Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1283

When I was awake, I felt comfortable when I was awake. She took a long breath and stood up from the ground.

Go to the window and look out. Looking at the distant lake, I feel the strong breath of life. She suddenly found that this kind of relaxation and relief at this moment seemed to appear for the first time in her life.

This feeling is really good.

After stretching her body for a while, she turned to the door. She wanted to go out for a walk, so she went out to the lake. It must have been a wonderful feeling.

Opening the door, she was surprised to find that outside the door, Tang Wulin was standing there, with a tray in his hand. On the tray was a plate of hot steamed bread, as well as the most common food such as soy sauce, porridge and eggs.

The hot air rises and penetrates into the nose with a unique fragrance, which instantly makes guyuna feel a strong sense of hunger rising from her body.

"Breakfast?" Tang Wulin shows a smile. He was handsome, and had a wonderful taste against the food.

Gu Yuena frowned, "how long have you been here?"

"Not long, just for a moment. Are you hungry? " While saying that, Tang Wulin has come in, and Gu Yuena has not stopped him. The food on the tray in his hand was so tempting.

Close the tray in front of you. Close the door, don't you

Looking at the two bowls of porridge on the tray, Gu Yuena glared at him, and suddenly picked up a bowl of porridge and drank it.

"Slow down, slow down." Tang Wulin laughs.

After a bowl of porridge, Gu Yuena picked up another bowl of porridge, put the empty bowl on Tang Wulin's side, and then grabbed a steamed bread to eat.

Under Tang Wulin's gaping gaze, only for a moment, a plate of breakfast for two has been eliminated. Gu Yuena didn't even leave a steamed bread residue for him.

"Well, I'm full. You can go. " Guyona waved.

Tang Wulin looked at the plate, then looked at her, some helpless way: "I that you also gave to eat ah."

Guyana glanced at him and said, "your share? Where is it? "

Tang Wulin pointed to her stomach, "you ate it!

Gu Yuena said: "what strength do you have and have breakfast? Do you need it? No, don't waste food. Get out of here. " As he spoke, he pushed him out.

When the door behind Tang Wulin is closed, he can't help being a little stunned. What strength has gone wrong with me? Can't we eat if we are strong? No! She's as good as me! She ate it all.

Look at the empty plates and bowls on the tray in your hand. Tang Wulin couldn't help laughing and shaking his head. She is more than 10000 years old. How can she get angry with me.

But, never mind, I will! At least she's willing to eat what I brought.

Gu Yuena had enough to eat and drink, and did not go out again. Because she found that people tend to be sleepy when they are full. Then she leaned against the bed and sat on the futon, not knowing when she fell asleep again. She loved the feeling of total relaxation.

In the Poseidon Pavilion, it is impossible to feel the change of time outside, so when Gu Yuena wakes up again, she does not know how long it has been outside.

Lazily stretched a stretch, suddenly feel the whole body extra comfortable, as if he has been fully integrated into the surrounding world, that is a kind of rule in the grasp of the feeling. If she wanted to, her divinity could easily spread to every corner of the planet. But she didn't want to. She didn't even let her divine consciousness go out. She just kept herself in the state of the most ordinary person.

"Dong Dong Dong" was just at this time, the knock on the door sounded.

Gu Yuena blinked her eyes, stood up, combed some scattered silver long hair, and then went to the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me." Outside, came the voice of Tang Wulin.

"What are you doing here again?" Gu Yuena is not angry.

"Send the meal! It's noon. It's time to eat. " Tang Wulin is helpless to say. He seems to have forgotten for a long time that he didn't need to eat when he came to their cultivation.

Gu Yuena a stay, subconsciously opened the door. Sure enough, outside the door, Tang Wulin held a bigger tray with rich dishes on it.

"Are you ready for lunch? How fast! I squinted for a while Gu Yuena murmured.

Tang Wulin held back a smile and said, "you can't sleep after breakfast, and then just wake up?"

"No. I woke up a long time ago Gu Yuena immediately identified herself.

Tang Wulin walked into the room, put the tray on the ground and motioned to Gu Yuena, "can you still eat?"

"Of course." Gu Yuena sat down in front of him without looking at him. She began to eat without looking at him.

This time Tang Wulin was a long lesson. He started to grab food with her immediately. Both of them were very fast. After a while, they ate all the food that Tang Wulin had brought.Gu Yuena raised her head and glared at Tang Wulin, "how can you still eat so much?"

Tang Wulin was stunned, "do you remember when I could eat before?"

Gu Yuena was stunned, and then shook her head, "I don't remember. I just wanted to say that all of a sudden

His heart slightly rippled a little strange, Tang Wulin picked up a white paper towel and naturally wiped the corners of her mouth. Gu Yuena subconsciously wants to dodge, but I don't know why. In this moment, she just saw Tang Wulin's eyes.

His eyes were focused and gentle, as if he were wiping away the most precious thing in the world. Looking at his eyes, Gu Yuena's actions naturally stopped, allowing him to wipe the corners of his mouth.

Tang Wulin put down the paper towel and said, "I'll take the things first. You've been sleeping for a long time. Can we talk later? Don't worry, don't talk about the past, talk about the son, OK? "

Gu Yuena show eyebrow tiny frown, look at him, way: "OK."

Tang Wulin carries the tray to go, time is not long, he returns to the room again, closes the door.

I don't know why, when Gu Yuena watched him come to her, she suddenly got nervous and moved back.

"You and I keep three meters away." Guyuna pointed to the cushion she had just set opposite.

"Oh, good!" Tang Wulin agreed and sat down three meters away from her.

Watching him keep this distance, Gu Yuena was relieved and thought, this distance can't touch me.

The two sat opposite and looked at each other. Tang Wulin looks at Gu Yuena's big purple eyes. His eyes become more and more gentle. Gradually, gentleness became obsession, subconsciously raised his hand, as if to grasp something.

Gu Yuena said warily, "what are you doing? Didn't you say you wanted to talk to me? Why don't you open your mouth. "

"Oh. Yes, let's talk Tang Wulin seemed to wake up and said in a hurry.

"I want to ask you, do you remember when you had a son? Did you give birth to him in the form of a human or a dragon? " Tang Wulin asked curiously.

Gu Yuena was stunned. She shook her head blankly and said, "I don't know! I was thawed out of the ice. At that time, I was human. "

Tang Wulin said: "I was found in the sea. I was floating on the shore and was rescued. It was a girl who saved me. I really didn't remember anything at that time. Fortunately, she took care of me. Later, she said I was good-looking and asked me to be a star. I tried it, and then I started singing

"Girl? Is it beautiful? " Gu Yuena blurted out.