Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1264

However, this time, the combination of the two arrows has not been completely solved. The airflow is instantly penetrated by the sharp wind, and then the double arrows have reached the place of Zhang Yuanyuan's vest.

Surprisingly, Zhang Yuanyuan didn't try to resist at this moment, but his eyes were full of light, and his right hand Wanliu hammer was thrown out instantly.

The Wanliu hammer suddenly became bigger in the air. Almost instantly, the hammer head became large enough to be 10 meters in diameter. It was like the top of Mount Tai. It went straight to Yuanen Huihui, and almost immediately reached Yuanen Huihui. The terrible pressure was completely locked in Yuan en Huihui, which made him feel unavoidable.

This ready hammer is Zhang Yuanyuan's all-out blow in the state of God descending into the earth, a violent hammer!

The hammer of fury has six features: explosion, smash, shock, stun, lock, and critical strike. Also known as the six kill hammer. As soon as this hammer comes out, the sky and the earth change color.

The whole space is distorted in front of the violent hammer. Yuan enhuihui can't dodge by dodging, even if he is in the state of ELF KING.

Six kill hammer also has Zhang Yuanyuan's eighth soul skill, absolutely hit. Let him avoid it. This is Zhang Yuanyuan's biggest Assassin's mace against the soul division of the sensitive attack department.

At the same time, after throwing the hammer, Zhang Yuanyuan's body suddenly shook, and a golden light burst out of his body in the state of God descending.

At this time, the light spirit must be killed and the wind spirit Yufeng just penetrated his soul power and armor protection, but disappeared under the golden light explosion. However, the following four arrows came one after another, puncturing in the same position one after another. For a moment, Zhang Yuanyuan's back burst into a cloud of light, shooting his body forward.

However, his eyes were always fixed on Yuan en Hui Hui. He would rather be hurt himself to release the violent hammer, just to kill with one hammer. He didn't believe that with Yuan en Huihui's physique, how could he resist his fatal hammer.

Can be in the next moment, a touch of astonishment color, but has appeared on the face of Zhang Yuanyuan.

Yuan en Huihui suddenly changed. Yes, it changed.

Zhang Yuanyuan only felt a trance in front of him. The next moment, he felt like looking at a mirror. There was another self in front of him, holding a double hammer, and he was in the state of God descending into the world.

The other "Zhang Yuanyuan" double hammer on the opposite side directly meets the violent hammer falling from the sky.

"Boom -" the fierce roar, "Zhang Yuanyuan" body shape exploded. But the violent hammer also flew backward from the impact, straight to the direction of Zhang Yuanyuan to return.

What kind of weird ability is this? Not only Zhang Yuanyuan, but all the people watching the war could not help feeling stunned.

And that body shape burst back in the "Zhang Yuanyuan" at this time has changed back to its original appearance. It was the original grace of pale face.

The ninth Soul Ring on the body then twinkles. The bow of the ELF KING in the hand is steadily pulled open, and the first soul ring is lit up.

Yuan en's eyes suddenly became as bright as stars, and the whole human body became transparent green, just like the jade carved.

The next moment, a green arrow has been shot out, straight to Zhang Yuanyuan.

This arrow is even faster than the ten thousand flow hammer that bounces back.

When Zhang Yuanyuan saw the arrow, he felt his hair stand up, and an unprecedented sense of fear appeared. It was a feeling that no matter how defensible it seemed to be.

Yuanen Huihui, the ninth soul skill, fighting spirit and war god.

The power of the next arrow increases by 300%! It's such a simple, even a little rough ability. But don't forget, this is the Douluo level of him, the next arrow power increased three times! Even if it is simply to stimulate the first soul skill, the effect is almost equivalent to the level of extreme Douro.

In fact, he can only stimulate the first three soul skills through fighting spirit and God of war. You need to improve your cultivation step by step. After super Douluo, you can activate three arrows again. It is possible to control all the other arrows with the spirit fighting God at the extreme Douluo level.

Zhang Yuanyuan had no possibility to resist. He waved the left hammer fiercely, and he didn't want to block the arrow, because he felt that he could not resist it. Instead, he wanted to throw out the hammer and turn it into the hammer of storm, which was necessary to rescue the enemy, or both sides would be hurt if they were defeated.

But at this time, he saw a pair of white eyes. In an instant, Zhang Yuanyuan only felt that everything seemed to have become slow. He seemed to have returned to the distant past. There were scenes in front of him, scenes that had been seen and scenes that had never been seen before, just like everything in his life, even in his previous life, flowed through his mind.

The hammer of the storm, which was about to be thrown, stopped suddenly. The next moment, the long green arrow of the spirit had already reached his chest.

"Ding" a crisp sound, a ray of light from the rear, the air suddenly burst a large green light fog, the spirit of concentration broken, Zhang Yuanyuan also wake up.

In the distance, Yuan en Huihui stood with his bow and bowed to him.

On this side of the inner courtyard, it is obvious that someone has shot to block the power of that arrow. It has solved yuan en Huihui's attack, but it also means that Zhang Yuanyuan has lost the game. Even if the arrow just can't kill him, once it hits, it's not what his armor can resist, and it's bound to suffer heavy damage.Shrek, on the other hand, won another victory.

By this time, no one and the disciples of the inner courtyard would despise these younger brothers and sisters.

At this time, they all have only one idea. What kind of monsters are these? It is clear that they have just entered the inner courtyard, but why are they just entering the inner courtyard, but they are so strong that they can defeat their old inner court disciples? What kind of growth rate can make them reach this level?

However, it is not only these inner court disciples who are shocked at this time. Even the high-level people in the inner courtyard on the ship, even the elders of the sea god Pavilion, are shocked?

A blue Xuan Yu, they have gradually been able to accept, that is, after all, the son of jinlongyueyu and yinlongwulin. However, it seems that LAN Xuanyu is not the only one who is powerful! Just now, Bai XiuXiu has been able to fight with Yu Yingxin, the elder martial sister of the internal aid group, and both sides are hurt.

Qian Lei's Bimeng army summoned, Liu Feng's sacrifice skills, and now incarnate the original grace of the ELF KING. Which one shows strength and talent that is not the best choice?

Even if they don't have the great achievements made before, with the abilities they have shown now, they are also qualified to compete with Shrek seven monsters!

That's the most shocking thing. Can we say that they can really defeat the coalition forces of the disciples in the inner courtyard and get the title of Shrek seven monsters directly? This is what the sea god Pavilion master himself did not think of.

In her opinion, the young people like LAN Xuanyu are excellent indeed, and they have made great contributions to the college and the federal government. They should be rewarded, but at the same time, their promotion speed is too fast and their contributions are too great. If they go on like this, they may develop arrogance. So, this announcement that they are Shrek seven monsters has multiple ideas.

Solving the credit is only one aspect, but also a training for them. I hope that through this competition, they can recognize their own shortcomings, so that they can better precipitate themselves in the future practice. Through precipitation, to become more powerful.

Therefore, failure is the outcome that has long been designed for them. Failure doesn't mean anything. They are still strong competitors for Shrek. In the future, as long as they further grow up, the seven monsters will still be theirs. But it can also ring an alarm for them and stimulate them to move on.