Dominating Desires Private Chapters

Chapter 4

Chapter Four

When I woke up the next day, my head was killing me. God this was bad. My whole body ached and I wanted to cut off my head, this was by far the worst hang over I've ever had in my life. Worse than the hangover's where I completely blacked out.

I kept my eyes closed trying to just find some sort of relief from the pain when I realized that there was something, or rather someone next to me.

My eyes shot to the figure and I yelled and pushed away from the body only to fall on the floor with a thud. My whole lower half hurt and I winced, the fall just made it way worse. And then I looked down and realized I was naked on the floor. I searched my memory for what the fuck happened last night.

Everything was fuzzy at first. When I saw Chase looking at me everything came flooding back; from drinking at the bar to the kiss, Him taking me against a wall the way he dominated me and smacked my ass raw, Him taking me from behind, the shower and then the slow coupling before falling asleep.

I put my head in my hands and groaned. This was bad, this was really bad. Worse than bad, it was horrible and I am so screwed, worse than last night. Because I can't hid from my brother, and when he finds out he's going to kill me.

"Good morning my little good girl" I looked up to see him smirking

"I thought that I was quite bad" I smirked when his eyes widened with shock; he thought I would blush and be all flustered, which I am. But god strike me down if show him that.

"That you were."

"This is bad. Why the hell did you let things get that far!" I yelled at him and he started laughing. I glared at him.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked

"Your reaction. Damn Lee, I won't be able to keep my dirty thought of your tight body for months" I glared at him more and he just laughed harder.

"Let's see if your laughing when Riley finds out his sober best friend fucked his completely drunk sister"

He immediately shut up. His eyes widened and his mouth opened and closed like a fish.

"Can't laugh when you're dead" I felt satisfied with myself.

"Oh god, don't tell him Lee. Please don't tell him!" he was panicking now, and it was nice to see him squirm.

"Lie to my twin? Are you insane? I think I'll call him now" I got up and moved to my phone, completely aware I was in the nude, but after last night, there isn't anything he hasn't seen.

"You wanted it just as much as I did" I took a breath to hide the blush

"And how much did I drink last night?" I crossed my arms, making my large chest look even bigger, his eyes flickered down to my chest and I could see his friend was more than happy with the site before him.

"Fuck, please. For the love of all things holy, do not tell him." he sounded desperate.

"We both know it's not a matter of if he finds out, it's when he finds out."

"Please Brylee" he begged

"Not so fun when you're not the one in control of the situation, is it?" I smirked.

"But he'll kill you too" he groaned

"No, he'll be pissed off. But sisters are a big no to best friends. Especially when you take advantage of them when their drunk"

"I was buzzed too when I came back in." he defended and I just shook my head.

"You had a drink, I had like ten! Try again"

"Were both consenting adults, nothing wrong with us having sex" he mumbled

"Tell Riley that, I'll give a speech at your funeral" I told him

"I will do anything if you don't tell him. My life is in your hands. If he finds out I lose him and what will happen to the company. Not to mention he'll plan a way to have me murdered without having to get caught"

"Should have thought about that before! You knew how drunk I was Chase!"

"I know. I'm sorry. I know, just please don't tell him"

"I'll keep it to myself" I told him and he sighed with relief "For now" he tensed back up. He looked like he was thinking something over and he stepped up to me

"Tell me you didn't like it" he looked in my eyes and I cocked my head to the side. His lips went to my neck and sucked on where I'm sure there's a mark "Tell me you didn't want it Brylee. Tell me it wasn't the best sex you've ever had. Tell me you didn't like it when I made you suck me, when I tied you up, when I took you over and over again. Tell me it didn't turn you on when I pulled your hair and smacked your sweet a ss. Just tell me you didn't want me last night and I'll go tell Him right now."

I didn't know what to say as he pulled my body closer against his with every sentence, because the truth was I couldn't, because all those things were true.

"Tell me you're not horny for me right now remembering everything I did to your tight little body. You were whimpering beneath me, begging for me to take you faster." His hand came down and smacked my a ss again. I groaned but otherwise stayed silent. "You liked it when I plunged myself into your sweet as s. And you know it"

"Chase you need to leave" I went to push him away. He was making it horribly difficult to think.

"Tell me you don't want me to take you up against the wall right now, and then bend you over and fuck you just as hard as I did last night." His lips still on my neck, it sent a shudder through my body at what he could do to me right now.

He grabbed my hair and pulled back, making me look in his eyes, they were dark with lust again as his member nudged my thigh. I was dripping for him right now. Everything he said was true, we both knew it.

"Tell me you want me Brylee" he pushed me against the wall. And I still said nothing. He pulled harder on my hair "Tell me to fu ck you right here, right now" he growled and my body got hotter at the primal animalistic side that was coming out. He was trying hard not to hold me down and take what he knows is his. We both know that right now, like last night; my body is his.

"Yes, Chase. I want you. Take me, please. right here, right now" and he picked me up and in no time he was buried deep inside me as I dug my nails into his already raw skin and yelled in pleasure at the sudden assault.

He thrust into me hard and fast just like he said he would and in no time I found myself arching my back and yelling out in climax but he didn't stop. He walked me to the bed and set me down "Hands on the mattress" He pushed my back down, so I was stand bent over my bed.

With his hands firmly holding my hips, he thrust into me again and again. His hand moved and he smacked my a ss over and over. I moaned louder every time his hand made contact with my body. I liked it, and he knew my body so well already. I dug my nails into the bedding and I came around him again. He turned me and threw me on the bed like a man with a mission. He put my legs over his shoulders and was in me for a third time.

He was so dominate and so in control that it was making me dizzy. The men I was with before were boring and when they touched me, it didn't make me this excited. I realized now that this is what I needed.

I needed my partner to be aggressive and dominating. But I was also so confused because last night the last time was slow and he was so gentle it made me want to cry and it still felt amazing.

Why oh why did this have to be like this with Chase! Those thoughts were pushed to the back of my mind instantly when he started running his hands over my body, but I wanted more. I reached down and played with my ni pples, pinching them as that sweet pain shot straight to my core. I watched his face and knew he was close, but I needed more. I need him to thrust harder, deeper, pull my hair, something. And I needed it desperately.

As if hearing my thoughts, one hand moved and tangled in my hair before he set it back on the bed, but this time it pulled my hair back hard.

"Damn it Brylee. Fucking give it to me now!" he commanded and I whimpered because I wanted to, not just for myself; for that release, but for him to so that he got what he wanted and needed, but I just couldn't.

He thrust harder, and I was painful how hard he was going, but his body was as desperate for release right now was mine was, so right before he came he reached down and pinched my clit. The mixture of pain and pleasure from my hair, nip ple, cl it and entrance just was too much as I finally yelled out in pleasure as I my walls milked him for all he was worth.

He released me and rolled to the side of me again then pulled me so I was straddling him, his hand pulled my head down to his and he kissed me hard.

"You want me Brylee. Your body needs me. Stop pushing me away and give into Me." he cooed in my ear and it was like a bucket of ice water. I let him last night, and I cannot believe I gave into him that easy again. I got off him and went to grab my robe.

"You need to leave, Chase" I told him and fire burned in his eyes when I covered myself and told him that.

"Give into me Lee." He said as he got off the bed "I know how to pleasure you" he took another step towards me "We both know it" he took another one and I was frozen with fear, fear of what my body would want.

"Out Chase" I pointed at the door but he didn't listen, he closed the distance.

"You've denied your body too long." He whispered

"Then I'll go get a toy" I told him and he laughed

"It will never satisfy you like do." He kissed the mark

"I'll find someone who can do it better" I said stubbornly as his hand brushed over his mark. He growled and pinned my wrists to the wall.

"You're mine now, Brylee Acosta." he warned

"No, I'm not. And unless you want me to call Riley, I suggest you let go of me and get out" I threatened and his eyes widened again, and he once again looked scared.

"Fine." He hissed though his teeth and gathered his clothes. It took three minutes for him to get dressed and leave, and when he did I let out a sigh of relief. I needed to get my head together and stay the hell away from him.

And I went and took another shower, a cold one. It seems like I'm going to need a lot of those. I need to find ways to avoid him and if he gets me alone, I'm so fucked. Literally. My body heated up again at that thought, but I quickly pushed it away.

Maybe a new man is what I need. Anything to keep my mind off of Chase.