Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1197

Even now they can't wait for the game to end early so that they can start trying to absorb.

The next moment, LAN Xuanyu flapped his wings, and without waiting for Qi Tianlong to launch an attack, he took the initiative to dive down to him and pounce fiercely.

Qi Tianlong's body was quite uncomfortable at this time. The roar of the Dragon God made his blood vessels change strangely, almost like breaking up in an instant. His accumulated momentum was not only one-third less, but also shaken his will to fight. Longli has also been greatly reduced.

But even so, when LAN Xuanyu rushed down, his knife was still lifted up in an instant. Once again, the powerful fire element spurts out.

It has to be said that Qi Tianlong has reached the level of law for the control of fire elements. Otherwise, it is impossible to shatter the element stripping of LAN Xuan Yu. At this time, although it was the second time to store force in a hurry, the air trembled at the place where the huge sword passed, and even the whole space was broken. Blazing and engulfed. Strong pulling force comes out from the broken space, pulling blue Xuanyu's body. The heat was almost instantaneous.

The four color halo rippled out and the elements stripped out again. Although the effect of element stripping on water, fire, soil and wind is the best, it also affects other attributes.

The broken space cracks suddenly stopped for a moment, and the pulling force was greatly reduced. The element of fire also darkened.

But at this time, a touch of gold red suddenly appeared on the long knife, and the fierce flame vibrated out. It broke the element peeling again and went straight to the blue Pavilion.

LAN Xuanyu never thought that element stripping could give him an instant advantage. From the first time, he knew that his element stripping would have little effect on the guy in front of him. But what he wants is the opportunity that element stripping brings to himself, and the opportunity not to be locked.

The body spins in the air almost instantaneously. If it's a fighter, it's a lateral roll.

Dive, lateral roll. This is extremely standard combat maneuvers for space fighters. He did not choose to collide, but dodged the other side's knife.

At the same time, blue Xuanyu's Dragon wings toward Qi Tianlong.

Qi Tianlong is now in human shape. Although he is wearing Dragon Armor and has become more and more powerful, he is still very small compared with the blue Xuanyu of dragon shaped body.

What's more, LAN Xuanyu, this is a powerful blow. Rolling, Dragon Wing pumping. The attack was fierce.

But at this time, Qi Tianlong showed the strong strength of the first young generation of the dragon. No dodging. The knife light fell into the air, and his body suddenly hit the Dragon Wing with his shoulder. At the same time, both hands with a knife, take the opportunity to lift again. Cut to the root of blue Xuanyu Dragon Wing.

He is obviously confident that he will not be shocked by LAN Xuanyu's blow, and then give him a heavy blow.

"Bang!" Dragon Wings hit Qi Tianlong's shoulder. Suddenly, a large fire burst out. However, a strange scene also appeared. Although Qi Tianlong was photographed, his whole body was obviously not hurt. What's more, the armor on his shoulder was as if it had been bonded with lava, sticking to the Dragon Wings of LAN Xuanyu. At the same time, the long knife in his hand had been cut.

Not only powerful, but also fierce. You know, he is equivalent to a hard shoulder blue Xuanyu mieshenzhen, take this opportunity to launch an instant counterattack!

With his accomplishments, if this knife is cut, LAN Xuanyu will not want to fly.

At this time, a touch of dark blue suddenly appeared on the surface of his body, making Qi Tianlong's speed pause for a moment. In mid air, Bai XiuXiu's deep blue gaze has burst out.

Taking the opportunity of this moment, the blue Xuanyu colorful dragon wings vibrated, and a layer of dragon scales was forced to break. The adhesion was asked. At the same time, an element was stripped off and released from the body, suppressing Qi Tianlong's fire attribute. A dragon claw lifted up and bravely met the long sword.

When the sound of "Dang" rang, LAN Xuanyu threw himself into the air. The giant dragon god's body rolled in the air, and his whole body burst out dazzling flames.

The flame is golden red, and the terrible heat distorts the surrounding air.

But the flame only lasted for a moment, and then suddenly it was inhaled into LAN Xuanyu's body, and all disappeared. The colorful scales suddenly turn into fire red, and then return to the seven colors. Everything is equivalent to nothing happened.

"Fire immunity?" Finally, Qi Long's face changed.

The real body of Dragon God, LAN Xuanyu, is now immune to the six elemental attributes he controls. Of course, it is impossible to be completely immune. Only the real dragon god can be fully immune. But it can also digest most of the elements.

In addition, he quenched himself day and night with mieshenlei and Longli. His body strength was extremely high and his resistance to elements was extremely terrible.

Shaking the wings of the dragon that had previously thrown away some scales, pieces of colorful scales reappeared from under the skin and covered the wings. The dragon's claws fell to the ground and plowed a ravine on the ground, but everyone could see that he was not really hurt.

For the first time, the two sides can be regarded as equal. Qi Tianlong, who suffered from the earthquake of killing God, didn't take advantage of it. LAN Xuanyu lost his dragon scales and some cracks appeared on his Dragon Armor.In the sky, a huge dark blue dragon is circling and dancing, and circles of black halo are rippling in the air. It makes the temperature in the air rise and fall suddenly, against Qi Tianlong's fire element. The demon dance of ice dragon in the abyss.

LAN Xuanyu's eyes were staring at him. Qi Tianlong held a sword, and the fire elements around his body still burst out. Because of the gap of cultivation, the influence of element stripping on him is really limited.

If it was one-on-one, he had already made a strong attack, but in the case of one-on-two, he did not despise Bai XiuXiu in the air. Bai XiuXiu's control ability and attack power are imperceptible, but also has an instant burst. Qi Tianlong doesn't think Bai XiuXiu can hurt herself, but she is likely to buy LAN Xuanyu enough time.

He had just received mieshenzhen, but he was not well. The terrible concussion force could not be blocked by his Fire Dragon King Dragon Armor, or it was infiltrated into part of his body. What's more, the blood force contained in the shock had a certain suppression effect on his blood. That's why he didn't chase after the knife was blocked.

If the infiltrating force is not eliminated, it is likely that there will be big problems due to savings in the subsequent battles.

The combination of blue and XiuXiu is stronger than you think. It's even better than watching "them" a few days ago.

LAN Xuanyu's colorful halo flows, and all the six elements in the air converge to him. In terms of pure fire element, he is certainly far inferior to Qi Tianlong, but in the state of Dragon Spirit change, he can absorb all kinds of elements to supplement himself, and the Dragon Qi inhaled in the body before is an effective supplement.

The Dragon wings flapping, blue Xuanyu rises again, the colorful light on his body is twinkling with dazzling brilliance. In mid air, circles of dark blue halo continuously fall around the battlefield, suppressing the existence of fire elements. Bai XiuXiu's demon dance is also getting faster and faster.

The devil dances the mystery, just like a charged bomb. No one knows when it will break out.

Qi Tianlong took a deep breath and raised his head to the sky and let out a loud and clear chant of the dragon. The flame on his body rose in an instant. The next moment, his body also rocked up. In a flash, he became more than 15 meters high. The long Dao in his hand is also rising with the tide, and its momentum is greatly increased.

In the case of Fire Dragon King with dragon armor attached, at this moment, he looks like a fire giant. The whole body is crystal clear red crystal shape, huge fire element breath Instantly increases.