Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 984

As he said this, he went to Bai XiuXiu and was pushed aside by Bai XiuXiu according to her face.

"You think so. Don't make any noise. Listen to me. " Bai XiuXiu grabs LAN Xuanyu's hands.

She raised her head and stared at LAN Xuanyu's eyes. "The war is about to start. We are in the army, just a small part. I know your character. When you are fighting, you like to go out of the way to get the most. This is your way of fighting. I support you. However, when you make any decision, you must pay attention to safety. It's like when you tell people. What I'm going to tell you is, in the next mission, where are you, where am I. You are in danger, which means I am in danger. So, you should protect me and yourself. I don't care about military achievements. I just want you to be safe. War is an opportunity for soldiers, but it is also the cruelest. "

Looking at Bai XiuXiu's red eyes, LAN Xuanyu nodded seriously, "I understand. Don't worry about XiuXiu. I will never easily take risks. Last time, teacher Nana left me a profound lesson. "

As he spoke, he pulled Bai XiuXiu into his arms and held her delicate body tightly.

Bai XiuXiu put his cheek on his shoulder. "I don't care about the result of the war, I only care. After the war, everyone is still there. To be honest, if there is a choice, I really don't want war. "

They hug each other like this, silently feel each other's heartbeat, and feel each other's warmth.

No matter how many people do not want the emergence of war, and how many people are eager to make contributions in the war, war, or come!

The seventh fleet is like a waking dragon. The main thrusters at the tail of all warships are on and on.

As LAN Xuanyu predicted, the direction of the seventh fleet is exactly that of Tianma, one of the two main stars in Longma system. From where they are stationed to Tianma star, it only takes five days to get there with full speed flight and wormhole jumping.

LAN Xuanyu, seven people, is now in the battle headquarters. Of course, they only have the right to listen in here. At the same time, they can't leave the headquarters unless ordered by Yan Xinghe. This is to protect military secrets.

Through the 270 degree huge porthole, we can clearly see that the warships are flying in space. Four Dragon King frigates are arched around the mothership. A large number of other warships are around.

"It's about to enter the first jump. Everyone is in position and ready to jump. 45% of the guard is open. " Yan Xinghe sits on the throne and gives orders.

Through observation, LAN Xuanyu understood that the task of the Dragon King frigate was more than expected. This is how a cosmic fleet is arranged. The highest level of nature is the Mothership, but in fact, the Mothership only manages the transfer of four Dragon King frigates, and only issues tasks for the four frigates. And each Dragon King frigate is in charge of three subordinate Ares.

Each battleship is in charge of its own meteor class attack ship and meteor class reconnaissance ship. So as to form a pyramid like system.

Therefore, dragon three is not only in charge of itself, but also in charge of the following three battleships. These three battleships, just outside the dragon three, form a semi encircled arc and are guarded by lower level battleships. The whole warship group is a kind of warship from inside to outside, the stronger the warship is in the core.

The first time the wormhole jump was opened, at this time, LAN Xuanyu deeply felt the power of this large warship.

When the protective cover is opened, the whole process of insect hole jumping is extremely stable, even without vibration. It's no different from normal flying.

Although the protective cover of the Dragon King frigate is only 45% open, it is not only to protect itself, but also to protect a large number of small warships around, including battleships, together with wormhole jumping.

On the other hand, the Mothership released a larger protective cover, which was close to guarding the entire fleet. The seventh fleet is a whole.

Looking at everything outside the window, there is only one feeling in the hearts of the seven blue Xuanyu people, magnificent!

It is indeed the most powerful fighting force of the Douluo Federation!

LAN Xuanyu's rest can only be in the headquarters, where they meditate and rest. During the war, there was no real food to eat. Everyone ate high-energy nutrition cream, even Yan Xinghe, the captain of the ship, was no exception. This is the rule of the universe fleet. During the war, even the commander of the fleet can only eat nutrition cream. Because the nutrition cream can replenish the nutrients needed by the human body in the shortest time, it will not delay the time.

Three days later, after the fourth wormhole jump, the seventh fleet suddenly began to slow down.

According to Yan Xinghe's orders and observations, LAN Xuanyu found that the 7th Fleet, all warships below meteor level, including transport ships, all around the rear of the fleet. The whole fleet began to change its formation.

Four Dragon King frigates are in line, and the Mothership flies out of the center at the front. Twelve battleships are behind the Dragon King frigate. The three most powerful warships form a triangle like formation to fly forward, and all small warships and transport ships fly behind."Drop by drop, the harsh alarm sounded, and the light in the headquarters became brighter. On one side of the large screen, the radar constantly enlarges and explores. "

Yan Xinghe stood up and said in a deep voice, "we are about to enter the battle area. All the troops are ready to fight."

LAN Xuanyu also saw the enemy through the large screen, which was a shining light point, especially clear in space.

It is obvious that Longma galaxy has long found the breakthrough of the seventh fleet. Of course, they can't put the battlefield near Tianma star. So, with two days to go from Tianma star, they set up their formation and prepare to fight.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer. Yan Xinghe, commander of the third dragon commander, seems not nervous at all. He turns around and beckons to LAN Xuanyu and says, "Xuanyu, come here."

LAN Xuanyu quickly stood up and came to Yan Xinghe. In the headquarters, senior officers are all staff officers. Other senior officers are in their own posts, not in the headquarters.

Yan Xinghe said in a deep voice, "enlarge the picture."

On the large screen, the picture is enlarged to show the warship shape of Longma galaxy on the screen.

Yan Xinghe said to LAN Xuanyu: "in terms of warship technology, although the Longma system is trying to catch up with us, there is still a big gap with us. This is also the reason why we have absolute confidence to defeat each other on the front battlefield. If the other side has a 30% chance of defeating us on the front battlefield, we will not always let us block the airspace in the direction of the Federation, because in terms of resources, they must have more. If they can block us on the front battlefield for a period of time, they are likely to produce more warships. In fact, we have been in the process of In some attrition wars, make sure that the number and power of warships in the Longma system are not enough to pose a threat to us. You see, the battleship of the Longma system is like a miscellaneous army. "

LAN Xuanyu is looking at the picture on the big screen at this time. This is the first time he has seen an alien technology warship.

Indeed, as Yan Xinghe said, the warships of the Longma system are really like a miscellaneous army. The main reason is that their warships are quite different.

First of all, the warship LAN Xuanyu saw is a bit like a fish. From the radar data display, the warship is about 300 meters long, covered with brown scales, which emit layers of halos. It is obviously protective. There are three pairs of wings on the top, and the back of the wings is shining.