Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1281

Gu Yuena looks at LAN Xuanyu. At this time, her son is shining brilliantly and full of confidence. That feeling made her feel a little trance, and then look at Tang Wulin around her.

Tang Wulin said: "I also hope that our family can live a peaceful and happy life. However, if the hair does not exist, how will the skin attach? The individual strength of Longma galaxy is too strong. Once they catch up with technology, they will at least be able to block the main gun of the mothership. Well, we have no power to stop them. The union is likely to be destroyed in a short time. It is a great opportunity for Xuan Yu to sneak into it. Moreover, tianlongxing will be of great help to his future promotion and future achievement of the Dragon God. His blood is a combination of our Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King, which is the most likely to achieve the Dragon God. But on the other hand, if he can't achieve the Dragon God, then the risk in the future breakthrough will be terrible, even beyond our control. That's what really worries me most. Therefore, he has to move forward, at least to break through to become a God, stabilize the Dragon God's blood, and thoroughly evolve his blood into the successor of the Dragon God. Only in this way can he become truly powerful in the future. The details of the Dragon God are at the level of the king of gods, even above the level of super gods. No matter how many super gods there are in Dragon Star and Tianma star that day, as long as Xuanyu can achieve the Dragon God, then everything will no longer be a problem. "

Gu Yuena nodded slightly, "then how do you plan for it?" She asked LAN Xuanyu.

LAN Xuanyu spirit, he understood that his mother had been convinced by his father and himself.

"I will go back, and I will go back at once. After the dragon race, they all thought I was seriously injured and needed time to heal. So there should be no problem in a short time. But if I don't go for a long time and I'm found missing, my previous efforts will be wasted. So, I have to hurry back. This time, we will take back all the plants and beasts below the God level, let them continue to take root there, absorb the life energy of Dragon Star, and bring them back to feed back to the eternal tree in the future. At the same time, I will stay there for a longer time and treat myself as a dragon clan. "

"Because I have won the champion of the dragon race now, I am qualified to enter the Dragon kingdom. I must go in and see if there is anything left of the Dragon God there. If, as my father said, the Dragon kingdom is the dragon family cemetery once connected with our mother planet, then the Dragon God's skeleton will be there. I think, my blood and Dragon God homologous, even the dragon column will respond to me. Then, the Dragon God skeleton must be my great chance. As long as I can get some more opportunities in the Dragon Kingdom, I will be able to accumulate the details of breakthrough. Once I break through, I will become a god step by step. The blood of the Dragon God will be completely stabilized. "

Gu Yuena nodded slightly, looked at him and Tang Wulin, and said softly, "in fact, even if I don't go there, I can help you to stabilize the Dragon God's blood. I have already considered this aspect. I have something to show you. Let's put down the barriers first. Otherwise, it will affect the whole sky city. "

At the same time, Gu Yuena waved her hand, and the color halo spread out, surrounded by colorful light, turning into a barrier, covering the four people.

Tang Wulin's heart moved, Gu Yuena said that we set up a barrier, not him alone. You know, Gu Yuena has also broken through to the super God level now, but not only set up a barrier, but also he together. What is it that she is going to take out?

Surprised at the same time, he also raised his hand, cloth under a layer of golden barrier, and the ancient moon under the barrier of the bright, will be everything in the room isolated. Even if you are a super God level strong person, you can't feel what is happening here through any divine exploration.

Gu Yuena took a deep breath, and her eyes were full of splendor. "The reason why I fell into the stars for such a long time is because of its existence. My main ability is element control. Although fire element is one of them, the high temperature of magma is really terrible. My physical strength is not too high, so I should have been unable to hold on. It's good to have it. "

As she spoke, her hands stretched out in front of her body. In her chest, a faint color halo began to separate.

When the color halo just appeared, LAN Xuanyu and Tang Wulin were shocked at the same time. They all clearly feel that the blood vessels in their bodies become restless. LAN Xuanyu's agitation is the common agitation of two blood vessels. His incomparable strong desire burst out in an instant, which made him feel like he was going to rush forward.

Tang Wulin's restlessness is another feeling. His feeling is very clear. The 18th seal in his body, that is, the last seal, trembles violently, and the terror energy inside seems to break out at any time. What's more, his own king of Golden Dragon Longli also had an extreme desire. What he longed for was not the colorful light, but Gu Yuena, who was just in front of him with silver halo. It was a strong feeling that he wanted to eat her.

What's wrong with me? Tang Wulin frowned, and his divine consciousness was fully operating, which forced him to suppress this desire.

Guyana looked up at him. "Do you feel it? I feel it too. "

Tang Wulin's heart is awe inspiring.The color light on guyuna's chest began to grow stronger and stronger. Finally, the color light stood out from her chest and appeared in front of the four.

It's a nine color crystal. Form a ball. The crystal surface emits nine color halo, giving people a very strange feeling. Surrounded by the nine color lights, LAN Xuanyu, Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin begin to breathe quickly.

LAN Xuanyu's desire is to swallow the light ball in an instant. If he can make a breakthrough of this crystal for himself, he can start it immediately. And it will gain great power.

However, Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin have a strong feeling of swallowing each other with the help of this crystal.

For a moment, because of the appearance of this strange crystal, the breath of the three members of their family became heavy.

Bai XiuXiu sat aside and was stunned. Her body was shaking uncontrollably. She could clearly feel that the energy contained in the crystal was so powerful and suffocating.

"When I first discovered it, I didn't know what it was. It was only after this fall into the magma that its power came out in me. I should have put a seal on it and sealed it in my body. Now, when its power is released, coupled with Xuanyu's narration just now, I seem to know what it is. If I'm right, it should be... "

"Dragon God core!" A voice full of surprise and trembling.

A light and shadow came out from LAN Xuanyu's eyebrows. His whole body trembled unreasonably. The excitement in his voice even brought out some sharp points. It was the treasure hunting beast.

"Po, do you know?" LAN Xuanyu looks at it in surprise.

"Dragon God core, this is, this is the breath of Dragon God master! It can't be wrong. It's his real core. I didn't expect that the core of the master was left. " The sound of the treasure hunter trembled even more.

LAN Xuanyu said, "what is the core of Dragon God?"

Bao turned his head and looked at him. At this time, his expression was like crying and laughing. He lost his voice and said, "the dragon core is the dragon core of the Dragon God! It is the essence of the Dragon God's life. No, master, you must not absorb the Dragon God core! You can't stand it. Once absorbed, you will die immediately. Never absorb it. The power of the Lord Dragon God is terrible. "