Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1263

The two Wanliu hammers came back to him. The toxin in his body was forced out by his soul force. Although there will still be some impact, but with the strength of super Douro level, soul power whirl, soul core adjustment, soon returned to normal.

Under the feet, the seventh soul ring lights up quietly. An iron gray light burst out of him. That layer of iron black seems to be pulling his body, so that his short and strong body quickly become larger, but also increased to about three meters high and then stopped. But the horror is that his shoulder width is enough two meters and five meters. A pair of thick arms is not human. The combination of the body's three character armour and the body makes the surrounding air squeeze out bursts of "crackling" sound. The power of solidifying makes all the elements around him break down.

What kind of real body is this?

Seeing this scene, they can't help but be shocked. There is no such change in the data collected.

The increase of Wu Hun's real body to each soul master is quite large, but the degree of increase is related to the blood, the spirit and the soul ring.

When Zhang Yuanyuan released his seventh soul ring, the color of all his soul rings changed. From the original black, all into red.

Yes, nine hundred thousand year old red soul rings.

For the first time, they have seen that the real body of Wu Hun can make all its soul rings evolve in an instant.

As a matter of fact, which of the disciples in the inner courtyard who can become competitors of Shrek's seven monsters doesn't have any sense of family skills?

Zhang Yuanyuan's seventh soul skill, the real body of martial spirit, is called: God comes down to earth!

This is a kind of mutated real body of the martial spirit. It seems that there is some strange coincidence between the soul of wanliuhammer and his own blood. In addition, he constantly tries and cultivates, which leads to this situation.

In addition to the soul power and spiritual power will be greatly improved in the real state of the spirit, the most important thing is to enhance the physical strength. His body strength will be raised to God level level in the state of God descending, and his body strength and defense will reach God level. It is conceivable that the strength will be improved. Especially for the control of power.

The two wings behind the three character battle armor spread out, and Zhang Yuanyuan flew straight to Yuan en Huihui.

The gods come down to earth. For the king of spirits, the two real bodies of martial spirits are not comparable to the real bodies of normal spirits. What's more, the performers are also the strong ones above the level of Douluo.

Yuan en Huihui suddenly lifted the bow of the spirit king in his hand, and a strange rhythm appeared in his soul ring. The first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth soul rings in front of him were like waves, and all of them were shining on one side in a flash.

Eight arrows also shot out, with different colors of light straight to the opposite God under the state of the enemy bombarded. At the same time, the spirit dragon above the head of Yuanen Huihui suddenly dived downward, and instantly merged with Yuanen Huihui. In addition to his original pair of gold and blue wings, he immediately added two more color wings.

Eight arrows and eight attributes.

The first soul skill, the spirit is concentrated, the spirit is more concentrated, the arrow is not empty, this arrow is white, in the spirit king state, it has a strong spiritual power.

The second soul skill, poison spirit devours the soul, with all kinds of negative effects such as curse and toxin. The arrow is bright purple. In the spirit king state, the toxin and curse are greatly enhanced, with various negative states.

The third soul skill, fire spirit life block, continues to burn damage, the power of flame explosion, this arrow is red, in the spirit king state, with extreme fire high temperature.

The fourth soul skill, rain spirit tide, arrow rain is endless, but at this time, it is only turned into a clear blue arrow, with water element moistening things silently. In the spirit king state, it is shot with the infiltrating arrow. It seems that there are thousands of changes in the illusory halo.

The fifth soul skill, thunder spirit war drum, can cause terrible explosion, this arrow is blue purple. The arrow shoots out and thunders. In the spirit king state, the arrow rolls out like thunder, and shoots away with the most magnificent momentum.

The sixth soul skill, light and spirit must kill, single attack, the fastest and highest armor piercing arrow, this arrow is golden, in the spirit king state, the light arrow burns the power of light to the extreme, and improves its armor breaking power to the extreme.

The seventh soul skill, wind spirit against the wind, flexible and agile speed increased by 100%, wind attribute affinity increased by 50%. Each arrow has its own wind attribute penetration effect. Only in the spirit king state, the seventh soul skill will change into wind arrow. The arrow was cyan, like a breeze blowing quietly.

The eighth soul skill, the ice spirit cold sharpens, freezes, seals. This arrow is ice blue, with the frightful low temperature of the extreme ice in the ELF KING state.

Eight arrows, with eight attributes, are shot at the same time in a moment. They represent eight soul skills, although not the extreme of every soul skill. But I'm afraid no one in the audience can perform the eight soul skills at the same time. In this respect, even LAN Xuanyu can't do it. He can integrate his soul skills, but he can't perform eight soul skills at the same time.

Eight arrows open and close, flying in the air, some in a straight line, some arc, some fast, some slow. And it's a kind of gorgeous and unpredictable.Yuan en Huihui has seriously studied the secret weapon Baijie in Xuantian Baolu of Tang clan, and has assiduously practiced some special techniques of concealed weapon Baijie into his own archery.

With the improvement of cultivation, his arrow power has become more and more powerful, but the arrow is like a hidden weapon, at least it can play a role only when it hits the target. Therefore, Yuan en Huihui has made great efforts in solving all kinds of hidden weapons.

Zhang Yuanyuan suffered a small loss from the three arrows before. At this time, the three arrows turned into eight arrows. With the blessing of the spirit king, the power of Zhang Yuanyuan was not only doubled, but also increased tenfold.

However, Zhang Yuanyuan, in the state of God descending to earth, also shows his strong and terrifying side.

Facing the eight arrows shot at him, he did not stop at all, but still floated in the void, as if he had not seen the eight arrows, and continued to press towards yuan en Hui Hui.

The first arrow to arrive is thundering drum.

Thunder light comes from the front. The arrow of Zhiyang Zhigang is good at frontal attack.

"Boom The double hammers of Wanliu hammer closed and collided in front of him, and a terrible huge soul force suddenly spread with the sound wave of violent shock.

The powerful arrow of leiling battle drum instantly turned into lightning, which broke and scattered under the collision of two hammers.

The explosive force of terror burst out in the air, Zhang Yuanyuan's speed increased sharply, and in the process of rapid progress, the whole person's momentum also soared.

The impact of the two hammers just now not only broke the thunder drum, but also affected the arrival of the other seven arrows.

Yuan en Huihui's wings flapped behind his back, and his body fell back. He did not continue to shoot, but his eyes were burning at Zhang Yuanyuan.

"Bang!" When the first arrow of the God's concentration arrived, it exploded instantly in the air wave. What Zhang Yuantou didn't return was a hammer, which broke the arrow.

But at this time, the two arrows are almost superimposed on each other. The light spirit must kill and the wind spirit can resist the wind!

These two soul skills have a similar feature, armor breaking and penetration.

They come quietly, all the broken wind is absorbed by the wind spirit against the wind, and all the light is collected by the light spirit. Why the silent double arrows show the super control of Yuan en Hui Hui arrow method.

Zhang Yuanyuan can't feel the arrow, but what he can feel is the coming of crisis.

Without half hesitation, the ten thousand stream hammer in the hand collided in front of the body again, and a fierce roar sounded, which was more powerful than before.