Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 985

Next to it, there are about a dozen such warships of different sizes. The smallest one is only the size of the meteor star reconnaissance ship, and the 300 meter long one is the largest.

These ten warships are integrated into one body and fly together. Next to them is another type of warship. The size of this kind of warship is almost the same. They are all about 150 meters long. The front end is flat and wide, like a hammer head. There are honeycomb like spouts on it. The rear is long and narrow, with thrusters arranged from both sides of the waist.

In the most central position of the opposing fleet, there are two kinds of warships with the largest number, each of which is more than 200. One kind of warship is white and presented as a shuttle. Comparatively speaking, it is the closest to the appearance of a human warship, which is a bit like a battleship of Ares class, but its volume is one third smaller than that of a battleship. At the same time, they are different in size, and the overall shape of warships is almost the same.

Another kind of warship is presented as a fan-shaped, the arc side is forward, and the rear plane is all thrusters. What we can see is that the arc side of the warship has a sharp sense of edge, and the light like a light blade shines.

It's also the largest ship of different sizes, with a width of more than 200 meters. It's a bit fierce.

These fleets on the opposite side, large and small, add up to a thousand. In terms of quantity, they are far above the seventh fleet. But as Yan Xinghe said, this is a miscellaneous army. There are more than ten kinds of warships, and they obviously do not belong to each other. Each has its own area.

But in spite of this, such a large number of fleets, in the distance, are still like a vast expanse of space, in the form of semi encirclement, covering the direction of the seventh fleet.

Yan Xinghe's expression was not half dignified. He said to LAN Xuan: "see it. They are fighting quality with quantity. In terms of combat power, their warships are far from each other, but the Longma system is rich in resources and the speed of building warships is very fast. However, their combat effectiveness has never been achieved. However, it's more than the last time we faced each other. The longer the war lasts, the more resources are being fought, so I always think that the earlier the war against the Longma system starts, the better. "

The fleets of both sides have stagnated in the sky, confronted each other and failed to start a war at the first time. The seventh fleet's huge Mothership radiates a faint halo of light. The light blue light condenses on the surface. It can be clearly seen that each huge muzzle is open. For a while, even the number of muzzle on the Mothership is countless.

All federal warships are fully open in weapon system and protective cover. The front Mothership and four Dragon King frigates are arranged horizontally, followed by battleships in the rear.

Looking at the dense enemy ships in the opposite direction, LAN Xuanyu's heart can't help but speed up. He is also facing such a cosmic war for the first time! In the face of space war of this scale, the power of individuals seems so small.

He is now like a staff officer, following Yan Xinghe and listening to his analysis and explanation of the battlefield.

"In space war of this scale, the most important thing is firepower. The large-scale space war will generally be carried out in the open terrain, especially for the powerful side, it must be so chosen. If it's a complex terrain like the meteorite belt, the opponent may have a chance, but in the open terrain, the competition between the two sides is almost firepower. At least in the first collision. In the face of strong firepower, all skills are vain. It depends on whose energy intensity is high and whose weapon is more advanced. "

"If complex terrain appears, the first thing to do is to clean up the terrain. Even if an asteroid is blocked, it must be destroyed first."

Yan Xinghe's very plain, but from his words we can hear how confident he is in the strength of the cosmic fleet.

"At present, but from the perspective of fleet comparison, the total strength of the universe fleet of Longma galaxy can also be compared with that of our three fleets. And spread the defense. The reason why the Federation hasn't attacked in an all-round way is that it's worried about the infiltration of the top powers in the Longma system, which is too destructive. If we enter our executive star, even one person can destroy the whole planet. Even if our warship's artillery can destroy it, it will almost cost the planet. This is more than we can bear. So far, we haven't really gone all out to attack the Longma system. And the Longma system knows that. If their top strongmen attack our planet, then the gunfire of our Mothership will certainly pour on their host star. It's equivalent to that both sides have Assassin's mace. No one dare to overturn it easily. "

"Inside the Federation, including Shrek college and Tangmen, there are also the war god hall and the spirit tower. All of them are concentrating on various resources, hoping to cultivate the super God, but it's too hard to reach that level. Even if it is our parent star, the energy level of the planet itself seems to be insufficient. Therefore, no supernatural power has been born. If we could have a few supernatural powers to suppress the top powers of the Longma system, then we would have launched a full-scale attack on them. "

LAN Xuanyu listened to his words as if he meant something. He understood that the captain probably knew uncle Le's breakthrough to the supernatural level. After all, it was done under the eyes of the seventh fleet.

"It's about to start. Believe it or not, the other side won't fight with us at all. If we make a comparison, we will retreat. Fight a harassment war with us. Delay our attack. " Yan Xinghe said with a smile.Blue Xuan Yu slightly nods, "because the front can't block our firepower?"

"Yes, they can't help it. Even if we have only one fleet, we can't win so many warships. But they can't break our defenses. We can support the reinforcements. But our artillery can tear up their protection and make them lose more and more people. "

"All fleet ready." The red light came on, and the whole command cabin turned red.

Instead of giving orders, Yan Xinghe turned to LAN Xuanyu and said, "the fleet is fighting in a unified way. All commands are conducted by the headquarters in a unified way. Before free combat was issued, the battleship acted in a unified way with its superior warship. The red light means the Mothership has taken over control of our warship. "

LAN Xuanyu suddenly realized that it's no wonder that what he saw in the video before, when the huge fleet fire launched a comprehensive attack in the star wars, it was so unified that it was the result of the simultaneous operation of the mothership.

"Captain, will this kind of control be easily stolen by the enemy?" Asked LAN Xuanyu.

Yan Xinghe said with a smile: "no, at least not with the known cosmic technology. Because this kind of remote control of other warships, not only through the electronic band, but also through the biological band memory. The two combine with each other. In short, it's a combination of divine sense and electronic wave control. If you want to control our side, the first thing you need to do is to check the electronic code with us. This code is changing at any time. Secondly, there should be a god level strong man who uses the divine sense as a bridge to connect the electronic wave with the divine sense through a special transmission device. Have unique communication. What's more, when conducting internal contact control, our protective cover is fully open to shield all external electronic waves. So it's impossible to steal our control. "

LAN Xuanyu nodded slightly.

At this time, Yan Xinghe's eyes light to the big screen, sink voice way: "started."

Sure enough, the Dragon King frigate suddenly shocked. Then LAN Xuanyu saw that the side window had been covered by a ray of light. For a while, he could not see space through the porthole, only the light was full.