Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1195

Yes, the master of this voice is the first sign of tianlongxing, the real first person in the whole Longma system, and also the teacher of Qi Tianlong in front of him.

Hearing this voice, Qi Tianlong's expression was immediately excited. He knelt down on one knee in the direction of the silver light door and saluted respectfully, "teacher."

At this time, all the God level dragon people have stood up. All kneel on one knee in the direction of the silver light door on their own dragon power pillars. His face was full of deference.

A figure stepped out of the light door, dark red hair spread over the shoulders, handsome face looks only about 30 years old, tall and straight, with a faint smile on his face.

The last time I saw the head of Tianlong, it was just a projection. He had been transformed into a human form, but that was just a matter of a moment. Later, it was the whirling of the earth and the danger of death.

At this moment, really see this dragon head, blue Xuanyu mood complex can be imagined. This is almost the existence of his mother's enemy! If we say who he wants to kill most on Dragon Star, it is undoubtedly this one.

On the contrary, he looks no different from ordinary people. With a smile on his face, he walked into the stage, but all the eyes naturally focused on him.

Following the first seat of Tianlong, the first one is the second seat that LAN Xuanyu has seen before. He also asked Huang Yuen Long.

This second seat is the second among the 18 Dragon Knights, second only to Zhong Zhichang, the first Dragon Knight of dawn. The strength is extremely strong. When the first emperor of Tianlong is absent, he will be the leader.

Zhong Zhichang was one step behind Tianlong. After him, a dragon knight walked out with pride, some of whom LAN Xuanyu knew or did not know. most important of all. When all the figures came out, it was exactly 18.

In other words, before the final of the dragon race, all 18 Dragon Knights of Tianlong star were present.

You know, in the previous competition, there were only seven dragon riders when the attendance was the most!

The arrival of the 18 Dragon Knights made the whole dragon climbing platform full of dragon spirit. On the surface of Shenglong platform, there are even lines of dragon Qi that form the dragon body dancing vertically and horizontally. It's just like a solid dragon shadow! With 18 Dragon Knights as the center, they are flying vertically and horizontally on the Dragon ascending platform.

Such a grand scene, not to mention LAN Xuanyu and Qi Tianlong, they did not expect. Even the senior members of the dragon clan were surprised one by one. They did not expect that 18 Dragon Knights would arrive at the dragon race.

Even if it is the Dragon Knight selection competition, generally more than eight Dragon Knights can participate, it is already very important. The dragon race is weaker. The seven dragon riders are the best.

The first Tianlong has not appeared in the dragon race for many times. But I didn't expect that he was not only here today, but all the Dragon Knights came together. Is it necessary to pay so much attention to such a game?

LAN Xuanyu's mind is naturally extremely nervous, his first thought is, this is against himself. But soon he denied the idea.

Do you need so many Dragon Knights to deal with him and Bai XiuXiu? It's definitely not needed. These are 18 Dragon Knights. At least 12 of them are super gods! At this level, destroying a planet is a matter of action. Not to mention dealing with them.

Qi Tianlong respectfully saluted the first emperor of Tianlong, and said in a deep voice: "obey my teacher's instructions."

Then he stood up and solemnly said to blue Xuan Yu: "your bet, I promised."

When he said yes to these three words, his momentum suddenly soared, his eyes full of firm and persistent brilliance. All the emotions are expressed to LAN Xuanyu how determined he is to win this game.

LAN Xuanyu's eyes narrowed slightly and nodded to him.

There is no need for any contract. There are 18 Dragon Knights here to witness all this. If anyone repents, it will not be accepted by the dragon clan.

Everyone can see that Qi Tianlong's competitive spirit and momentum have been thoroughly accumulated. He can't afford to lose this game!

But what they don't know is that at this moment, the fighting will in LAN Xuanyu's heart has been inspired to the extreme.

Qi Tianlong lost, the big deal is to be a servant. He lost, but he wants to be a wife! What does he do? He's a man! Therefore, at this moment, in the heart of blue Xuan, the blood of Dragon God is almost ignited. Qi Tianlong can't afford to lose this game, even more so.

The first emperor of Tianlong smiles, "no matter whether it is won or not, it will be a good talk in our dragon family. Come on, ladies and gentlemen, let's go up. "

As he spoke, a huge dark red light column rose from the sky under his feet. The diameter of the light column was more than 30 meters, which was many times larger than the Dragon Power pillars of other dragon clans. With his body, he rocked up to a height of more than 150 meters in an instant, which was easily stabilized.

Other Dragon Knights also soared to the sky under the control of the dragon power column. Compared with before, the dragon power column they used at this time is much larger. Zhong Zhichang's dragon power column has reached 120 meters away, and other Dragon Knights are also up and down 100 meters, with different heights. It seems to be a demonstration of their true strength.With the appearance of the 18 dragon power pillars, the Dragon chanting and rolling on the whole dragon climbing platform. In an instant, the dragon spirit rises and thousands of dragons fly. It seems that it is back to the grand occasion at the beginning of the dragon competition.

Bathed in such dragon spirit, the blood power of LAN Xuanyu, Bai XiuXiu and Qi Tianlong ascended to the peak in an instant. All three can feel their accomplishments are rising imperceptibly in this situation.

At this time, LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu get more benefits, but Qi Tianlong frowns slightly. He has already been the peak below the divine level. On the contrary, he can no longer absorb dragon Qi, otherwise he will start to break through. It's not so easy to break through the divine level. How to compete? Therefore, he can only suppress, not let his body to absorb the strong to the extreme dragon spirit.

After the 18 dragon power pillars were erected and the 18 Dragon Knights took the lead in sitting in the first seat of the dragon, they all took their seats. After that, the top officials of Tianlong alliance will sit down. All eyes, all focused on blue Xuanyu three people.

Although the game attracted the attention of the public, in fact, all the people who watched the game on the spot were gods. There is no doubt that this is a rare opportunity for the dragon people to participate in such competitions. It's a great time to show yourself. But there is no doubt that under such atmosphere, their pressure is also enormous.

Why are the 18 Dragon Knights Qi Zhi? Speaking of it, it also has a great relationship with LAN Xuanyu. It is precisely because he absorbed the feedback energy from the ascending dragon stage that he had a qualitative change, which caused a great discussion among the Dragon Knights.

There is no doubt that every Dragon Knight, including the dragon head, hopes to be able to absorb that energy from the Dragon ascending platform and feed it back to itself, so that its blood has the possibility of evolution.

But who will try is the problem.

No one knows how much colorful energy can be fed back from the Dragon climbing stage. With the super God level cultivation of Dragon Knights, the energy they need to absorb for blood evolution must be astronomical. Those who try first will absorb as much energy as possible.

This is what any Dragon Knight would not like to face. No matter what the internal status of the Dragon Knight, even the dragon head can not say who will try first and who will try later.