Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 968

The halberd of the heaven holy Chayuan is raised, the wings behind it are open, the wind element accelerates, and he pours at each other like lightning.

Yes, take the initiative! "Fair fight!"

Five minutes later, the halberd penetrated the chest of the seal Douluo.

Why did LAN Xuanyu choose to fight. With the wings of the two character Doujia, he can fly. Air combat, don't forget, he is super 58. Although flapping wings is different from fighters, there are many things in common. In the case of enough space, flying in the air, LAN Xuanyu's combat power can be greatly enhanced. What's more, he is still facing a semi disabled Title fighter.

Dean's office!

"BAM bam!" Wang Tianyu clapped three times hard on the table in front of him, and said angrily to Yingluo, "immediately, immediately, now bring me that smelly boy."

Sakura Luohong wants to laugh a little, but she also knows that it's not good to laugh at this time.

"Don't be angry, teacher. I think this is also a special case... " Cherry falls red moderate comfort Wang Tianyu.

Wang Tianyu rubbed his brow and heart. He found that he really had a headache.

Who gave the dragon's wrath? How dare Tangmen! I dare to give such a dangerous thing to this boy. No doubt it was for him to take to the military.

If other inner court disciples dare to do this in the test, the leader of wangdage must not bear it. However, considering that there is a 120 level father, although he doesn't know whether Mr. Le protects the calf or not, he thinks it's better not to try.

"Bring him to me first." Wang Tianyu's anger obviously dropped a few minutes, saying that, he stood up and walked out. Obviously, I'm not going to continue to watch this blood test.

Before the test, no one thought that someone in the Star Wars experimental class could pass the third level. But now? Two already, yes, two!

Is there anything else in the back? It's hard to say.

Hope no more!

When LAN Xuanyu stood in front of Wang Tianyu, he was still a little guilty. But he has no regrets. Dragon's wrath is a big killing tool. If you don't make a test, he really dare not use it. At least it's hard to judge the specific power of this thing. It has been placed for thousands of years. What if it breaks down?

As it turns out, Tangmen's products must be excellent. This thing is not bad at all, and its power is still so terrible.

"Do you know how much trouble Tang clan would have if the Federation knew that someone was using dragon's wrath in the world of bullfighting?" Wang Tianyu said angrily: "how much trouble is it for the college? Is that something you can use? Is there something wrong with Mengfei and tangmiao's brain, and they even give it to you? "

LAN Xuanyu said tentatively, "well, I'm afraid you have to ask both of them."

"How dare you answer back?" Wang Tianyu glares at LAN Xuanyu, and the strong pressure comes to his face.

LAN Xuanyu took a step back and smiled, but he just carried it. The improvement of spiritual power in the spirit realm has made his spiritual resistance increase by unknown amount.

Wang Tianyu's chest undulation is a little violent, "why use it? Give me a reason."

LAN Xuanyu blinked, "mainly for an experiment. After all, dragon wrath has not been used for thousands of years. I'm afraid it's out of date. In case I was on a military mission, it wouldn't work. Isn't that a big problem. Moreover, I know that our school's exclusive Douluo world area is isolated from the whole Douluo world. It shouldn't have been discovered by the Federation. But I don't know that the virtual world will be destroyed by powerful weapons. Isn't it all right for warships to fight in the starry sky? "

"That's not the same. This is complicated. Are you really going to use dragon's wrath? " Wang Tianyu looks at LAN Xuanyu and doesn't know what to say.

LAN Xuanyu said with a straight face, "for the sake of the union, it is duty bound."

"How can I praise you?" Wang Tianyu almost slapped himself, but considering whether someone would slap himself or not, he endured.

"Don't worry, Lord. I won't abuse it. In addition, it seems, seems and may be necessary for us to open the forbidden Arsenal. So, hehe... " Blue Xuan Yu smiled a little bit cheap, at least in Wang Tianyu's view.

"You go out for me and don't want to see you again." Wang Tianyu decides to get rid of this kid in order not to be angry.

Seeing that he has passed the test, he is a fool if he doesn't run. LAN Xuanyu turns around and runs out.

"Stop." Wang Tianyu stopped him again.

"At your command." LAN Xuanyu quickly turned back and said with a smile.

"Go back to find shulao. He has something to do with you. You call him. Also, judging from your fighting situation today, your talents and abilities in all aspects are no problem. But we need to work hard in terms of war technology. Your strength has not been fully mobilized. Don't underestimate your combat skills. Only by using powerful combat skills can you give full play to your combat effectiveness, or even exceed your level. I have nothing to teach you in this respect. You can ask elder Tang for advice. "

"Thank you, Lord." LAN Xuanyu bowed to Wang Tianyu, then turned around and ran.The blood test is over in an hour. The third pass, three people.

Yes, there are three. In addition to Jiayu and lanxuanyu, there is another one. The third passer also died. It's similar to Jiayu, but the fighting process is quite different.

After twelve days of fighting, kylin died, and the last one exploded. Heaven and earth are one. Tang Yuge, at the cost of falling into a coma in the real world after the end of the battle, died with the powerful Title Douluo.

Blood test, the second level, pass, 31 people, only two people failed. And these two men also fight to the last moment, because their own spirits are not suitable for group warfare. And there is no soul core, can't continue to fight, just can't pass.

No one is soft, no one is cowardly. Star Wars experimental class with their overall strong performance, proved that they entered the inner court, really deserved!

After returning to the dormitory, LAN Xuanyu carefully summed up the gains and losses of today's war. Especially in the face of the pressure of the title fight.

On the whole, it's OK, but as Wang Tianyu said, he lacks explosive attack power in the battle.

It's not obvious when you're against a rival at the same level. This aspect is made up for by the powerful attack power of the heaven holy Chayuan halberd which ignores the defense. But when he faced the opponent at the level of the title Douluo, the problem appeared. The strength of the opponent made him unable to hit the opponent with the halberd. After all, the halberd is still a melee weapon.

He also knows some fighting skills, such as golden dragon rising to the sky and Golden Dragon shaking the earth. But that doesn't seem to be enough. Not enough, at least in terms of attack power.

He contacted shulao, who told him that he would come to him tomorrow.

But contact Tang Wulin, blue Xuan Yu hesitated for a while, but had no choice. My uncle Le is shutting down and helping teacher Nana to heal his wounds. He has disturbed once and doesn't want to disturb again.

Sitting in the meditation room, LAN Xuanyu takes out the Golden Dragon gun Tang Wulin gave him and places it on his legs.

The surface of this long double pointed gun is covered with dragon patterns, and the golden blades at both ends send out a faint light shadow. The fierce spirit looms.

This is a gift from Uncle le. LAN Xuanyu's hands touch the surface of the long gun gently and feel the breath of the long gun.

There is no doubt that this is a powerful weapon at the level of artifact. The fierce atmosphere contained in this weapon makes lanxuan feel a bit frightened. Compared with it, the halberd is more introverted and profound. But the breath of the Golden Dragon spear is wild, and more intimate. It was a feeling that was part of my body.