Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 941

Zichen closed his eyes. He knew that by this time, it was impossible to hide any more. He took a long breath and said: "ten thousand years ago, Shrek college was killed by a soul killing fixed loading guided cannonball. It was the darkest time since Shrek college was founded. It was at that time that the abyss level invaded and almost destroyed the union. At that time, the rising master of Shrek college appeared. It was he who led the seven Shrek monsters of that generation, with the help of Tang clan, rebuilt Shrek and established the current Shrek city. It is he who puts all kinds of life at the bottom of the sea god lake, and finally, by absorbing the energy of the abyss, achieves the eternal tree. He is a hero of the Union and one of the most important abilities in the history of Shrek college. The leader of the Tang clan and the Lord of the sea god Pavilion of that generation, who was powerful, finally fell with the Silver Dragon King, was the Dragon King Douluo and the Golden Dragon moon language Tang Wulin. "

"Boom -" everyone was shocked by the words of yizichen.

The name of Tang Wulin in the language of Golden Dragon and moon is of great significance to Shrek college, the whole human union of fighting, and the history of soulman. Without him, human beings might even have been destroyed. It is said that he is the originator of Tangmen, the founder of the early generation, and the son of the three gods of the sea. He is the real descendant of the God King.

At this moment, major Zhang Zejia and the commander can't hear yilao's voice, and the communication device connecting the Mothership can't hear either. They are all blocked by yizichen's divine sense.

Only the presence of several God level strong, as well as blue Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu can hear.

LAN Xuanyu was a little dazed. He suddenly remembered that when he first saw Nana, it was in the mall that he bought the Golden Dragon moon language Tang Wulin.

Yeah! Just now, when Uncle Le left the star detector, he was just like that? It's just the real dragon moon language armor, but it looks more gorgeous than the handmade one. After all, it's the real armor.

Uncle Le, who was ten thousand years ago? How did he live to this day? Doesn't it mean that human age, even with the help of the school of life, can only live for a thousand years at most?

"He, he was not dead?" Yu Muchen's voice stuttered.

Yizichen said with a wry smile, "yes! At the beginning, we all witnessed his death. When he was the Lord of the pavilion, I was only a disciple of the outer court. An average Shrek college student. So, after ten thousand years, when I first saw him, I couldn't believe my eyes. But when I felt his breath, although he had not fully recovered at that time, I was absolutely sure that I did not recognize the wrong person. It's him. It's really him. At that time, there were only a few people who could survive, live to the present, and truly witness his identity. I'm one. "

Yu Muchen swallows a mouthful of saliva, all of which can be explained. He finally understands why yizichen shows a respectful look in the face of young master le and intentionally lags behind when walking with him.

If this is the legendary Dragon King Douluo, then in Shrek college, he really has a very high position!

"Then..." Suddenly, Yu Muchen jumped up from the chair. It makes him lose his temper so much that he can see how important things are in his mind.

His voice was a little shaky. "Then he said, he said, that Nana teacher is..."

According to Zichen, he nodded silently and said with complicated eyes: "the real king of all beasts, the God of all souls and beasts. It was once said that the leader of the Stupa, the God of the beast, and the lover of the Dragon King. Finally, because both sides are in the human and the beast, love each other and kill each other's lovers. Silver Dragon duel, silver dragon dance Lin, ancient moon Na. "

His memory unconsciously goes back to the extraordinary years ten thousand years ago. In the most critical time of human beings, the two names of Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena are dazzling in the Federation. How brilliant it is.

He remembers more clearly that courtship, that last duel. Do not know how many people leave tears, how many people regret for life.

"He, they , they are still alive How can it be, how can it be? " Yu Muchen has completely lost his temper.

Yizichen sighed, "with the Tang Pavilion leader showing his true body and his golden dragon spear, his identity can no longer be concealed. Federal historians will surely guess his identity. So there is nothing to hide. He was once a great hero of mankind and made great contributions to the Federation. Now, he's back. "

Yumuchen's heart is a little disordered. No, it's very disordered. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

What is more disordered than his heart is LAN Xuanyu. Because, his Nana teacher, that is, uncle le and yilao's Yinlong Wulin guyuna, once said to him before the star fell.

Bai XiuXiu said stupidly, "yes, he is. I remember that it was he who avenged my parents. I always wanted to repay him, but I never found him. It's him, that's right. It's him. Uncle Le is a great benefactor of our family. "

"He, he's gripping the surface of the star." Major general Zhang Zejia's voice suddenly sounded.People realized that the rescue was still going on. All eyes were on the big screen. Sure enough, Tang Yue, or Tang Wulin's giant golden dragon, actually went directly into the surface of the star and splashed with fire and rain.

The next moment, his huge body came out again, following the long silver gun in front of him.

This, this is Changyou star? A swim.


"Order, close all communication and observation equipment of the fleet, issue a seal command, and keep all the information we see today confidential. If there is any leakage, severe punishment will not be given. " General bailing gave the order without hesitation.

When the giant golden dragon appeared and roamed the stars, he realized that something important had happened. I'm afraid the existence respected by the elders has a very unusual identity. Shrek college or the hidden big man of Tangmen?

It depends on the federal judgment.

The retreat time is not important now. The strength just broken through, the news from the stellar probe, is supernatural. It is probably the first supernatural level in the history of the Douluo Federation.

What can a supernatural power do? What did Dragon Star do before?

It is said that the supernatural power can destroy an asteroid with its own power. This is definitely a strategic force comparable to the mothership.

Inside the star detector, LAN Xuanyu's mood is extremely tense. Although his mental strength has been overdrawn before, at this moment, even his weakness has been forgotten. With his eyes fixed on the big screen, it's needless to say that major general Zhang Zejia has long locked the image capture on Tang Wulin, the incarnation of the Golden Dragon King.

Tang Wulin's speed is very fast, and under the guidance of the silver dragon spear, he quickly passes through the surface of the star. The strong gravity, the terrible heat, seemed to have no effect on him at all.

This is the strength of the twelve strong. Even stars can't swallow them.

The star detector is kept at a height of 5000 meters. According to Tang Wulin's movement, the carrier drives the star detector to move continuously, keeping a distance with him.

At this time, the scene can definitely be described by miracles. A huge golden dragon, then, runs through the hot flame on the surface of the star. What a spectacular scene it is.