Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 939

"Well, don't worry." According to the deep voice of Zichen.

After the call between yilao and general bailing, the star detector is about to open.

You know, even five thousand meters from the surface of a star, there are thousands of degrees of heat outside. At the moment of opening, it may damage the detector.

According to the old voice: "open later, General Yu and Mengfei. You two are responsible for guarding the detector. I'm responsible for consolidating the exit from being damaged. Tian Yu, you and Tang Miao are responsible for strengthening the shield defense. "

With these words, his eyes turned to Tang le.

Tang Le nodded to him, took a deep breath, and turned to the exit.

Just then, one of his hands was suddenly caught.

Tang Le suddenly looked back and saw LAN Xuanyu. It was LAN Xuanyu who grabbed his palm.

LAN Xuanyu struggled to get up from the ground, "Uncle Le, teacher Nana has fallen down to save us. I have lost her. I can't lose you any more. So, if not, you must come back safely. Promise me, will you? " At this time, he was more vulnerable than ever.

Looking at LAN Xuanyu's big eyes full of tears, Tang Le's eyes were instantly wet. He opened his arms, hugged him and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Son, trust me. I'll be back, your Nana teacher, too. Her name suddenly came to my mind. Her name is Gu Yuena, silver dragon dancing Lin Gu Yuena! "

With that, he stepped to the exit and said in a deep voice, "open it."

Gu Yuena, silver dragon dancing Lin, Gu Yuena?

Hearing these words, I don't know why, LAN Xuanyu suddenly felt familiar, not only with him, but also with all the people present. Only in accordance with the old seems to have expected, the face has always remained calm.

Major general Zhang Zejia is the most nervous one, let alone 5000 meters. Even if it is 10000 meters, he has never opened a star detector outside the star's surface! It's too dangerous.

The outer protection of the detector is the strongest, but the interior is easily damaged by high temperature. What's more, he is not a god level strong man. In the high temperature of thousands of degrees, he can't survive at all.

"Brother Mengfei, let's come." Yu Muchen said in a deep voice, pressing his hands on the handrail, his whole person became incandescent almost in an instant, and a huge amount of soul power surged out.

Mengfei is the same. They are like two incandescent lamps lit in an instant. The incandescent light is blooming outward.

All of a sudden, a layer of white light rushes out of the surface of the stellar detector, which instantly enlarges the shield.

Wang Tianyu and Tang Miao also inject their soul power directly into the shield. At this moment, the shield of the star detector is as solid as an entity.


Yumuchen has a big drink.

Zhang Zejia clenched his teeth, pushed the button, and instantly opened the door of the star detector. The door opened slowly. Even with such a strong protective cover, the blazing heat wave still came.

The golden halo burst out from the Tang music, and there was a faint sound of dragon singing.

According to the old step forward, the yellow halo rushed out from both sides of Tang Le's body, forcing the incoming heat wave out, and protecting the detector's door.

Tang Yue didn't turn back. Blue Xuanyu, who was looking at his back, pressed his lips tightly. In the next moment, a golden light flickered, and Tang Yue resolutely rushed out.

In the process of his rushing out, one by one golden light spots glistened on him, and complex and gorgeous golden armor quickly emerged, covering his whole body. Huge golden wings spread behind him, and a long, double pointed gun fell into his hands.

This scene seems to make everyone feel familiar, with long spears, golden armor, and the handsome face.

Yu Muchen seems to have grasped something and opened his mouth. The pupils also contract violently.

"Close the hatch." He gave a big drink.

The hatch of the star detector is closed quickly. Under the protection of the old soul force, it is not damaged. It is closed quickly to isolate the high temperature outside.

At this time, on the big screen, Tang Le's figure appears.

He has rushed out of the range of the protective cover, the whole body of golden light burst, reflecting the void, so suspended outside the detector, 5000 meters above the surface of the star.

You know, there is no gravitational chain in tangle. He is totally relying on his own cultivation, so he is suspended in space.

This scene can be seen not only from the star detector, but also from the 7th Fleet's mothership.

The Mothership headquarters, the largest soul guide screen, has enlarged this scene. General Bai Ling is standing in the center of the screen, beside him, are all the senior officers of the 7th Fleet, even the captains of the four Dragon King frigates.

At this moment, they all have the same idea. Can human beings really be strong enough to resist the gravity and high temperature of stars?

They were shocked by this scene, which made them believe that the cosmos fleet was the most powerful army in the Federation, and they were shaken a little.Jinmengmeng's brilliance surrounds tangle's body, and the huge golden wings behind it open to resist the huge attraction.

The blazing heat made his golden coat look more crystal clear. His eyes were still shining, and he had no influence on himself because of the high temperature.

"Ang -" in the face of the stars, Tang Le raised his head to the sky with a dragon chant.

All of a sudden, the huge gold faucet rushed out of his chest. The next moment that the huge faucet rushed out, it had turned into a golden dragon, surrounding his body, blocking the invasion of high temperature and gravity.

He held up his long gun in his hand, and a loud dragon chanted, calling to the direction of the stars.

Yes, no more exploration. He is looking for Nana in his own way, looking for her breath and waiting for her response.

Even Tang Yue didn't know whether it was meaningful to do so, but when the name of silver dragon dancing Lin Gu Yuena came to mind, he suddenly felt that he should do it. Call her like this.

"Ang -" is another huge dragon chanting sound. Centering on tangle's body, the golden whirlpool comes out and revolves around his body violently.

Inside the star detector, blue Xuanyu only felt that the golden blood vessels in his body began to stir violently in the sound of the Dragon chant, which was extremely unstable. As if Uncle le was calling for himself.

At this time, tangle is like talking with the whole star, waiting for the response of the star.

So we can find it?

All people have the same doubts, but the sound of Tang Yue's Dragon chant is becoming more and more loud.

Ordinary people just feel that he is powerful and can resist the gravity and temperature of stars. However, the three real gods in the stellar detector are all in fear.

They are most clearly feeling Tang Le's rising blood and soul power fluctuations. At the same level, they felt that Tang Yue's breath continued to erupt like a blowout. Every time it erupted, the breath would be powerful, which was far beyond their comparison.

If yu Muchen's cultivation is about level 111, then Mengfei is about level 113. According to the old people, it can reach the bottleneck of 115.

At this time, Tang Yue's breath has exceeded 117 levels. What a terrible cultivation!

Although the gap is only a few levels, to the level of 110 or above, the difference between the first level is far and wide.

According to the old plus dream fly, plus feather Muchen. In the face of Tang Yue at this time, he may not be able to win. That's the gap.