Dominating Desires Private Chapters

Chapter 2

Chapter Two

He was trying to stay in control, but as soon as I tugged on his hair, that all went out the window. He pushed me roughly against the wall and pressed his lower body into mine. His hand shot to the back of my neck and held my mouth against his like he was afraid I would suddenly change my mind. He quickly dominated it and I gladly let him take control.

My hands went to the buttons on his shirt, and I undid them quickly before running my nails down his chest down to his abs and went to go undo his jeans. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the wall to stop me

"Don't" he told me and my eyes widened "Goodnight Lee" he stepped back and he moved to button his shirt back up and he walked out without saying anything.

I was frustrated. I was turned on and I wanted him to finish what he started, I really needed to invest in a toy. I've thought that so many times, but I think I'll do that tomorrow.

Well hell, if he's not going to finish the job, I have no problems doing it myself.

I lie down on my bed and let my hands travel down my body. I rubbed my hand around the inside of my thighs imagining it was chase's hands on my body. Then finally I moved and rubbed myself through the lace and groaned. It's been too long since I've done this. After a minute I slid my hand in my underwear and rubbed circles on my cl it and arched my back, the thought of how his lips felt on mine, and how they would feel all over my body came to mine. I rubbed slowly then speed up, changing things up, and when I felt it coming, I slowed back down.

But it wasn't what I wanted. I was panting and about to slide two fingers inside me when I opened my eyes. I jumped and moved to cover myself when I saw Chase leaning in the door way watching me. His eyes were wide and his mouth was open slightly.

I stood up and smoothed my dress down "I thought you left" I bit my lip and tried to just pretend he didn't see that. He took a step towards me.

"Seems like were having the same problem" His voice was low and husky, and I was getting more and more turned on the longer he was in the room, because honestly him watching me pleasure myself to thoughts of him turned me on more than I thought it could. I didn't say anything and he lunged at me, before I could process what was going on; I was back against the wall with his lips working roughly against mine.

His hands were digging into my hips and he was slowly grinding his lower half against me making me moan. I thought I was turned on before, but not like I was now. I grabbed his shirt and ripped it open, I heard buttons hit the floor. His hands went to my thighs and lifted me up, my legs wrapped around his waist and I pushed his shirt off, desperate to move this along.

His lips were on my neck and when he bit down on the crook of my neck I let out a loud moan. I had a thing for a bit of pain. When he grinded against me I couldn't take it anymore, he was so hard and I needed him.

I unwrapped my legs and he let me down. I pushed him back on my bed and undid his zipper before tugging them down. When I rubbed him through his boxers his member twitched and I wanted to have him. I pulled down his boxers and instantly took him all the way in my mouth.

"Fuck" he cried out and he hips jerked up. His hands tightened in my hair and I moaned.

"You like that?" he asked and pulled harder on my hair, and the moan I couldn't hold in confirmed that. "Suck me baby" he said, but it was more like an order.

I pushed him all the way in and sucked like my life depended on it. I moved back and traced my tongue around the ridge before sucking just on his head "Fuck Lee." He pulled me off and crashed his lips to mine.

I was straddling him now, and I grinded against him "Don't tease me" he told me and I did it again. He yanked my hair back and looked in my eyes "I told you not to tease me" he pushed me off him and stood up. He grabbed my wrist and walked over to the desk. "Get on your knees" the look in his eyes said not to argue, but I was me.

"And if I don't want to?" I asked he grabbed my hair again and pulled my face towards him and whispered in my ear.

"I know what you want Lee, and I also know how to keep you on edge for hours without giving it to you. I'll tie you to that bed and eat that tight pussy of yours, but never let you be fully satisfied before I bury myself in you and make myself feel good over and over, until you beg for me to let you come. Then only when you get on your knees like a good girl and suck me off will I give it to you. Now get on your knees and take me into that sexy mouth of yours. I won't tell again" he let me go and I got on my knees in front of him, looking up at him through my eye lashed.

"Show me what you want" he groaned and with his hands back in my hair he guided my mouth forward. I took him in my mouth and he pumped my head slowly at first, and then he got faster and faster.

He was thrusting his hips and pulling me down onto him at the same time, it was turning me on for him to be in control like this, it was what I was missing with the two guys I had slept with. I needed more. I dug my nails into his thighs and moaned to which he hissed out a breath through his teeth.

"You like sucking me don't you?" he asked and I nodded and mumbled in agreement before sucking him harder. He was leaning against my desk panting, and when I grazed my teeth over him and sucked back slow and hard, I felt him start to stiffen. He pulled my hair back but I just pushed forward again. His hips bucked wildly as he came, his seed shooting down my throat and I took it all.

I pulled back and cocked my head to the side just staring at him. His chest was rising and falling rapidly and he was just staring at me shocked. I bit my lip and he groaned

"What are you still doing down there?" he asked

"You told me to get on my knees, just following orders" It was hard not to smirk when his eyes got bigger, if that was possible.

"Stand up" I did as he said

He pressed his lips to mine again and only then did I notice the liquor on his breath

"I thought you said you didn't drink? And you drove!" I snapped

"I drank here, calm down." He rolled his eyes and I glared at him.

"Come here" he told me and I wanted to say fuck off, but I took those steps back to him. His nose trailed up my neck and he kissed behind my ear "You are so sexy when you're angry. Just say yes and I'll spend all night pleasuring you until you beg me to stop" goose bumps dusted my skin at his words.

"Decisions, decisions." I started "And how do I know that you can keep me satisfied?" I teased and he pinned both hands over my head in one of his and his other hand trailed down in between my legs.

His hands pressed against my clit and I held in a moan, his hands on my body felt ten times better than my own twenty minutes ago. He pressed his fingers at my entrance, but only barley dipped them in before he pulled them out and just rubbed around my entrance, teasing me.

"Just say yes Lee."

"And if I do?" I asked. He pulled his hands out of my panties and with his eyes locked on mine; he sucked his two fingers in his mouth. Well that's hot.

"Then I'll take you over and over again and taste your delicious body. I'll pleasure you so many times you'll beg me to stop."

"Promise?" I asked

"Yes, why. Did your last boyfriend leave you unsatisfied?" he joked and I just raised an eye brow and looked at him, and he seemed to get it.

"I promise you'll be well satisfied and exhausted when I get done with you" he winked and that was all I needed to crash my lips to his. He picked me up and my legs were back around his waist with his naked body pressed to mine. He tore at the lace material until he ripped my thong from my body.

With my dress bunched up at my hips there was nothing separating us now. He pulled back and thrust hard into me; I cried out in pain and pleasure and dug my nails into his shoulders. It's been awhile for me, but the pain just turned me on more. He stopped.

"Shit, did I hurt you?" he asked and I shrugged. "I'm sorry" he whispered

"Is this how you'll satisfy me?" I asked and he took it as a challenge. He took one step back so he was deeper and rolled his hips.

"Beg me to take you" he groaned and kept circling his hips, and it felt good, but it wasn't what I wanted, what I needed, and I was in no mood to be stubborn right now..

"Please Chase, I need you" I groaned desperately and he pulled back and slammed into me again and again, I was digging my nails into him and threw my head back moaning. He just started and neither of my ex's could make it feel this good.

"Harder" I yelled out and he dug his fingers into my skin some more and was pulling himself into me when I yelled out "faster" I needed more, I needed the friction, and I needed a release.

He adjusted and all but screamed out "Yes, right there. Chase! Yes, yes, yes!" and with one more thrust I exploded around him "Chase" I cried out and my body convulsed. He slowed down his thrusts and rolled his hips making it last longer until my orgasm rolled into another one.

He moved us from the wall and was desperately trying to get my dress off without dropping me, so I helped and pulled it over my head. His mouth honed in on my ni pples as we collapsed on the bed. He stated thrusting like a man gone wild. The way his body rubbed against mine was enough to send it to over drive again.

But I needed more, something else; I was right there and wanting to scream with frustration. He looked at me and I could guess he could see the desperation for that release on my face.

"Give it to me" he hissed out and leaned down and bit down on my nipple hard, I cried out and that was what I needed right now. I wrapped my legs around him and held on for dear life while I rode through the intense orgasm.

"My turn" he pulled out and flipped me over so I was on my hands and knees. And with his hands like death grips on my hips he slammed into me over and over again. It was so deep and hurt, but in a good way.

I was pushing back onto his di ck wanting more of it. I squealed when his hand came down and smacked my a ss, hard. And when I kept moving back on him his hand came down again, twice in a row and harder than before but I moaned at the sensation.

He pushed on me and I lost my balance and fell on my stomach and he slowed down "This time's for me. You will not come. Do you understand?" he asked and when I didn't reply his hand came down again and I whimpered, if he didn't want me to come, he needed to stop doing that. "Do you understand?"

"Yes" I told him.

"Good girl"

He placed a pillow under my hips and started up the fast pace once again. I could feel my body start to tighten, and I took deep breaths to try to calm down. "You. Will. Not. Come" he occupied each work with the hardest thrusts I've ever felt and a smack on the as s. That's going to hurt tomorrow,

"Please, please let me come. I need it Chase. God please let me" I begged. This position was not helping. His thrusts were so hard that with every one my nipples brushed against the bed and the stinging pain on my behind was a turn on, plus how deep he was. I needed him to let me finish.

"Get on your hands and knees" he ordered and I immediately did as he said. He wrapped my hair around his hand and jerked my hair up and I was frozen where I was.

"You're a greedy girl, aren't you?"

"Yes. Yes I am, please" I was having a really hard time trying to hold off now.

"Put your hands on the frame and hold yourself up" he told me and I braced myself. His hand still in my hair, he moved his other one around me and pinched my nipples. I was holding us both us, and I don't know how I wasn't falling on my face.

He was pounding into me and I was rocking back on him trying my best not to fall, this felt so damn good, I didn't want it to end.

He yelled out and I felt him stiffen before he was pulsing inside of me with his release. I wanted him more now than ever. I whimpered when he pulled out of me. I wanted; no I needed him back inside me.

"Chase" I whimpered again, damn I was so needy.

He ran his nose up my neck "Do you need me baby?"


"Say it" he nibbled on the skin

"Chase, I need you. Please"

"You are a greedy girl. I already let you come, already made you feel good."

"Please Chase. I couldn't help it" I moaned when he flipped me over and rubbed between my thighs.

"Couldn't help what?"

"How my body wants yours; craves it. I can't help but come when you know exactly what to do"

"Hm" he started stroking me, then pulled back and flipped me onto my stomach again. He my arms pinned as his lips started at my neck, he trailed them down my spine and licked and nipped the skin over my entire back.

God this was like torture, he already kept it from me once and now his lips are driving me crazy. I wiggled when he nipped at my cheek and sucked.

His lips trailed down the back of my legs, and then his tongue went up the inside of my thighs. His tongue flicked over my c lit and I moaned, wanting more.

He turned me over and once again licked and kissed up my legs. I squealed when he nipped at my hip bones.

"Stay still" he smiled and I took a deep breath. His mouth continued up my stomach and. I cried out when he flicked his tongue over each n ipple. I reached my arms up to hold him there when he pinned them down.

"Naughty Brylee" he chuckled and I groaned when he rubbed his member against me. His lips continued up my chest and neck. His lips pressed to mine quickly before he let my wrists go and pulled me into his lap. With a hand on each side of my face he peppered kisses on my forehead, cheeks, nose making me giggle.

"Such a beautiful sound" he smiled back and I blushed.

"Do you trust me Brylee?" he asked and I nodded. "Lay down" I did so as he stood up and went to my closet. When he came back my eyes were locked on the four scarves of mine he held in his hand. I watched him as he tied each arm and leg to the bed. He crawled on top of me and pressed his lips against mine hard.

He rubbed his hand against my core as he trailed his lips to my breasts and sucked each one into his mouth, rolling the nipple around with his teeth before continuing down my stomach.

I cried out when he finally made contact with my core. I wanted to wrap my legs around his head and hold him there. Being this exposed and open just made ever sensation amplified.

He licked up all my juiced before he plunged his tongue into me.

"Mm baby. You taste so good" he groaned and started sucking on my sensitive bundle of nerves. I was building fast and just when my or gasm was about to hit he licked me like his favorite desert before thrusting his tongue in my again, and just like that I was convulsing.

I didn't think it could feel any better until he moved up and thrust his huge length into me in the midst of it and I actually screamed. I wish I wasn't tied down because I needed to dig my nails into him, the pleasure was almost too much.

"Give it to me. Come now Brylee" he ordered and I did not need to be told twice. I called out his name as my orgasm shot through my body. He kept up his thrusts making me scream from all the pleasure he was causing. He was right that he could satisfy me.

And damn this boy, how long could he last, because I really was in need of a break, every orgasm was making my body overly sensitive.

"Come for me again Lee" he grunted

"No, it's too much. I can't" I yelled out and he stiffened before he yelled out in ecstasy. His hips jerking wildly as he came, he collapsed on top of me.

He took a deep breath and pulled out of me.

"I told you I wanted you to come again" he hissed out.

"I can't" I complained but he wasn't about to take no for an answer. He crushed his lips to mine furiously

"You will, and you'll like it" He moved down between my legs, but before I could protest his mouth went straight for my cl it and sucked. I screamed out wished I could tanle my hands in his hair.

His tongue went from my entrance to my bundle of nerves in one long lick. "Fuck" I hissed out.

"Relax baby. And just let go, I want to hear you" he moaned against me and the slight vibrations caused a moan from me as well.

His tongue flicked over me again and again before he sucked and then bit down gently. Then he moved to my entrance and swirled his tongue before plunging it into my body. I arched my back at the assault. It was almost painful.

When his mouth moved back up I whimpered, I needed him inside me.

"Stick your fingers in me" I begged

"Nope" was all I got

"Please Chase" I begged more and he pulled back and looked at me

"I'm going to get you off with nothing more than my mouth, and you'll like it, and then sometime tonight I'm going to take you over and over, and if you're a good girl, I'll let you come" he told me before going back to work with his mouth.

God this is what I needed. I needed him to dominate me, to be rough. I wanted him to tie me up and do what he wanted with me. I wanted him to talk dirty to me and make me beg. I know I shouldn't, especially since this was Chase, but right now I wanted him to fuck me over and over until I literally passed out in exhaustion.

Had the most talented mouth, and soon I found myself trying to press against his face as my body convulsed in another powerful org asm.

How right he was, he could definitely keep me satisfied, and I knew by the end of the night I would either pass out or beg him to stop.