Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 937

At a height of 5, 000 meters, the surface of the star can be seen clearly through the guidance screen. In particular, the detector can enlarge the picture.

LAN Xuanyu and Tang Le have been standing in front of the detector for a long time.

Tang Le puts his hands on LAN Xuanyu's shoulders. Bai XiuXiu hands the silver dragon gun to LAN Xuanyu, and then takes off the silver dragon scale necklace on his neck and puts it on LAN Xuanyu's neck.

Real search, from now on.

LAN Xuanyu's eyes are closed, holding the silver dragon gun, supporting his body, silently feeling the breath of Nana on the silver dragon gun, and the silver dragon scales on his neck send out a light cool breath. The familiar feeling makes his breathing become a little urgent.

There is no doubt that there is a breath of Nana in these two things!

A soft spiritual force poured into blue Xuanyu's spiritual sea. All of a sudden, he felt that his thoughts expanded in an instant, and the layers of original Star detectors seemed to disappear at this moment.

The first thing he felt was the blazing and boundless fire element. If the fire element on the parent star is only the size of dust, then the fire element here is just like the dragon eyes. The strong fire element feels the breath of blue Pavilion, which naturally produces the feeling of closeness. But the fire element here is obviously much more violent, not because of blue Xuanyu's mental strength is close to him. Of course, this is also because, at this time, LAN Xuanyu's spiritual strength is magnified with the help of Tang le.

The feeling of thinking continues to extend and explore downward.

The blazing heat makes everything around slightly twisted. The spirit power covers, can feel, is only a very small range of breath. It's not even as clear as you can see on a large screen.

"Stay focused, don't look, feel, feel her breath." Tang Yue's voice rang in his ear.

LAN Xuanyu suddenly woke up. The mental force that had been released slowly condensed into a mass, suspended outside the star detector, silently felt the surrounding breath, the breath of fire elements, and the special breath that might appear in the air. Even a small fluctuation, as long as it is similar to teacher Nana, he can feel it.

That's how search begins.

With the help of the parent star, the star detector began to probe around the surface of the star. On screen observation, LAN Xuanyu's spiritual perception.

In a minute and a second, the guard of the three gods is quite stable, which also makes the hearts of the two military strongmen in charge of the operation stable. At this height, they are also the first to participate in the detection.

The size of this star, which is medium to small among the stars, is very good. Nevertheless, the surface area is still very large.

The detection range of star detector is limited after all. According to the previous calculation, three detections, three hours at a time, may not be able to sweep the entire stellar surface.

But it's impossible. The seventh fleet can't be here for a long time. It's probably meaningless to do something.

It's almost ten days since it fell. Can a person, even a real God power, live on a star for ten days? No one knows that. Hope, at least in most people's eyes, is slim.

The reason why the federal government took action was to give Doo Tian an account, which was also a propaganda between the federal government and Doo Tian. The reason for the military's action is that if there is such a person, it is likely to be won over by the military. After all, it was under the control of the war god temple. There is also a kind of responsibility of the soldiers for paoze. The war god hall itself belongs to the military.

Three hours is not a long time. When LAN Xuanyu began to feel dizzy, the first detection time came.

The gravitational chain began to pull back the star detector, and blue Xuanyu's spiritual thoughts returned to him.

His face was obviously pale. He stumbled under his feet. With the help of Tang Le, he didn't fall down.

Even with the help of Tang Yue's divine sense, his mental energy consumption is still very large. He quickly sits down in place with his knees crossed and meditates silently.

No, nothing. They didn't find anything on a star except fire.

"Detected locations have been recorded and will be excluded next time." With the gradual separation from the star's gravity, major general Zhang Zejia's voice became a little easier. He is not a God power, not to mention the ability to survive on the surface of a star. It is still a very dangerous thing to probe into the height of 5000 meters.

Under the guidance of the carrier, their flight detection speed is very fast. Three hours, basically completed a week of exploration. Circle the star. The location of the probe is mainly the middle part of the star.

The advantages of deep exploration to the altitude of 5000 meters are clearer, but the disadvantages are that the scope of exploration is much smaller than that of the altitude of 10000 meters.

But there is no way to find someone on the surface of the star. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. If it's ten thousand meters high, it's likely that it can't be found even passing over Nana. But according to the current exploration method, they can't cover the whole range of the star in three times of exploration.When LAN Xuanyu's spirit recovered and recovered, the detector had returned to the mothership. His mood is clearly a little low.

Only when he really began to explore, could he understand how difficult it was to save people from the stars. Miss Nana

LAN Xuanyu began to feel anxious.

Others went to rest, only Tang le and Bai XiuXiu stayed with him.

"Don't worry. This is the first time. There are two more opportunities. We are sure to find teacher Nana. " Said Bai XiuXiu in a low voice.

"Well." LAN Xuanyu nodded and held her hand. It's not just him who is anxious. Why is Bai XiuXiu not anxious? But she has been comforting herself.

Rest, waiting, are often the most painful process. Especially in the present situation. The next exploration will be the upper hemisphere of the star. Although it is impossible to explore every place, three times of exploration must cover a larger area as much as possible.

After four hours of rest, the adjustment of the star detector was completed and the second exploration began.

The process of exploration is the same as that of the last time, which is still the traction of the gravity chain of the carrier, falling to a height of 5000 meters to start exploration.

This time, under the proposal of LAN Xuanyu, he accelerated the speed of star detector flight. After the last experience, with the help of Tang Le, he should be able to find Nana at a height of 5000 meters, as long as there are some breath changes. Speed up is to be able to detect more places in three hours.

The circumference of the central circle of the planet is the largest, and the upper hemisphere is naturally smaller. With time saving and speed-up, we can basically explore two circles in three hours.

Yu Muchen helps LAN Xuanyu win over. This second exploration will complete two laps, so the coverage area will be much larger.

General bailing also agreed with this proposal. Under the protection of the gods, the star detector will not have any safety problems and the time will not increase much.

However, what makes everyone's mind heavy is that after two rounds of detection, there is still no discovery except fire element.

LAN Xuanyu's face became paler. The last chance is left. If we can't find Nana's trace, it basically declares Nana's death. This is what he doesn't want to accept in his heart!