Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 938

This time, the rest time is longer, because the previous consumption is greater.

General Yu Muchen went to see general Bai Ling again. He made a final investigation and won four hours for LAN Xuanyu. This is the limit that can be achieved.

The third time when he boarded the star detector, LAN Xuanyu's lips were tight, and his right hand was always holding the silver dragon scale pendant on his chest.

Teacher Nana, please, let me feel your presence. He said silently in his heart, he was really afraid, really afraid, so afraid. In my heart, I was filled with indescribable fear.

Not only he, but also young master le was silent. His face became extremely dignified. Under such pressure, he found that his memory was constantly recovering. In the deep of his mind, a figure appeared constantly.

Now smile, now smile, and then decide. Everything seems to be constantly changing and flashing. And it belongs to one person. Belongs to the woman with silver hair and purple eyes. He is now fully certain of her importance to himself. They must have known each other before, and they must have a very close relationship.

At this moment, his inner tension is no less than that of LAN Xuanyu. He really had an urge to dive into the stars and look for Nana on the surface.

The star detector slowly slid out of the carrier and fell to the surface of the star for the third time. In the detector, the atmosphere is obviously heavy. If we can't find it this time

Yizichen came to lanxuanyu and said in a deep voice: "my child, auspicious people have their own destiny. Be sure to keep hope until there is no final result. Only in this way can you find her trace. Your attitude will affect your perception in the search process. "

"Thank you." LAN Xuanyu's spirit was refreshed. Yes, they haven't lost hope yet. There is still a chance!

Take a deep breath. LAN Xuanyu closes his eyes, stabilizes his mind and faith. This time, no matter what, they will find teacher Nana. Sure!

Ten thousand meters, eight thousand meters, six kilometers, five thousand meters! Reach the surface of the star again. The probe has begun.

LAN Xuanyu works hard to squeeze his spiritual feeling out of the spaceship. Tang Yue's divine sense guides his spiritual power and enlarges his perception.

After several times of cooperation, they all have a sense of integration at this time. Reconnaissance, it's on.

Around the star, the detector continues to fly steadily. All detection devices are turned on to the maximum extent.

Lower hemisphere, one circle! An hour and a half passed.

The second lap, closer to the bottom. An hour and twenty minutes passed.

Not found.

Everyone's mood is tense. They have a little more than one hour to search. The previous two circles have not found anything, which seems to mean that the search and rescue is over.

They've really explored most of the surface area of the whole star in the course of three explorations, but they haven't found anything at all.

LAN Xuanyu's lips were tight. Although his face was very pale, he didn't mean to withdraw his mental strength.

Tang Le's face was solemn as if it was going to drip. His handsome face looked even more fierce at this time.

The third circle, this is the last exploration.

Yilao and Mengfei have also stood up and come to the big screen. They are attentively watching, hoping to find some tiny clues in the process of exploration.

No, no, or no!

Time is finally coming, and the third lap is finally finished. However, there is no such thing.

LAN Xuanyu's body swayed and was hugged by Bai XiuXiu.

Tears, uncontrollable from the white XiuXiu beautiful eyes, suddenly wet blue Xuanyu's skirt, but she dare not cry out, in her mind, at this moment is full of teacher Nana's voice, face and smile.

"Xuanyu, we sometimes run out of manpower." With a sigh, general yumuchen said in a deep voice. He did try his best.

In the process of these three visits, although LAN Xuanyu had hardly spoken, Yu Muchen saw in his eyes his persistence, his spare efforts and his mood fluctuation. This is a rare talent! For their own teachers, to be able to do this. Frankly, he was envious. He also has disciples, but compared with the young man in front of him, his disciples are not so bad.

LAN Xuanyu's eyes are a little lost, and his mental strength has to be withdrawn, because he can't clearly feel everything outside.

"General Yu, let me have a rest. I can continue to explore after a while. I can. " LAN Xuanyu's voice was shaking, so was his body. If Bai XiuXiu didn't hold him hard, he would fall to the ground at this time.

"Xuanyu, we have tried our best. You did your best. Sometimes, we have to believe in destiny. " Said the old man in a deep voice.

Although Mengfei and tangmiao didn't say anything, their faces were dim. This exploration is indeed the most advanced search and rescue method that the federal government can do. However, the water is merciless and the stars are blazing. They all know that Nana may have been completely swallowed by the stars for a long time, and she is not alive at all."What can be done has been done. Xuanyu, let's be sad. " Wang Tianyu sighed.

Yu Muchen looks at Zhang Zejia and says, "ready to return."

What can be supported has been supported to the maximum extent. The cosmos fleet is the most important weapon of the country. It is impossible to do meaningless things for them all the time. What's more, the fleet has the responsibility of the fleet.

LAN Xuanyu closed his eyes painfully. He did his best. He didn't know how to find Nana. However, he did not want to believe that teacher Nana was dead.

"No, no, Miss Nana will not die." He murmured, tears pouring down.

Bai XiuXiu helped him to sit down on the ground, buried his head in his shoulder and finally couldn't help crying.

"Wait a minute!" All of a sudden, a big drink stopped Major General Zhang Zejia who was preparing to contact the gravity chain for recovery.

This is not only Zhang Zejia's, but also Tang Yue's.

All people's eyes fell on him coincidentally, with the most complicated eyes of the old.

Tang Le's eyes were clear and firm, "give me a few minutes more to go out. Let me try again for the last time. "

"You going out? This... " Zhang Zejia looks at Yu Muchen.

Yu Muchen said in a deep voice, "it's very dangerous to go out. Moreover, if you don't find the target, you can go out blindly."

"I'm going out." Tang Le's eyes were shining. At that moment, his eyes suddenly stood up, and an indescribable spirit of terror and ferocity burst out from him. On the surface of his skin, a golden line began to emerge. Extremely unstable energy fluctuations linger.

LAN Xuanyu is also awakened by Tang Yue's sudden change of breath, because in his blood whirlpool, the blood breath also changes with Tang Yue's breath and suddenly becomes angry.

Yu Muchen's face was gloomy. He just wanted to say something, but he said in a deep voice: "let him go out and try. Maybe, he could. In a few minutes, I'll apply with general bailing. "

As he said, he came to the front of the communication device. "General bailing, I'm yizichen. Please allow me to turn on the star detector and let one of us explore outside. If you don't find out in ten minutes, you should return immediately. This is Shrek's request. Thank you. "

Yes, one of the few people who can represent Shrek college.

On the other side came the voice of general Bai Ling, "I understand your mood according to the old age. These ten minutes are OK. But make sure it's safe. At this time, all of you on the star detector are the most precious wealth of the Federation. "