Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1262

It can be clearly seen that when Yuanen Huihui incarnates into the spirit king, the surrounding air suddenly becomes more colorful, and various natural elements begin to cheer around him and rush to his body.

Yuanen Huihui in the state of elves king can be said to be extremely handsome. Behind the king, there are also transparent wings in the gold and blue color. With a gentle flap, a colorful spirit dragon with outspread wings emerges from the top of the head.

And LAN Xuanyu together for such a long time, in fact, he did not have a lot of opportunities. Usually I just practice with everyone. Only his closest friends probably know his strength.

The seven of them were together, and each of them had practiced blood quenching. Different blood vessels have different ascension. Everyone has his own chance.

Yuanen Huihui itself is a hybrid of human beings and elves. Such elves are also known as half elves. But because his father's genes were also powerful, he was born with a very strong talent.

Along with the refining and purification of his blood, the original diluted blood of his mother's side was growing, which made him thoroughly awaken the spirit king's blood. At this time, when he displayed his real spirit, what he showed was the scene of the king of the elves. If he further purified his blood, he would be promoted to a higher level, even surpassing the clan leader of the elves, that is, his grandmother.

The magic spirit dragon had already made a contract with him, and when he had just concluded the contract, it had a subtle influence on his blood evolution. But with the practice of blood quenching. On the contrary, it turned into the original grace Huihui's blood evolution, which reversed the feeding of the magic spirit dragon. It not only makes the relationship between the two become closer, but also awakens some powerful talents. It's just like the previous form shifting.

Shape shifting is no more than blinking, but it also has its advantage, that is, there is no spatial fluctuation.

Yuan en Huihui can position himself in a place, and then no matter how his body moves, as long as he wants to control, he can return to the previous position in an instant. This is an illusion of traction, not spatial ability. So it won't be affected by the space blockade.

At this time, he had presented himself as the king of the elves, and his breath almost increased in geometric multiples. The increase of the real body of Wu Hun is far more than that of ordinary soul masters.

The girls in the inner courtyard have been stunned. The enlarged version of the fairy Prince has become the king of the elves, which is more than handsome. More of a noble temperament, and that belongs to the dignity of the king. It makes him look like he doesn't feel young anymore. On the contrary, it has a strange charm.

Tang Yuge has not visited yuan en Huihui for a long time. Yuan en Huihui's sudden show of love today has upset her.

Even if she was watching the battle between the two sides during this period of time, what she could not forget was all that Yuanen Huihui said before.

Her relationship with Yuan en Huihui, after her life experience was revealed, began to appear some strange changes. Without the slightest kinship, they solved all the previous contradictions. At that time, she was at her lowest ebb. Yuan en Huihui accompanies her every day, comforting her and taking care of her, for fear that her mood will have any bad change.

After leaving home that time, Tang Yuge never went back, and she didn't know how her parents were. I've been paralyzing myself through practice. Even she didn't feel it. She didn't know when to start. She had already begun to rely on Yuan en Huihui. And this dependence is getting stronger and stronger.

The change of her life experience made her extremely painful, and all kinds of complicated emotions almost made her collapse. Yuan en Huihui, who has been guarding her side, is like her life-saving straw and her last relatives.

However, in her heart, has not been toward other aspects to think, but also has been as his brother to treat ah! Even treat him as a child.

Today, when they stepped on the Shanghai Shenyuan blind date meeting, she saw yuan en Huihui come to the center of Haishen lake with lotus leaves on her feet. She was surprised to find that the little guy who had been following her has grown up and he is a man who can stand up to the sky. It's an adult.

When all the other girls kept the lamp posts for him, Tang Yuge even had an unprecedented feeling in his heart. That feeling seems to be called jealousy. At that time, she also explained to herself that this must be the feeling that her brother might be robbed by other girls. But at that time, as long as she thought of Yuan en Huihui, she would probably have her own lover, and she would have her own lover at the meeting of the sea god relationship. She'll have a totally unacceptable feeling. Is it true that their last relatives will also be lost?

Therefore, at that time, she was wearing a hat veil, and her inner complexity was only known by herself.

But what she never thought of was that when Yuan en Huihui came out again, she even said such a thing. She was absolutely stunned. The whole person was shocked as if he were stupid.

At that moment, her brain was even blank. So, in fact, even LAN Xuan Yu did not completely judge right. Tang Yuge chose to leave, not just because of the shame and indignation brought by his life experience. There are also many complex emotions in it. And in this complex mood, not without a trace of joy ah!At this moment, when Yuanen Huihui stepped into the battlefield and fought against a powerful opponent. Tang Yuge had to seriously watch this family member who had been guarding his side again. Watching yuan en Huihui incarnate as the king of the elves, and even caused a riot among the girls in the inner courtyard. Tang Yuge's mentality is changing quietly.

Previously, she never thought that her relationship with Yuan en Huihui would change. It was OK. But when she really realized that the boy had become a man and needed to have his own lover, and he had no blood relationship with him. The emotional changes in the heart are simply geometric multiples. For a moment, the inner complex emotions, a variety of ideas followed, so that she wanted to leave immediately.

But now she can't leave. Her friends are working hard for the great glory of Shrek. How could she escape at such a time?

What to do? What should I do!

Yuan en Huihui naturally did not know Tang Yuge's complicated thoughts at this time. His mood in his heart was not complicated at all. When he bravely said those words to Tang Yuge today, he had made up his mind completely. Since he has already determined what he loves in his heart, he will spare no effort to pursue it. This is what LAN Xuanyu helped him to affirm.

For him, besides his parents, the closest people are Tang Yuge and LAN Xuanyu. He regards LAN Xuanyu as his elder brother and is extremely convinced of him. In the previous exchanges with him, LAN Xuanyu fully affirmed his feelings. This makes yuan en Huihui no longer have doubts. He will bravely continue to move forward, even if it is hit by the head and blood is also at stake.

The genie bow opens again, completely different from before. With the bowstring pulling, Yuanen Huihui's body is surrounded by numerous color halos, which instantly converge to the king spirit bow. Anyone can see that when another arrow is fired, it will be different from the previous situation.

The magic spirit dragon on his head burst out a layer of strange white halo, where the halo passed, one by one, the original grace glow was constantly copied. For a moment, in front of Zhang Yuanyuan, there were dozens of original grace glow.

Zhang Yuanyuan's face was heavy, and his opponent's strength was beyond his judgment. But his inner sense of war was also more fully inspired.