Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 983

Yan Xinghe River: "this war is of great significance. If we can win in stages, it will bring us greater opportunities. Over the years, the Federation has accelerated its development in space fleet and made rapid progress in science and technology. But our enemies are also developing rapidly and must be contained. During the next war, you and your team will come to my headquarters to observe. Until the initial goal of the campaign is achieved, then follow the Department of operations to carry out the mission. "

LAN Xuanyu's eyes were fixed, and his heart was moved. He saluted Yan Xinghe again, "thank you for your help."

Yan Xinghe, as a senior officer of the 7th Fleet, is absolutely the most important in the 7th Fleet. Four Dragon King frigates are second only to the existence of the mother ship. The importance of the tasks undertaken in the war can be imagined. It's immeasurable to see Yan Xinghe's command of the third dragon in the headquarters of the third dragon, and to LAN Xuanyu's experience in Star Wars. Don't say he's still a recruit, even many senior commanders don't have such a chance!

The command of a large warship should take a panoramic view of the whole situation. Every command is probably related to success or failure.

Yan Xinghe saw the expression of Lan Xuanyu and knew that he understood what he meant. It was easy to talk to a smart man. He also has a good impression of LAN Xuanyu. This young man is too spiritual. He is handsome and tall. Under his military uniform, his military demeanor is enough to break anyone's heart.

If there is charm attribute, LAN Xuanyu must be full score in this respect.

In addition to Admiral Yu Muchen's extra praise for LAN Xuanyu, as well as the significance of LAN Xuanyu in other aspects, Yan Xinghe will naturally strive to promote him. Of course, it depends on LAN Xuanyu's own performance. After all, he is a major general with relatively low gold content. There are many things he needs to do to become a general. In the army, credit is still to be paid.

Just after joining the army, we caught up with such a large-scale campaign. Naturally, the chance to get credit is much greater, which is a natural opportunity for LAN Xuanyu. That's why Yu Muchen wants him to arrive at the 7th Fleet at this time. As the seventh fleet of the main attack, the chance of acquiring military skills will naturally be greater.

"Well, then go to have a rest. I'll let you know before the war begins. " Yan Xinghe said with a smile.

Blue Xuan Yu way: "Captain, I still have a small request."

"Oh? You said Yan Xinghe looks at LAN Xuanyu curiously.

Blue Xuan Yu said: "this time, we also brought a meteor class attack ship with us. It's our original warship. After that, we may be able to use them in the war. Can you register them with us and confirm that they belong to our fleet? "

Yanxing River: "this is easy. I'll ask someone to take you to register and confirm the communication connection. It's OK. "

"Thank you, captain." LAN Xuanyu saluted him again.

Yan Xinghe waved and said: "only when we are not so polite. You are young, and you are my junior. I'll just call your name. Xuanyu, this war is of great importance to the Federation, as well as to our soldiers. Where does the military merit come from? From the sand. War is the chance for our soldiers to show their ability. Soldiers in peacetime are never so important. Since the eldest husband joined the army, he must make contributions. I will choose the right time for you to participate in this war, but what I can do is to give you the opportunity. It depends on your own level. "

"I understand. Thank you." LAN Xuanyu didn't do any military salute this time, but bowed to Yan Xinghe to salute the younger generation.

Yan Xinghe patted him on the shoulder. "Go."

After leaving longsan headquarters, LAN Xuanyu subconsciously clenched his fist. This year's military career seems to be going to be extremely wonderful. First, he will register the 13th wing warship, and then he will tell his partners the news so that they can be ready.

Unfortunately, their wings have been broken up in the past thirty-three days. They can't act together. Otherwise, we can get together better results. But decentralization also has its benefits. Scattered everywhere, as long as we give full play to our abilities in the war, it will be easier to obtain the total amount of meritorious service.

However, he did not worry that in such a large-scale battlefield, the combat effectiveness of the individual would be greatly weakened. No matter how strong the individual strength is, in the face of the attack power of the main gun level of the warship, it is also as weak as a mole ant. Although they are all two character fighting Armor Division, they are very good in personal strength. But in this kind of campaign, it is easy to be killed by seconds. So safety is the most important thing.

The registration of the 13th wing was completed, and the 13th wing warship was directly docked in the interior of the third dragon for maintenance. LAN Xuanyu returned to his residence and told his friends that the war was about to begin.

Just then, the order of war mobilization was issued. They found that the color of the light in all the rooms had changed from warm to cold. Although the war had not yet begun, the air was filled with a sense of annihilation. It gives everyone a sense of urgency.

Through communication, LAN Xuanyu told the other teams of the 13th Tianyi that once they are involved in the war, safety is the first thing, and they must not enter the main battlefield to fight in front. The main gun of any warship can be devastating to them. In case of danger, call for help immediately.On the surface, the seventh fleet is no different from the previous one. It is still orderly arranged in space. But if you look closely, you can see that many transport ships are operating more frequently between fleets, obviously allocating resources.

"Dong Dong" knocks on the door. LAN Xuanyu is looking at the star map in his bedroom, standing up and going to open the door.

There is Bai XiuXiu outside the door. LAN Xuanyu lets her into the room. As soon as she enters the door, she can see the three-dimensional star map suspended on the table.

"Well, commander, are you studying tactics?" Bai XiuXiu said with a smile.

"I'll take a look at the star map of the Longma system," said LAN Xuanyu. We are probably in this position at present. If it is an attack, the first attack should be Tianma star. " As he spoke, he pointed to a big star on the map.

"As long as we move here, the army of the Longma system will find out in the first time and intercept us. This first World War collision on the main battlefield is the most important. If we lose, it's likely to be a rout. If we win, we will have a chance to go deep into the Longma system, conduct landing operations, destroy and obtain resources. "

Bai XiuXiu looked at the star map and said, "from what you told us before, the Federation seems to be very sure to win in the main battlefield!"

LAN Xuanyu said: "I think so, though I don't know what the federal government is going to do. But I always think it has something to do with the secret of longyuanjing that we found last time. "

"What are you thinking?" said Bai XiuXiu

LAN Xuanyu said: "I'm thinking about how I can use longyuanjing to fight this war if I'm the commander. So as to make use of the unequal information between the two sides and let the war incline to our direction. "

Bai XiuXiu's eyes showed the color of thinking, "this is related to the whole battlefield, not simple tactics can be completed. I'm afraid it will be very complicated. Don't think too much about it. Take a good rest first. After all, we may not have any rest time after the war. Xuanyu, do you know why I came to you? "

LAN Xuanyu said with a smile, "because you like me. Come on, let me kiss you. My inspiration will be more."