Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1282

Listen to it say so, blue Xuan yudun opportunity spirit spirit to fight a shiver, thus sober up.

Although the crystal in front of us looks small, LAN Xuanyu can clearly feel the huge energy contained in it. As the treasure hunter said, if you really choose to absorb it, you may have big problems.

"How can it be absorbed?" Gu Yuena asked suspiciously. She didn't know how to use the dragon core. I just feel that the power of this thing should help my son.

The treasure hunter looked at her, then at Tang Wulin, "unless, unless you two combine with each other, one side devours the other, and then with the help of the Dragon God core. Maybe, it is possible to achieve the Dragon God again. But it can also be dangerous. Because, after all, one of you is human and the other is dragon. The body is different. I'm afraid there will still be problems in the process of integration. The most stable way is to let the little master practice to the super God level, and then absorb the core of Dragon God. Then, you will have a great deal of confidence to achieve the Dragon God

Tang Wulin said: "can't we disperse and absorb it? Absorb part of the power of the Dragon God's core at a time? "

The treasure hunter shook his head and said, "how can it be. The core of Dragon God is a whole. This is the power of the Dragon God. Lord dragon is the most powerful God at the beginning. Once the core is activated, the internal energy will pour out in an instant. Either it's all absorbed, or it's going to explode. And I suspect that once the absorber is blown up, there will be no problem with the core. Instead, the power of the absorber will be absorbed back and become a part of itself. That's why I told the little master not to try! It's too dangerous. "

LAN Xuanyu nods silently. Gu Yuena takes a look at Tang Wulin. The color crystal light flashes and disappears into her body.

Without the core of Dragon God, the treasure hunting beast was also greatly relieved. His big eyes were full of excited color, "this is good, this is good!"

"What's good?" asked LAN Xuanyu

The treasure hunting beast said: "Dragon God core! You want to achieve the Dragon God, there are two biggest levels to pass. The first level is the blood fusion, which completely integrates the blood of the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King, and achieves the blood of the Dragon God. This is the problem you will face in your next breakthrough. If this problem is solved, then the next level will be the time to truly restore the realm of Dragon God in the future. If you want to achieve the king of God, the energy you need to absorb is absolutely terrible astronomical number, and this astronomical number of huge energy, even if the Dragon Star should not be able to afford. But now, with the Dragon God core, it is different. If we make a breakthrough based on it, then everything will be much more smooth. It is likely that the achievements of water to the canal can be completed. At least there is a chance to break through. For the first time, I think it is possible for you to recover the Dragon God! "

LAN Xuanyu suddenly said: "so it is. The energy contained in the core of the Dragon God is so huge. Just, mom and Dad, why don't you absorb them together

Tang Wulin said with a bitter smile: "at the beginning, your mother really had a chance to restore the position of Dragon God. But the premise is to swallow me up, that is to say, one of us must disappear before we can become the Dragon God. At that time, we already had feelings, and she was reluctant to swallow me up, so later

Gu Yuena gently spat, "who can't give up, hum!"

Tang Wulin said with a smile: "I can't give up. I can't give up. Don't say it is the achievement of the Dragon God, even if it is to give me a king of God, I will not give up. "

LAN Xuanyu said: "so it is. Let's keep the core of Dragon God first. I'm going to Tangmen tomorrow, to the taboo Arsenal. Then he said goodbye to the leader. Get everything ready tomorrow and start the day after tomorrow. This time, it should be the silver armour Dapeng warship can set out with us. With it, our safety can be further guaranteed. Dad, you said you were going with me, so let's go together? "

"Well, together." Tang Wulin is looking at Gu Yuena when he says this sentence.

"What about you, mom?" LAN Xuanyu asked with a smile.

Guyuna said with a smile: "mother is with you naturally." To LAN Xuanyu, how does she feel and how she likes it. This is my own son! Especially when we meet again after the disaster, where are we willing to part?

LAN Xuanyu said: "OK, XiuXiu and I will go to have a rest first, and then we will make preparations for departure tomorrow. I'll call you before we leave. XiuXiu, let's go. " With that, he took Bai XiuXiu's hand and stood up, said goodbye to Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena, took back the treasure hunting beast, and went out quickly.

Gu Yuena gently watched them leave, her face filled with a happy smile, and finally reunited with her son.

Tang Wulin is not like this. Is there anything more gratifying than the reunion of his family? No more separation from them.

"Why don't you go yet?" All of a sudden, some chilly voices awakened Tang Wulin from his happiness. He turned his head in amazement and looked at Gu Yuena.

Gu Yuena is looking at him with bad eyes, pointing to the direction of the door.

Tang Wulin's expression is stiff, pointing to the door, and then pointing to himself.

"Yes, it's you. Why don't you go?" Gu Yuena said without good breath."This is my room," Tang said

Gu Yuena a stay, this just remembered before LAN Xuanyu said, yes! This is Tang Wulin's room, but she also woke up here before.

"You go out." She blushed a little, but insisted.

Tang Wulin said with a bitter smile: "I have no place to go either! How about this? Anyway, it's empty here. I'll sit a little farther away from you and meditate in the corner to make sure I don't disturb you, OK

"Are you going? I'll go if you don't leave. " As she spoke, Gu Yuena stood up.

"I'll go!" Tang Wulin has no choice but to pop up. She looks at her reluctantly and wants to say something. But after seeing Gu Yuena's persistent eyes, she has no choice but to leave the door and bring the door.

See him out of the door, Gu Yuena stood in place, the whole people are a bit dazed, the next moment, tears flow down the cheek.

Crying and crying, she suddenly burst into laughter. Cover your face with your hands.

The next morning, LAN Xuanyu has already started to be busy, busy with various preparations before leaving. It's just some that can go back earlier. Although Uranus spends a little longer per day than the parent planet, they still need a long flight to return. Of course, the speed of the silver armour Dapeng warship can save them a lot of time. But after all, he has not really piloted it. Now he doesn't know how far the silver armour Dapeng warship can reach.

Taboo arsenal is sure to go, there is a good thing blue Xuanyu but coveted for a long time. Although he will be integrated into the system, he will not miss the opportunity to destroy some scientific research institutions in the system. As long as the technology of the dragon horse system lags far behind the Federation, it will not pose a great threat to the Federation. At least for a short time.

Gu Yuena did not know when she fell asleep last night. She did not meditate. Her just breakthrough cultivation reached the level of supernatural. For her, there was no need for meditation. Her body would naturally absorb all kinds of energy in the air to supplement itself.

She is even here to control her absorption of energy in the air to avoid affecting the tree of eternity.

This is one of the reasons why Tang Wulin wants to leave with LAN Xuanyu. Some of his mother stars can't afford such super gods. Here, their accomplishments will not be improved, but will be affected by suppression. But it's different in the universe. They can be unscrupulous to absorb all kinds of energy in the universe to supplement themselves, without worrying about excessive consumption.