Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1265

However, the sea god Pavilion owner did not expect that these young people who had only been in the inner courtyard for less than a year, or even had not really studied in the inner courtyard, could show such amazing strength. It was so amazing that she felt incredible.

Is it true that they can defeat so many schoolmasters and gain the Shrek seven monsters directly?

At this time, both sides are the fourth person, and Zhang Yuanyuan has been defeated.

In LAN Xuanyu's side, there are still LAN Xuanyu himself, as well as Tang Yuge and LAN Mengqin.

Yuan en Huihui clearly has a lot of combat effectiveness. Although the previous consumption is certainly not small, he should continue to fight without any problem. And there are only three places left for the inner court disciples!

It's hard to say what will happen next. But no one will think that LAN Xuanyu has no chance to win.

"I'll do it." At this time, a faint voice came from the disciples in the inner courtyard.

Hearing this voice, people's eyes coincided. Among the crowd, a group of red light rose slowly and floated up.

This is a woman in a red dress. The school uniform of Shrek college is dark green, and the uniform of inner school is red. But today, because it's the meeting of Neptune, there's no need to wear school uniform.

Yuan en Huihui can be sure that he has not seen this one before at the blind date meeting.

This is a beautiful woman, but different from the beauty of most women, her beauty is a kind of intrinsic beauty, the whole person seems very quiet. It seems that there is no particularly outstanding place, but if you look carefully, you will find that her appearance and temperament seem to contain a lot of profound existence.

This can be said to be the most peculiar woman that Yuan en Huihui has ever seen.

On the big ship, Tang Miao is a little surprised and flies to the dream beside him: "how can she come? Isn't she experimenting with a new type of Horcrux in her ancestral home? "

Meng Fei said, "why can't she come? Why can't she come now that she hasn't officially graduated from the inner school? And don't forget who she likes. She must have come for the boy. In a word, that boy is not a thing, huh

Tang Miao said with a smile: "OK, don't talk about other people. When you were young, you were also a promiscuous person. What's more, the boy didn't express anything. Frankly speaking, it's just our poor girl's wishful thinking. However, since she is here today, she must have received news and came to help him. This is something I didn't expect. If it was not for the bad situation in front of me, I don't think she would be on the stage, which is also a necessity. Today's competition is really lively. "

When the disciples in the inner courtyard saw the woman, they even heard a lot of exclamations.

"The red lotus witch is back? When did she come back? "

"Yes! I didn't notice it just now! She didn't attend the meeting. Since that year's blind date meeting... "

"Shh, don't say it. Let her hear it. Don't you know the character of this student sister? "


The comments echoed in a low voice, but no one questioned the qualification of this player.

Yu Yingxin, who has returned to the inner courtyard disciples, naturally saw the appearance of the female student. Her eyebrows frowned slightly and subconsciously turned to look at the man who had rescued her.

"I didn't know she would come back," the man said in an embarrassed low voice

"Well." Yu Yingxin just nodded, but did not say anything, just a little cold face a few minutes.

Red lotus? These four words were heard. However, he was puzzled by the title. Because there is no such one in all the information they collected before!

Who is the red lotus witch? Is it a disciple in the inner courtyard? Or a very good disciple in the inner courtyard? But why don't they know?

Not only he doubts, but also LAN Xuanyu.

Who is this strange woman rising from the disciples in the inner courtyard wearing a red skirt and red hair and red eyes?

"I think I know who she is." Blue Xuanyu beside Tang Yuge suddenly said.

LAN Xuanyu curiously turned his head to look at her and said, "is this schoolsister?"

Tang Yuge's face was deep, and his brow was slightly frowned. He said, "there is a legend about her, or the year I just entered the college. At that time, none of you had entered the college. Red lotus fairy Chen dance candle. A student who dares to love and hate. "

"It is said that she used to like a senior student in the inner school. Later, he expressed his admiration at the meeting of the blind date of the God of the sea, and he spared no effort to express his love, but the schoolmaster finally chose someone else. In a fury, the red lotus witch launched a challenge to her rival in love. And won the battle. So as to beat the mandarin duck. Although she was not able to be with the elder student, according to the rules of the meeting, the elder student and another elder sister could not be regarded as a successful blind date. It was very famous at the time. At that time, Chen Xuejie was praised as the first strength of female students. And it's the first female student in the inner Academy. "When Tang Yuge just entered the college? That was 89 years ago. Before 1989, he was the first one in the inner court. We can imagine the strength of Chen dance candle.

"Is it stronger than the elder martial sister?" LAN Xuanyu at this time has no longer pretended to be dead Qian Lei curiously asked.

Tang Yuge glanced at him and said, "at the beginning, elder martial sister Chen's rival in love was sister Yu."

Hearing her say so, people can't help but feel like they want to take a breath.

Bai XiuXiu is the same. She has just fought with Yu Yingxin, so she knows the strength of this elder martial sister best. Yu Yingxin quite so rely on one's own strength, replaced him and Liu Feng two people. If Chen wuzhu's strength is still above the elder martial sister, what level is that? It should not have reached the level of God, otherwise, I would not come here to participate in this competition. But even if she didn't become a God, she would have reached the limit, right?

"Extreme Doo?" LAN Xuanyu frowned.

"Most likely." Tang Yuge said in a low voice, and her eyes flashed with worry. What kind of scene would it be like for yuan en Huihui to go up to Chen dance candle?

According to legend, this student sister is cruel and ruthless. When she challenged Yu Yingxin, the elder martial sister, she once severely damaged her. Therefore, she was heavily responsible by the college. Later he said that he went to Tangmen and practiced in Tangmen. Rarely go back to the inner court. Unexpectedly, she came back today.

Chen dance candle rises slowly. In addition to her white skin, she is almost completely covered with red, which gives people a strange feeling. Moreover, compared with the original grace of green, the color contrast is more distinct.

"Chen wuzhu." She nodded to Yuan en Huihui and said her name.

"Hello, sister. I'm Yuanen Huihui." Yuan en Huihui bows in a hurry. The elder sister looked like she was 26 or 7 years old. She was obviously much older than herself.

"Let's go." Chen dance candle concise and comprehensive said. There was no mood fluctuation in her eyes, and she did not release her soul and soul power. I don't know why, when facing her, Yuan en Huihui felt oppressed beyond description.

As if in the dark, they are facing not an opponent, but the whole world.

On the ship, the sea god Pavilion master sighed, "it's a pity that this girl is too stubborn. In terms of talent, in their generation, the female disciple is the first of her kind. In a hundred years, there has been no surpassing her. "

Yilao said with a smile: "what about the new generation? Do you think LAN Xuanyu's girls can surpass her? "