Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 940

Yu Muchen is really glad that when Tang Le wanted to take LAN Xuanyu away, he had no impulse. Otherwise, both of them are not enough to fight.

This is the highest existence in the Federation! I don't know if the Lord of the Neptune Pavilion, the head of Shrek's seven monsters, can be compared with him.

No response, Tang Yue did not feel any response, but his dragon chant did not weaken at all. Besides, he moved.

In the void, he stepped out step by step, which was 100 meters away. Yes, towards the star, close to 100 meters.

Another step forward, it's five hundred meters.

In his body around, has begun to appear a light red flame, around the red flame beyond the golden awn. You can imagine how terrible the high temperature he is facing at this moment.

However, his face was still the same as before, as if the heat had not fallen on him at all. Gravity didn't affect him at all. He said to go, to stop.

To move on, he's already four thousand meters from the surface of the star. The blazing heat could only surround him.

In the stellar detector, according to the old murmured to himself, "I'm afraid that no one in the whole human race can match him in terms of physical strength."

"According to the old man, we don't have to prepare to meet him?" Dream fly asked in a low voice.

Yilao shook his head and said: "this distance should not be used. He can. "

Yu Muchen takes a breath of cool air. He asks himself that he can't do anything like Tang Le, and stay so close to the surface of the star.

And that's not the end.

Tang Le stepped out again. This time, the gold on his body suddenly soared. The golden dragon around his body suddenly became like substance. But what we can see is that the real gold is just under the neck of the golden dragon, only the head is still unreal.

It seems that there is some power blocking the gold upward.

Tang Yue seemed to feel something too, murmuring: "the 17th floor, it's time to break through. For you. "

His arms spread out on both sides of his body, and in the next instant, a deafening dragon chant suddenly sounded from his mouth. Even in the vacuum, at this moment, the whole 7th Fleet seems to be able to hear the Dragon chant and feel the shock it brings.

Tang Le shakes his body for a moment. The whole person and the Golden Dragon melt into one. In an instant, it becomes a huge golden dragon with a length of more than 100 meters.

The Golden Dragon's head is raised, the dazzling golden light bursts out, and the golden halo with a diameter of nearly ten thousand meters spreads outwards. In this moment, the blazing heat around is completely eliminated.

It can be clearly seen that the head of the giant golden dragon becomes bright, as if something has been broken in an instant.

At that moment, the huge golden dragon's body suddenly twisted and seemed to be suffering a lot.

In a flash of light and shadow, blue Xuanyu suddenly rushed out of his forehead, looking at the big screen in front of him, his voice was shaking, "king of gold and king of Golden Dragon.". He, does he want to restore all strength? no That would be devastating. "

King of the golden dragon? LAN Xuanyu looked at the treasure hunt in surprise. Treasure hunting beast once said that Nana was breathing like the king of silver dragon.

According to the legend of the Dragon God, didn't the Dragon God in those days be divided into the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King? Is it true that teacher Nana and uncle le are the two parts of the Dragon God?

The huge golden dragon constantly twists and turns in space, and the strong blood breath surges out and blooms out. At this time, it is 3000 meters away from the surface of the star. If a star has a big explosion, the surface flame will even cover it. But it was as if it had not felt it at all.

As the true God level strong man, yilao, Mengfei and yumuchen can clearly feel the breath of the golden dragon rising. It is climbing and breaking through at an amazing speed.

Level 118, level 119, peak! It's a true God.

You know, the accumulation needed for the true God level to continue to break through is almost hopeless. Only great fortune, great understanding and persistent belief and efforts can make it possible.

They have never seen that the strong at this level can advance at such a speed.

From the 97 to the 99 levels, the title of the Douluo will be poor for a long time, let alone 117 to 119. It's almost unimaginable.

Moreover, the breath of the giant golden dragon continues to climb.

"Ang, ang, ang --"

the roar of the dragon is more and more intense, but it seems that Tang Le's situation is not so good. The body of the giant golden dragon is expanding from 100m to 300m, but there are a lot of cracks in the scales on the surface, and a light blood mist bursts out, but as long as the blood mist is ejected, it will be rolled up by the golden light, Disappeared without trace.

"Uncle le." LAN Xuanyu clenched his fists tightly. He didn't know what Tang le was doing, but he had a feeling that Tang Le at this time was like a breakthrough in his promotion. But I don't know how many times the danger is when I break through the five rings.The blazing Qi and blood waves make the inner restlessness of LAN Xuanyu more and more intense. The Golden Dragon kept rolling in the air. There are more and more wounds. It was a cut from the inside out, as if the strength of his body was going to come out of his body.

In his eyes, the light is also suddenly hidden, suddenly golden, suddenly bloody.

He seems to be struggling with something, releasing something.

At this time, LAN Xuanyu suddenly felt a heat on his chest, and looked down subconsciously. He suddenly saw that the silver dragon scale pendant hanging on his neck was emitting a light silver halo.

"There's a reaction. Teacher Nana's Keepsake has responded, has responded! " LAN Xuanyu cried out, his voice was hoarse because of the excessive loud, but in this moment, his emotion could be imagined.

However, he couldn't tell young master le. He couldn't.

At this time, a silver light is shining, and the silver dragon gun suddenly floats around the blue Xuanyu's body. At the next moment, the silver light disappears, and the silver dragon gun disappears.

"Teacher Nana!" This time, Bai XiuXiu is also excited.

The silver dragon gun is gone. The space transmission is gone. That's teacher Nana's weapon!

Then they saw the silver dragon spear. The place where the silver dragon spear appeared was in front of the huge golden dragon that Tang Le had transformed. The point of the gun pointed to the Golden Dragon's forehead.

It appears out of thin air, just like the sea calming needle that appears in an instant, and the huge golden dragon with its violently twisted body suddenly stagnates. The blood color in the eyes is gradually clear and becomes clear golden eyes again.

"Ang -" the Dragon roared up to the sky, and the golden light burst out from inside to outside. At that moment, the golden light soared, and its body suddenly increased to the length of kilometer in an instant, dazzling the golden light reflected in the sky, which made the seventh fleet in the distance a little dark.

"Breakthrough!" According to the old, I lost my voice.

Yes, at this moment, they can no longer feel the strength of Tang Yue's breath, no matter he or Mengfei or yumuchen, because from this moment on, Tang Yue has broken through to another level that they can't reach. Class 120!

Achieve the super God!

In the next moment, the long silver gun in the air turns around and turns into a silver light, which suddenly falls in the transverse direction. Without hesitation, the giant wings behind the thousand kilometer Golden Dragon fluttered and immediately chased the silver light.

This scene, completely in the star detector, as well as the entire seventh fleet under the gaze. For a while, millions of men in the seventh fleet were silent.

Yu Muchen couldn't help looking at yilao and asked in a lost voice, "who is he, exactly?"