Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1196

Therefore, after several days of intense discussion, the final conclusion was reached. Eighteen Dragon Knights, try together. Let's try to stimulate the shenglongtai with blood to see if there is energy feedback. That's fair.

When will it be held? After the dragon race. Therefore, today they are not only here to observe the ceremony, but also to do experiments for the Dragon Knights. It doesn't matter to them who wins the dragon race. The important thing is whether you can have the chance of evolution.

It's just that this is a secret of the dragon clan, and the Dragon Knights will not reveal it. This is especially true for other gods. The Dragon Knight is very high. Of course, he should take the lead and take the greatest advantage. If there are benefits after that, other gods can be considered.

Therefore, when the game is over, the Dragon Knights will have a grand ceremony here. This is what we have to say later. At present, we have to decide the first place in today's dragon race.

LAN Xuanyu stares at Qi Tianlong with burning eyes. At this time, all three have entered the center of the competition field.

Since Qi Tianlong made a bet, his eyes at LAN Xuanyu become more sharp. In his opinion, he wanted this woman to be his wife and have children for himself. Then, we have to beat her up first. If you take it, there will be no other problem.

How much does he like LAN Xuanyu? Not really. Everyone's aesthetic is different. There are so many races in Tianlong star. In Qi Tianlong's position, what kind of partner do you want? What he valued most was LAN Xuanyu's blood. If a woman with such blood ties and her own offspring, there is no doubt that the offspring will be more powerful. That's what he wants most.

No matter how good-looking women are, compared with the women who can finally give birth to strong offspring, they are all dregs. Only a woman of noble blood, such as LAN, is eligible for his wife.

LAN Xuanyu's inner sense of war has not been upgraded to the extreme. It can even be said that he has never been so full of strong desire to win as he is now. For nothing else, just for yourself, not to be a wife to each other!

Moreover, if he married Qi Tianlong, he would almost certainly be exposed. Even at that time, he said that he was a woman disguised as a man, and Qi Tianlong must be dead enemies. What's more, they don't know how to deal with themselves and investigate themselves. So he couldn't afford to lose this one.

Previously, Qi Tianlong was supposed to make the other party retreat. In this way, no matter the victory or defeat, there will be no problem of identity exposure. But who knows that the head of Tianlong inserted a bar, forcing Qi Tianlong to agree at all costs, and ignited the fighting spirit.

There is no way out for both sides.

Frankly speaking, even if Qi Tianlong is really a slave to him, he doesn't want it! Qi Tianlong is too strong. If he keeps following him, his freedom will be limited. Of course, he can control Qi Tianlong, but if he lets Qi Tianlong do something harmful to Tianlong star, Qi Tianlong will not be willing to do so!

"Ready." Just then, a peaceful voice came out. This time, there was no referee. Yes, there is never a referee in the final. Because only the Dragon riders can rule such a game.

Today, there is a dragon in the first place, he is the final judge of the game.

A faint smile appeared on his face, and Tianlong said with a smile: "it's been a long time since we had such an interesting competition. Then, let's go! "

With his announcement, the final final of the dragon race has finally begun.

Qi Tianlong almost instantly burst into the sky with a red flame, which made the temperature of the whole competition field rise sharply. And his momentum, which had been suppressed for a long time, broke out in an instant.

LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu are just like falling into magma. They come from all directions and burn everything.

Without half hesitation, blue Xuanyu's colorful light bloomed, and the colorful dragon scale instantly attached to the body, and the Dragon God changed!

A ring of four color halo with his body as the center instantly rippled out, which is the element stripping.

Qi Tian Long is the blood of the Dragon King. The effect of element stripping on fire attribute is also powerful. This is also one of LAN Xuanyu's confidence.

Where the elements were stripped away, the high temperature that had been oppressed dissipated and the red light began to dim.

But at this time, Qi Tianlong's eyes suddenly became as bright as ruby. He burst out and stepped out.

"Boom -" the flame surged, the fierce flame suddenly exploded, the entire competition field, in an instant, seemed to be covered by fire and rain. The four color light of element stripping was detonated and dissipated together with many fire rain, but it could not act on Qi Tianlong's noumenon.

Since the blue Xuan Yu has the element stripping, this is the first time by the opponent to break open.

How strong! In the heart of LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu, they are almost all angry with the same idea. Qi Tianlong showed great strength, which was beyond their expectation.

A long sword has appeared in Qi Tianlong's control at this time. With his step out, Qi Tianlong's momentum soared again. All the flames converged on the long sword in an instant, as if there was a vortex on it. In a flash, the sky and the earth changed. Qi Tianlong's red scales seemed to be burning with magma. The blazing heat distorts everything around.He didn't mean to keep his hand. At this moment, he was going all out. He is determined to win this war!

LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu look at each other. Both of them rise up at the same time, showing their own appearance in the passionate sound of dragon chanting.

Bai XiuXiu is naturally an abyssal ice demon dragon, covered with dark blue scales. At this moment, the Dragon God change of LAN Xuanyu is the real final form. The colorful dragon with colorful scales covering the whole body is slightly smaller than the previous Golden Dragon King. However, when the colorful dragon god form after the Dragon God transformation appeared, all the dragon people in the scene felt that their heart beat missed a beat.

"Ang -" in the direction of Qi Tianlong, LAN Xuanyu, the incarnation of the Dragon God, gave out a fierce roar, with colorful lights and shadows flashing. There was no dragon head penetrating the body, but this was the strongest dragon roar, not the Golden Dragon roar, but the Dragon God roar.

The roar of the Dragon God brings the anger of the Dragon God.

In an instant, Qi Tianlong's fire and momentum dissipated by a third in an instant. The knife that was ready to be cut out was half a beat in an instant.

At this time, Bai XiuXiu, who had already flown into the air, had already begun to dance. Large, large sheets of deep blue goose feather snow fell from the sky, reducing the temperature of the air and the concentration of fire element.

Hearing the roar of the Dragon God, even the 18 Dragon Knights on the scene were discolored. But their faces were full of joy.

With their accomplishments, how can they not distinguish the strong oppression from the blood when the Dragon God roars? This is absolutely the oppression of the superior blood! And they all know that such changes in blue's blood are due to the colorful energy absorbed on the Shenglong platform that day.

Although LAN Xuanyu's plan that day was hasty, it was extremely exquisite. Colorful dragon power really comes from Shenglong platform! It was absorbed in a coma in front of the dragon knight. All of this is so lifelike. Even the Dragon Knights couldn't tell.

At this moment, seeing that he has the upper hand in his blood, how can we not let the Dragon Knights be in a good mood? Later, they also have the possibility of absorbing the colorful dragon power to promote their blood!