Dominating Desires Private Chapters

Chapter 3

Chapter Three

He came up and the lust in his eyes made me shudder.

"Now this time is just for me, I won't change my mine, now do you understand me" the look in his eyes was dead serious and I nodded.

"I understand" I told him as he untied my legs.

"Good girl" he said before he thrust into me again. He threw my legs over his shoulders and just pounded into me, and I was moaning in pleasure. How can I not just explode around him? How am I going to stop?

His fingers dug into my hips and he thrust into me faster and faster, and he was grunting in pleasure.

My muscles started tightening the faster he thrust and he growled "I told you no, and you don't want to know what happens is you disobey me again" I tried to breathe through it, but as he climaxed and his dic k pulsed inside me, I couldn't hold it back anymore. I called out his name as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

When I calmed down Chase was glaring at me, and he was right, I really didn't want to know what he was going to do now that I disobeyed him. I just totally screwed up, and I knew it.

"Brylee" he said in a deadly tone and my eyes widened. He was still inside me, holding himself up over my body. "Good girls get rewarded" he told me slowly and I nodded, not sure what else to do. "And if you would have just listened, I would have flipped you over and given you what you wanted. But now" he trailed off and pulled out of me before untying my arms.

My eyes watched him as he gripped my hair and pulled me up, I got my legs under me and he leaned in and nibbled on my ear "You've been a greedy girl Brylee, very bad. And I'm going to enjoy every second of what I do to your next." He told me and then pushed me on my hands and knees.

His hand tangled in my hair, pulling my head back to hold me in place while his right hand came down with a smack on my a ss. I winced, it hurt a little more now than before, but not in a bad way yet.

His hand went to my dripping juices and swirled around before moving to my back hole and using it to lubricate, and my eyes went wide with what he was about to do to me.

I tried squirming out of his grasp, but he just held tighter. "Chase, no" I panicked.

His hand came down again "Stop moving Brylee." And seeing how freaked out I was, he let my hair go and pulled me against him "Just relax, you'll like it." he nibbled on my neck and I thought about it, and still wasn't sure.

"I know you've never done it before but trust me" and with those last two words I nodded, because no matter how much I would probably regret this in the morning, I trusted Chase with my life.

"I'll let you come this time, on one condition" he told me, and I knew he knew I was still completely freaked out about this.

"What?" I asked

"After that, no more fighting. For the rest of the night your body is mine" he growled out "And I'll do what I want with it, especially since you disobeyed me" I could tell just how much he liked the control and how much he would hold back for now.

I don't know what made me say this; I was usually more reserved, especially with my ex's. I never felt comfortable with them, but with Chase, I knew if I gave him my body that he would know exactly what to do with it. It was probably the massive amount of alcohol still running through my body.

I swallowed all my fears and looked him dead in the eyes "No Chase" I told him and he growled, tightening his grip on my body. His animalistic need to claim and punish me for defying him rising to the surface.

"What do you mean no" he was calm, but that's when he was most dangerous.

"I mean no." I bit his neck and moved to straddle him "I've been a bad girl Chase, I don't deserve that. I deserve to be punished. Tonight, my body is yours to do whatever you want with" his body completely relaxed from where it tensed when I said no and he groaned.

He sucked on my neck, right on that sweet spot he found earlier and I moaned.

"You want me to punish you?" he asked me and I knew that I was still afraid, but that just made my body more excited. I knew it would be probably intense, but I also knew that he wouldn't hurt me. I also knew that even thirty seconds with him was better than thirty minutes with one of my ex's.

"Yes. I was bad, and I deserve it. I need you to punish me" I tilted my neck to the side more so he had better access.

"Hmm. Then if you want to be punished, who am I to deny you. Now get on your hands and knees."

"Yes Sir" I smirked when he groaned and did what he said.

He nipped at my as s cheeks and I squealed. "You don't seem angry" I pointed out and he smirked, and I knew that he wasn't anymore. I may just have to fix that.

I moved and got out of bed and he glared at me. "Get your sexy a ss back here now" I cocked my head to the side and thought about it. I knew this was a dangerous idea, to get him all riled up again, but I needed more liquid courage, and I really did feel bad for making him worry and such.

"Nope." I said and walked out of the room completely naked. I grabbed a bottle of tequila and downed way too much for already being drunk, that much alone would probably be enough to get me trashed. I was such a light weight.

"Brylee" he threatened and I turned to see the death glare again; the one that both terrified and excited me.

"Yes sir?" I batted my eye lashed innocently at him.

"Do you ever listen?" he advanced towards me, his eyes said he was pissed, but unsure. Probably because I walked away from him, and I knew he wouldn't push me into anything I really didn't want to do.

"Are you mad?" I asked

"Yes" was all I got and I smirked

"Good" and his eyes widened in realization. He smirked at me

"Bed, now. Don't make me ask again" he threatened, but it still was slightly empty so I backed up out of the kitchen.

"You'll have to catch me first" and with that I booked it out of there and after a couple seconds I could hear footsteps running behind me. I moved and put the table between us. When he moved, I moved too, keeping it there. Every second was making him more and more frustrated.

"Brylee Maria Acosta, if you don't stop right now" he threatened

"You'll what" I taunted, and his eyes flashed darker at my tone, I was questioning him like he wouldn't do anything and he hated it, he had a point to prove now, and this is where I wanted him.

"I guess you'll find out" and he lunged at me, I squealed and tried to run but his hand clamped down in my arm, and I knew I was screwed, figuratively and literally.

He spun me and gripped my hair to bring my mouth to his, his tongue already in my mouth as he picked me up and sat me on the table that was previously between us.

He pried my legs apart and rubbed his fully excited d ick at my entrance

"If you know what's good for you, you will not come" and with that he thrust hard into me. I screamed and my back arched off the table. I tried to get my legs away to wrap them around him, but his hands were like death grips.

He was rougher than the times before, and I wanted to tell him to calm down because it actually hurt, but I found myself moaning and getting wetter the more he thrust. This was definitely a punishment fuck, and I liked it. I didn't think he could go any harder, but he proved me wrong.

He thrust harder and got rougher, and just as I was getting to my worrying point of not being able to hold back, his hips bucked violently and his hands tightened on my thighs as he yelled out his climax.

"Good job" he told me and pulled me up so my body was against his. His lips worked against mine as he dragged me to the bedroom, and once there he threw me on the bed roughly, but oh did it completely turn me on.

"Hands and knees Lee. And if you don't give it to me this time, I swear I will tie you up and take it before pleasuring you for hours, but never giving you a release" and I shuddered at that thought, that would just be painful.

I obeyed him and his hands moved to my pu ssy again before using my juices to lubricate my back hole. He stuck one figure in and I squirmed at the foreign feeling.

"Relax" he told me and I took a deep breath as he moved the single digit In and out, letting me get used to it before he added a second one. I was actually getting used to the feeling and I found myself rocking back as he moved. He scissored his figures and loosened me up before I felt his dic k brush against my p ussy again, and only then did I realize just how wet I had gotten.

"See how much you like it baby?" he asked as he coated his dic k with my juices, and used his other hand to spread them more around my ass. His fingers were removed and I was surprised to hear myself whimper with the loss of contact and he sucked in a breath, I knew he heard it too.

His positioned his d ick right at the entrance and slowly pushed just the head in. He hissed at the tightness and I gasped at how big he was and bit my lip. When my body relaxed, he pushed in very slowly until he was all the way inside me.

"Fuck" he hissed again. He waited for me to get used to it and I was beyond frustrated with his lack of movement

"Oh god Chase, take me, please" my last word sounding so desperate and needy. His hand went to my hair again and wrapped it around his wrist, pulling my head back once again keeping me in place. He eased in and out for a few thrusts slowly. "Please" I gasped and he chuckled, and those vibrations didn't help. I was desperate and wanting.

This felt amazing, and it was also nice to have a break from him rubbing against my inner walls of my pu ssy, because I was still in a bit of pain.

He kept the slow pace and I was beyond frustrated. Then I realized this was part of my punishment. I couldn't even thrust back on him for him to take me faster with the grip he had on my hair and hip.

I begged and pleaded but he wouldn't give it to me. I was whimpering now with need, and would have cursed myself with how desperate I was sounding, but I was too horny for that. I knew it must be killing him to keep up the pace so I tried a different tactic.

"Baby, take me. My body is yours. Make yourself feel good" and I smirked knowing he couldn't see me when he growled and pulled back before slamming into me, and that thrust was joined with a smack from his hand that was on my hip. I cried out in surprise as he pulled back and thrust hard again and again, only getting faster. He released my hair and gripped my other hip and was thrusting with raw need. I rocked back slamming into him as he slammed into me, and I was almost crying with pleasure, but I knew I couldn't come. And that disappointed me.

"Faster chase, harder. Take me baby" I screamed out and he did just that. His hand moving and slapping my ass raw as he fuc ked it, and I never knew it could feel this good.

If anyone were to tell me I would have let someone do this to my body, let alone Chase, I would have told them they were crazy and blushed at the thought. But he brought out the woman in me begging to be pleased like I never had before.

He made me feel desired and sexy. And I knew just to think about him thrusting into my ass hard and smacking it would turn me on for months at the least.

"Give it to me Brylee" he yelled in pleasure as a hand went around and pinched my ni pple.

"I can't" I growled. Asshole teasing me.

"Yes you can baby, give it up for me. I know you want to." And I did. So when his hand moved down and rubbed then pinched my c lit, I threw my head back and screamed in out in pure pleasure. His hand came down on my ass one more time intensifying it. My body tightened and pretty much sucked the come from his balls.

"Fuck Lee!" he yelled as his hand tightened on my hip and his other hand held me in place by my hair as he bucked and came inside me.

When he was done he kissed my back and slowly rocked against me, he wasn't ready to pull out and neither was I.

"You're such a dirty girl, Brylee" he told me with humor in his voice.

"Maybe you need to take me to the shower and clean me up" I suggested

"Hmm, I think I do" he agreed "Ready?" he asked. I took a deep breath and nodded. We both winced when he pulled out, and he collapsed on one side of my bed, while I did on the other. My head was spinning from the pleasure, alcohol and tiredness.

"Shower time" he said and I laughed

"Give me a minute Chase" he groaned but nodded.

"Told you you'd like it" he pulled me against him and kissed my forehead.

His sweat covered body looked good enough to eat so i got on top of him and licked his abs like I've been wanting to do and he moaned.

"Brylee, what are you doing?"

"Licking your sexy abs." I said

"But I'm all sweaty" he complained

"So was I" I pointed out and he flipped us so he was on top and licked the skin on my neck.

"But you taste yummy. Good enough to eat" he nibbled on my skin again.

"Mmm, so do you baby" I leaned in to whisper in his ear "And you can eat me up anytime" he inhaled sharply and I pushed him off of me to go to the bathroom

He turned it on and stepped inside before holding out a hand for me. I stepped in with him and the hot water felt so good on my already aching muscles.

I welcomed when Chase grabbed the soap and massaged It into my skin starting with my legs. As his hands moved up, I was getting turned on again, and moaned when he massaged my upper thighs.

His hands skipped over where I desperately wanted, and I groaned in pleasure when he worked his way up to my shoulders and spent extra time on them. I grabbed the soap and did the same, running my hands over his tone and muscled body, spending extra time cleaning his now hard co ck.

"Are you tired sweetheart?" he asked me as he pressed his chest to my back and nibbled again on my neck.

"A little" I half lied; I was a little more tired than that.

"Hmm. Bed time then" he sucked.

"Hm, but don't you still need to punish me?" I asked

"No. I did already, and we both know that you more than made up for disobeying me when you chose to be punished instead, and we also both know that after you gave yourself to me that I wouldn't have anyways. You're my good girl" he kissed me neck and I smiled.

"Then let's go to bed and I'll show you how good to you I can be" I purred and his member twitched. He shut the shower off and pulled me out before drying me off. Once both dry and naked he pressed his lips to mine gently and brought our bodies together.

We walked from the bathroom to my bed with our tongues intertwined. And I pushed his gently on the bed and he moved up. I crawled up his body and straddled his waist. I rubbed his against me teasing us both.

"No more teasing tonight" he told me softly, watching my every move. I moved up and slowly took in his whole length, our moaning getting louder every inch. When he was inside me I started moving against him, and the longer I rode him, the better is felt. I placed my hands on his chest and started riding faster, moving up and down as I did until his hands went to my hips and stopped me.

"Slow down, and take your time" he told he and I nodded. I went back to riding him slowly. He gazed at and touched my body like I was the most fragile thing on earth.

I rode him until my or gasm completely overtook me and my nails dug into his chest as I tried to keep my body off his. He rolled his hips extending it and making it roll into another one. And I felt tears in my eyes from so much pleasure. I collapsed on top of him and he lifted his hips, slowly thrusting inside me.

When I finally felt like I could breathe again, he rolled us over so he was hovering above me. He slowly moved in and out of me, and I needed more, I moved my hand to press him against me, but he caught my hand and gently tangled his fingers with mind before pinning it beside my head. His other hand went to my knee and bent and it that right there was that I needed; the slight change in position. I cried out in pleasure as he kept up his steady pace.

"Chase" I breathed out as he pushed my body higher and higher

"Brylee" he whispered back and pressed his lips to mine. He slid his tongue across my lip and I parted for him, he kissed me slowly and with so much passion it made my head spin.

"Let go sweetheart" he told me, and with one more thrust I arched my back into him and cried out his name over and over again. I came undone, my body withering in pleasure beneath him as he came apart on top of me. His hands tightened on my body as my free hand tightened in his hair.

He rolled his hips to prolong the pleasure for both of us, and what felt like hours later I finally got control back of my body, and we were both gasping for air. His forehead rest against mine and his eyes were closed, so I closed mine too and sucked in as much air as I possibly could.

He pressed his lips against mine before rolling off of me. His arms circled around my waist and he pulled me to his chest. I was already drifting off the sleep. Way past exhausted as Chase played with my hair.

The sex was amazing, but that last time was just completely mind blowing.