Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 966

At this time, LAN Xuanyu moved, his body flickered like a ghost, and he walked through the spear as much as possible. It's Tang clan's unique skill, ghost and lost step!

With the cooperation of the space-time solidification field, the purple magic pupil is used to distinguish and the ghostly step is used to dodge. Let him look like a colorful light and shadow, then shuttle among the spears.

Not only that, a road of ice walls, walls, firebombs, wind blades, crazy outward bloom, will be unable to avoid those guns. Even if it's just for a moment, it can buy him time.

The most powerful ability that LAN Xuanyu shows at this time is that he can feel the speed and direction of the spear in the first time when his element strength blocks the attack of the other party, and avoid it in time.

The spiritual force has entered the spiritual realm level, which has made his perception evolve into a new world.

You should know that even if it is a normal eight ring soul duel, it is rare that the spirit can reach the spirit realm. After being promoted to the ninth ring, the most important thing that the title Douluo wants to do is to evolve the spiritual power into the spirit realm, so as to have the opportunity to impact the super Douluo.

LAN Xuanyu is no more than five rings, and his mental power has reached such a level, which makes his ability to control elements extremely powerful.

Don't forget that his five soul rings are all at the level of 100000 years. Each has an element that gives level control.

For a while, the anti-corrosion inside the cave has become a colorful world. When LAN Xuanyu passed through that piece of spear, he had many traces of being swept by the spear, but he didn't have a bullet in his head.

The ups and downs of LAN Xuanyu's chest are a little fierce. In front of the huge pressure, he has done his best. The fighting power of the title Douluo is really powerful. Moreover, he doubted that the title fight in front of him was from Shrek college, not the ordinary one.

The long gun flashed again and there was no pause. For a moment, LAN Xuanyu only felt that the strength of the spear in front of him was weaker than before, but it was continuous and dense, which sealed the whole space. Even the purple magic pupil could not find any flaws in it.

And in this dense spear, there is a fierce spirit hidden. Once he is caught by the spear, he is likely to face a fatal blow.

LAN Xuanyu frowned, the Dragon God turned on to the strongest degree, even his heartbeat could be heard clearly. Blue Xuan Yu's eyes also become more and more bright. Point your toes, turn around and run.

Yes, he ran away.

The previous spear is too fast to run. But in front of him, although the dense spears blocked the space, the speed was a little slower. His back wings flapping, driven by the elements of the wind, he quickly ran to the road.

The terrain here is too narrow. He doesn't even have space to move when fighting with the title Douluo here. Otherwise, it would not be so hard to dodge the gun just now.

When the opponent's attack means change, LAN Xuanyu immediately turns around and runs. At the same time of turning around and running away. He raised his hand and threw a thing.

It's a yellow ball. When this thing was thrown out by him, the nickname Douluo felt a huge threat coming, and the spear suddenly stopped and stopped.

But then, "whoosh" a moment, the yellow ball suddenly disappeared, was blue Xuan Yu with the wind elements condensed into a thin wire, to be pulled back, fell back in his hands.

Taking advantage of this short time, LAN Xuanyu has rushed out of the cave and came to the former second level open space. The wings behind him spread out and flew into the air. At the same time, his halberd of the heavenly sage Chayuan has appeared in control.

There is only the halberd of the heaven saint and the Golden Dragon spear.

After all, he is not familiar with the Golden Dragon spear, and he is much more familiar with the situation of the halberd.

The title Douluo frowned slightly, and came to the empty field outside. He looked at LAN Xuanyu doubtfully, "what was that just now?"

Just now, when he saw the yellow ball, a soul trembling fear appeared in his mind, otherwise the attack would not stop. He had expected LAN Xuanyu to run. So a shot of accumulated power is ready to go out.

But at that time, he saw the yellow ball. At that moment, his feeling was that if a shot was shot, he would probably die. Subconsciously interrupt the attack.

LAN Xuanyu grinned, "so you can talk! What did you say? I don't know! "

This nicknamed Douluo looks like a man in his thirties. It looks ordinary, very ordinary. But his breath was full of oppressive sharpness.

He didn't open his mouth again. A pair of wings slowly opened behind him. They were dark wings. At the same time, his body was covered with black armor. At his feet, the black purple halo was shining.

LAN Xuanyu said, "don't do that. Do you still use three character armor to deal with small shrimps like me

The answer to LAN Xuanyu is a spear, which is three points faster than before. Not only that, LAN Xuanyu only felt that the space around his body was suddenly distorted violently, and the sea of spirit was boiling. A strong sense of spirit rushed to his sea of spirit.In the spiritual sphere, the other side also has It is also the spiritual level of the spiritual realm.

One shot of killing, in cooperation with the spiritual field. What's more, the armor halo at the foot of the other party also shines, and LAN Xuanyu suddenly feels unable to move.

Three character battle armor field, space confinement. Function, confine for a second.

If the other side's strength is extremely strong, maybe it can only be imprisoned for a moment. However, when the strong fight, even if it is only a moment, it is likely to decide the outcome.

When I came to this open space, the nickname Douluo used all his strength in the field of spirit, soul tremor, battle armor and space imprisonment. There is also a very fast shot under the increase of armor.

He will tell Tang Wulin by action that the enemy will not give you a chance to talk or survive. In the face of any enemy, the decisive victory is always in an instant.

This is the absolute gap in cultivation, which cannot be resisted at all.

This shot is to leave a lesson for LAN Xuanyu. If it is in reality, he will surely die in the face of such an attack.

The blood test is not only a test, in fact, it's also a hope to give the students of Star Wars experimental class a blow, so that they won't be too proud of their collective entrance to the inner court. Let them be more cautious when facing strong enemies.

But also at this time, the title Douluo saw the strange smile on LAN Xuanyu's face.

A ball of yellow light, so quietly floating from his head up, the next moment, the sense of extreme fear of crisis immediately came.

Spear point, field of use. It worked in an instant. However, in this moment, there is a huge sense of crisis.

All weapons and equipment in reality can be judged by projection and brought into the world of Douluo. In the world of Douluo, these weapons and equipment will have the original power. Of course, the premise is that the world of Douluo can determine the power of this weapon.

Dragon's wrath, of course, has appeared in human history and played a huge role. In the library of Douluo world, this kind of thing exists naturally. But it was thousands of years ago, and it never appeared again.

When LAN Xuanyu just pulled back, the first time he threw out the dragon's wrath, he had already activated it. He set the explosion time to five seconds, yes, five seconds.

Throw, take back, one second, rush out, one second five. Being chased, one second. At this time, it's just about time.