Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 967

Time stagnant field blue Xuan Yu rushed out when it was released, let the attack of the other side slow a beat. And then to meet him are two areas of competence.

Gun Mang, has arrived at LAN Xuanyu. He could not move at all. He could only watch the spear stabbing into his chest. Even the two character armor has broken.

However, the light of dragon's wrath has begun to bloom. At this moment, when the other side's long gun stabbed into his body, what LAN Xuanyu would do is to lock the other side's long gun with the heaven holy split yuan halberd, so that the other side could not escape at the first time.

The absolute safety distance of dragon's wrath is only three meters in diameter, and the halberd of the heaven holy Chayuan and the long spear of the other side are more than three meters long. Therefore, this title Douluo will face is from the outbreak of dragon's wrath.

How acute is the sense of crisis of the strong. At the moment when the spear stabbed into the armor, the title Douluo saw the blue light on the right hand of blue Xuan Yu, and the halberd of heaven holy Chayuan appeared.

He immediately judged what LAN Xuanyu wanted to do. If his long gun pierced the heart of LAN Xuanyu, his body, armor, halberd of the heavenly Saint Chayuan, plus the possible time to solidify the field, would make his body pause for a moment. In that case, it will die!

So, his long gun didn't pierce LAN Xuanyu's body. Almost in an instant, he suddenly twisted his body and stepped on LAN Xuanyu's chest, kicking him to the distance and flying out. With the help of the recoil force, he went straight to the entrance of the third pass.


the dazzling golden color makes the whole world become a golden ocean.

The teachers who are watching the battle in the dean's office can't see what happened on the screen at this moment.

The blazing light broke out. The light and shadow burst out. The whole cave was shaking, collapsing and melting violently.

The harsh alarm sounds constantly, which is a rare case of energy overload in the world of Douluo.

"Then, what is that?" Asked an inner-house teacher.

More teachers shake their heads at a loss.

Tang clan's taboo weapon, will anyone know that? It hasn't appeared for thousands of years.

If Mengfei and Tang Miao knew that LAN Xuanyu had just got the dragon's wrath, they would use it for a long time. Although they were only in the world of Douluo, they would spit out blood angrily.

The reason for LAN Xuanyu is very simple. He actually had this idea before he entered the blood test today. When clearing the second level, he hesitated whether to use elemental storm or dragon's wrath.

The power of dragon's anger, a taboo weapon, is only understood from Mengfei's mouth. The specific power should be tested by himself before he can understand whether it is really reliable! Especially the safety center, is it really safe. This determines how to use dragon wrath later.

From the moment when he got this thing, LAN Xuanyu had been thinking about how to use this kind of weapon to give full play to its power.

As for what Mengfei and tangmiao said, he listened to what they had come to protect their lives. But if you want to save your life, one is enough. Wouldn't it be a waste to take the other two? There are so many Tangmen

LAN Xuanyu's courage has never been small. In fact, he has a lot of courage. His composure is more when the team acts. He has always been an adventurous man. Don't forget how his first teacher, Yin Tian, taught him.

Tang Zhenhua's way of teaching is similar. When the team is in action, LAN Xuanyu has been suppressing his style that likes to walk on the side of the sword and fight at risk. But he has always felt that this style of fighting can get the maximum benefit at the lowest cost.

Recently, his mind has grown up again, and the whole person is more mature, but the spirit of adventure is also stronger. How is it possible to grow stronger quickly without taking risks? When the students are admitted to the inner court, LAN Xuanyu's burden in this respect has been put down. What he wants to do most now is to make himself stronger.

It turns out that the power of dragon's wrath is more terrifying than imagined. Everything around is vaporizing. The shrill alarm kept ringing.

Wang Tianyu said in a deep voice: "immediately strengthen energy injection and conduct space isolation. If the federal side asks, it means that we are doing some experiments in the world of Douluo. There was something wrong with the experiment, which caused the explosion. No need to say more. "

"Yes!" A teacher in charge of the world of Douluo hurried away.

Wang Tianyu's face at this time is very ugly, some iron green. Teachers don't recognize dragon's anger, will he? Of course he knew what it was.

Is Tang Miao and Mengfei crazy? How could you give this to this son of a bitch? What's more, how dare you use it in the world of Douluo? He is not afraid to be known by the federal government that Tangmen has restarted the forbidden weapons?

The golden glare lasted for more than a minute before it came to rest. When LAN Xuanyu saw everything around him again, he, as the founder of the figurine, could not help but take a breath of cool air.

Everything around is melting. Yes, it's melting. When he came in, the second exit had disappeared. The entrance to the third pass also disappeared.Everything around him is golden red, which gives him a sense of whether he has arrived at the star or not. All the rocks are melting and the cavities are getting bigger. He could even vaguely see some strange light shining on his head. To make the world less real.

The power of dragon's wrath, yes!

LAN Xuanyu's eyes are bright. What he wants to do now is to ransack the Tang clan's forbidden Arsenal. There are so many things to do with this thing.

When LAN Xuanyu was excited, all of a sudden, the cave wall in the distance gave out a roar, and a somewhat embarrassed figure flew out of it.

Not dead? A few question marks appeared on LAN Xuanyu's head. Didn't the bombing die?

Yes, the one who rushed out of the cave wall was the former title Douluo. This man was not killed by the explosion. I have to say it has a lot to do with luck.

The previous big bang was absolutely terrifying. At the first time, he went back to the cave of the third level. And in the first time, the entrance collapsed.

The explosion of dragon's wrath is all-round, and it is impossible to aim at the third pass channel. In addition, LAN Xuanyu was kicked away by him, hitting into the distance and making his distance open.

But even so, he still had a kind of general feeling of being melted. The horrible high temperature and the horrible explosive force almost tore him up completely.

At this time, the appearance of this nicknamed Douluo is really worrying. The three character Doujia on his body has been scattered, and there are still some hanging points on his body, but they are all swinging. A pair of wings on the back have long been gone. Half of the body is burnt. He was still smoking.

In that way, if you want to be more embarrassed, you will be more embarrassed, which is quite different from the style of the previous generation of strong people.

"Cough." LAN Xuanyu coughed, "elder, actually I don't want to. However, you are so powerful, that's why I made this decision. It's OK. I promise not. Let's fight fairly. "

"Poof" is a mouthful of blood.

A fair fight? Thanks to this bastard.

"Ah? You mean, don't you want a fair war? Want to try that feeling again? Yes. Anyway, it's not really consumed in the world of Douluo. " As he spoke, LAN Xuanyu turned his wrist and felt a dragon's anger.

"Stop you!" The title Douluo finally couldn't help but say again, "you can't use that again, or you will destroy this virtual world."

"Ah? now I see! Well then. " LAN Xuanyu hurriedly collected the dragon's anger. In fact, he didn't plan to use it again.