourself, Lao Lu can\'t do it. It\'s still arranged by the old man. " Ying Xiaoyang is not ashamed of his behavior of being cheap and being obedient. After seeing him white, he can\'t help feeling.

"In general, there is some truth to it."


"What are you two muttering about?" After the waiter served the dishes, Fang Xin found that the two men sitting in the middle were very close, and they were still whispering something.

On hearing this, Yin Shi turned his head and looked at the two of them. After receiving the strange look from his daughter-in-law, they stood up and moved back to their original position. They were calm and had no feeling of guilty.

"We were just talking about work." Xiao Yang picks up his eyebrows, picks up the wine glass in front of him, smiles, and glances meaningfully at Zhai JIAYE: "it seems that this is the first time for the four of us to sit together for dinner, that is, without Mr. and Mrs. Lu, let\'s have a drink?"

Fang Xin and Yin Shi didn\'t say much. They raised their cups and touched them.

When they were halfway through the meal, Zhai JIAYE and Ying Xiaoyang talked about their work for no reason. Later, an English term came out of their mouth and several companies were mentioned.

Fang Xin and Yin Shi looked at each other. Qi and Qi turned their eyes and put their chopsticks on the table one after another. They glared at each other discontentedly and asked, "are you working now? If you want to talk about work, can you stop talking in front of us? "

Zhai JIAYE listen to words, looked back at the heart, dumb, silently closed his mouth, picked up chopsticks to her clip a dish.

Ying Xiaoyang saw this and naturally won\'t lose to Zhai JIAYE. Although Yin Shi didn\'t say much, her face was a little cold. She knew she was angry, and immediately smiled and said, "didn\'t you say that the grouper in this store was delicious last time? I asked the kitchen to prepare it for you when I ordered. "

After dinner, the four went out of the private room together. Fang Xin said with a smile, "thank you for your hospitality today."

"You\'re welcome." Ying Xiaoyang smiles, and then the manager of the restaurant comes over and wants to say something to him. But Ying Xiaoyang winks at him. After the manager understands, he stands by and greets Yin Shi with a slight nod.

"Xiao Yang."

A beautiful voice suddenly sounded out of the corridor. Everyone heard the sound and looked at it. When the gorgeous figure wearing a red bra skirt came into view, Ying Xiaoyang\'s eyes narrowed slightly. Subconsciously, he glanced at the manager of the restaurant and crossed his eyes.

The manager received his eyes, subconsciously lowered his head, and did not dare to look at him. In fact, he just came here to talk about it with him.

Lin Meiling walked to Ying Xiaoyang with a gorgeous smile and high heels. Her face was a bit coy, and even her voice was full of blame: "when I came back from Italy some time ago, you didn\'t answer your phone call or send you a text message. People in the company always said that they couldn\'t see you without an appointment, Today, I happened to have dinner with my friend in your restaurant. My friend said that I just saw you. I thought she was cheating! I didn\'t expect you to be here! "

Lin Meiling\'s voice is very soft, not to mention a man. Even Fang Xin and Yin Shi feel crispy when they listen to her. Moreover, she is very beautiful, and her body is concave and convex. There are all kinds of emotions in her eyes.

The onlookers were not stupid. Naturally, they could see that there was some relationship between this woman and Ying Xiaoyang, and the relationship seemed unusual.

When Yin Shi looks at Lin Meiling\'s very natural arm, his face is slightly heavy. He looks at Lin Meiling and looks at Ying Xiaoyang deeply.

Xiao Yang\'s body should be a meal, quickly his arm out of Lin Meiling\'s hand, looking at the brow, unhappy asked: "what can I do for you?"

"We haven\'t seen each other for such a long time. They miss you!" Lin Meiling did not care about the details of Ying Xiaoyang\'s hand back, but rather hung her head in shame and came close to Ying Xiaoyang again.

Xiao Yang should subconsciously hide, eyebrows are more and more locked deeper, Zhai JIAYE looked at one side, pursed his lips, a pull is ready to move a small bench to eat melon seeds to see the play\'s heart, and said: "Mr. Ying, we\'ll go first, thank you for dinner."

Ying Xiaoyang opened his eyes wide and motioned him not to leave. However, Zhai JIAYE pretended to understand nothing. He nodded to him slightly and left with Fang Xin in his hand.

It\'s better for them to stay out of this kind of thing.

Fang Xin was pulled away by him, and he also regained his mind. He stepped back: "hey... Zhai JIAYE, slow down, that... Yin Shi, I\'ll go first and contact you later!"

Watching Zhai JIAYE and Fang Xin disappear at the corner at the end of the corridor, Yin Shi coldly looks down, says nothing, calmly takes back his sight, turns around and goes straight ahead.

Seeing this, Ying Xiaoyang quickly grabbed her: "where are you going?"

Yin Shi was forced to stop and look at him, who was a little worried. He coldly took back his hand, and his words from his red lips were also very indifferent and alienated: "you hurry first, I have something else to do, so I\'ll go back first. When you don\'t handle your own affairs well, don\'t call me. Tomorrow, your mother is afraid that it won\'t be possible to go there. Help me and my aunt say sorry."

"I don\'t have anything. I..." When Xiao Yang looks at the frost floating under her eyes, he knows that Yin Shi has closed her heart again and turned him away. He feels a little flustered and worried for a moment.

"Xiao Yang..." Lin Meiling saw something was wrong. She pursed her lips and went over, crying.

"Shut up." At this time, Xiao Yang had some helplessness. When he heard Lin Meiling call himself like this, he was so angry that he interrupted her and glared at her: "I warned you last time. I\'m not interested in you. Don\'t think about sticking it on me endlessly. Get out of here."

Lin Meiling listened, tears immediately fell from her eyes, looking very pitiful. When she looked at Yan Yin again, she stamped her feet and left crying.

After Lin Meiling was sent away, Ying Yangcai looked at Yin and explained with a little nervousness: "I swear, I really have nothing to do with her? We met several times. Because she and Mingke and Qiyan knew each other, we just had two meals together. Later, she asked Qiyan and Mingke to set me up with him and pester me to be with me. But I refused. You are the only one in my heart, and I can\'t hold anyone else. "

Yin Shi listened to his explanation, his indifferent expression was still unmoved, and he glanced at him indifferently: "I said, Ying Xiaoyang, if you are not ready to be with me for a lifetime, you should break up as soon as possible. I don\'t like wasting time, and I don\'t like the separation and combination of little girls. I\'m not a generous woman, and I can\'t tolerate the Sahara desert, I don\'t want to follow my mother\'s lead. I don\'t want to be ridiculed as my mother and say that I deserve not to see men. So, let\'s calm down and think about it carefully! "

Yin Shi pushed his hand away, and there was only endless darkness in her eyes. The sweetness of love really enriched her missing heart and made her forget the pain and memory brought by her childhood.

But just when she saw Lin Meiling, the picture that filled Yin Shi\'s mind was that when she was a child, her mother was crying in the room, while her father left with the same woman in a red skirt in his arms.

All of a sudden, she felt a little trance. She was scared and hurt. She was calm all the time. But during the time when she was with Ying Xiaoyang, his sweet words and careful manners made her abandon all of herself. She didn\'t think about it until now.

Listening to her cold words without any fluctuation, Xiao Yang\'s heart seemed to be attacked by something. From their realization to now, it was the first time that he heard Yin Shi say these words.

He had met her mother and her grandparents, and knew that her mother was in poor health, but he had never heard from her anything about her father, and he had never asked.

Seeing her leave, Ying Xiaoyang came back and quickly followed her, holding her hand: "you believe me, I will never let what you just said happen."

For Lin Meiling\'s appearance, she has such a big reaction. Although Ying Xiaoyang is confused, he is more distressed and wants to explain everything.

"How do you make me believe you? By the warblers that appear around you from time to time? " Yin Shi chuckled. There was no fluctuation at the bottom of his black eyes. He just looked at him quietly, but there was no awn point.

"I really have nothing to do with Lin Meiling. Since I was with you, I really kept a distance from all the women. I have a clear conscience for you. Is it because of her sudden appearance that you want to deny everything before us?" Ying Xiaoyang becomes a little impatient. He pulls Yin Shi into his arms, tightly imprisons her, and asks questions with a little strong overbearing.

Yin Shi struggled hard. Inadvertently, he found that there were waiters and restaurant guests around him looking at him. The coldness on his face turned into embarrassment and unnaturalness. He reached out and pushed his chest: "let go first, so many people are watching!"

"I hold my own daughter-in-law. Anyway, I don\'t feel ashamed. If you\'re not used to it, I\'ll let them all go." As Xiao Yang listened to the change of her tone, he knew that it was a turn for the better. He began to carry out his own naughty method and glared at the waiter: "what are you looking at? Waiting for me to fire you? "

The waiter, who was still watching, turned around and went to work.

Looking at the scattered people around him, Ying Xiaoyang picked his eyebrows with a special air. When he looked at Yin with some pride, he laughed: "OK, they\'re all gone."

Yin Shi was dumb and had a feeling that he had nothing to love: "you let me go first."

"Don\'t let go, let go of you. If you run away, I don\'t care who will compensate my daughter-in-law. Now I have identified you as my daughter-in-law, and my mother has identified you as our daughter-in-law. What you said before is invalid. I also swear that if I make you sad or do something sorry for you, I will die. I..."

On hearing this, Yin Shi opened his eyes in surprise, quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth, and scolded him: "what are you talking about?"

The soft fragrance on her lips made Ying Xiaoyang smile and put her arm around her waist: "no matter now or in the future, you are the only one in my heart. I won\'t let her appear, and I won\'t attract bees and butterflies outside. It\'s enough to have you alone."

Yin Shi pursed his lips, tilted his head and said nothing.

Seeing that she didn\'t speak, Xiao Yang was in a bit of a hurry. He directly picked her up and walked out: "it\'s late today. Let\'s go to see the ring first. Tomorrow morning, we\'ll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to pull the certificate. You\'ve been my man all your life. Don\'t try to run away."

"Ying Xiaoyang, what are you doing..."

"I want to marry you." Ying Xiaoyang lowered his head and raised his lips. His eyes were full of seriousness: "I\'m not your father, and you\'re not your mother, so that won\'t happen."